FFXIV is not worse than New World. | Reaction to @Ginger Prime and @Zepla HQ | Gaming Kinda

FFXIV is not worse than New World. | Gaming Kinda
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#ffxiv #newworld #gamingkinda

@Ginger Prime post, I sped it up by 25%:

H was reacting to @Zepla HQ reacting to his 5 reasons New World is a better fit for him than FFXIV after he decided to be done with Final Fantasy.

This was WAY CUT DOWN from the discussion on twitch.tv/work2game
here are the segments of just the moments I was most opinionated about:
0:00 Introduction
1:10 Is FFXIV a World of Warcraft Clone?
3:10 Final Fantasy 11 was one of a kind?
4:40 Does New World fix ā€˜popularā€™ MMORPGs?
8:30 Why do things have value in New World compared to older games?
12:40 @Ginger Prime wants more forced player interaction.
17:20 What @Zepla HQ doesnā€™t understand about @Ginger World Gaming
19:50 Does matchmaking drive player meta?
24:20 Personal Bis is not Bis.
29:00 Why even play FFXIV?
31:00 Can FFXIV beat Guild Wars 2?
33:40 Nostalgia for old MMOs?
34:20 Why does any player need BIS?
41:40 Will New World ever add vertical progression expansions?
43:00 Pros and Cons of Matchmaking?
45:00 is Endwalker the same as Shadowlands or Dragonflight?
46:00 New World has BIS Fishing, does FFXIV?
47:25 @Josh Strife Hayes explained why, but imo MMOS need fishing.
48:00 I love @Ginger XIV Gaming and running @Work To Game with him, but please correct this.

FULL REACTION: https://youtu.be/rQggBRldp8c

Free trial of FFXIV: bit.ly/W2GFFXIVFreeTrial

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26 thoughts on “FFXIV is not worse than New World. | Reaction to @Ginger Prime and @Zepla HQ | Gaming Kinda”

  1. Sad part is He really would like to be in Bed with his Wife then be on Final Fantasy 14 at least that is what He should of said because in one of his Recent Video he goes We are having a 6 Child. I was going and where is 7,8,9 & 10th. Kids are hard to Raise and He would weather have 10 kids around the house then go to a Doctor and get fix. Like it or Not Sadly I call you Chris Work to Game and Brian is in the Background Being a Father with his 10 Kids like He really makes no time to even play Games let alone Run a Youtube Channel Oh yeah He has what 6 Youtube Channels. My point being Just because His Kids are young Doesn't mean when they become Teenage it's going to be a blast. So calling out World of Warcraft Clones or He better when He was playing FF11 is nice but to A lot of Developers are looking at the Past and not looking at what the new stuff gives us to improve on the Past. Like Really FF14 hard Im going to take care of my 5 Children ok .. Nvm Make that 6 Children. Jeeze

  2. Honestly, what it seems to me is that he's either burned out enough to not even care to try and pursue stuff he hasn't before and/or the game isn't for him from the start and he just hadn't found better. Most of his complaints don't apply unless you have a mindset of dismissal/cynicism which I do not believe is intentional but actions/words imply such attitude.

    Wish him all the best, if he has more fun in New World, that is great tho I suspect that once he plays less than 1/5th of the time that he spent on FFXIV, he will find similar flaws he's complaining about.. perhaps that's what works for him, after exploring a game he just needs to jump into a new game in a cycle, perhaps even returning for new content of old games, which is totally fine, no one signs an exclusive contract to play X or Y game for life.

    But here's the thing about it:
    – You do not need to make a big deal about it, you do not need to shit on a game and people's opinions of the game and be dismissive about it either, you can just… play whatever you want :p
    – Want to do content on how you love the new game? Do content about how you love the new game without being dismissive of people who enjoy the old one. (Especially if you don't really raid or do any completion of any kind and gameplay is extremely limited to very few things, some interesting standards there that he imposes on others but not himself.)

    A lot of this whole situation feels unnecessary, hope you guys do some discussion podcast because i think that would be more productive and possibly balanced than react to react of react of react. :p

    Regardless, I do like him, just i feel like he's lying to himself (my opinion, grain of salt here) about things, is just burned out of FFXIV and needed something new.

  3. I will say there can be different BiS according to a specific fight and party comp. However, most people don't have different gear according to specific fights. You go for the general BiS in most situations. The only people who chase fight specific BiS are extreme parsers. I can think they're insane all I want, but as long as they have fun, it really doesn't impact me. HOWEVER, those fight specific BiS load outs are still mathematically determined by spreadsheet and testing.

    I feel like what Brian talks about is less actual BiS, but just personal goals. "This gearset is what I'm aiming for because that's what i can get for doing fun content" is perfectly legit. So, that's BiS to him. I don't like that it turns BiS from an objective thing to a subjective thing. Feels like there's a better way to phrase or name it than saying BiS and confusing people.

    I also don't understand the need to get access to all rewards without doing the specific content to get the reward. I will never do 200 levels of PotD solo with no deaths. I will never get that title. That's ok. I do know if I ever change my mind I can go for it. I like when I see people with hard to get titles, mounts, etc. I think "man, that's so cool, they worked real hard on that." Sometimes, it inspires me to get into that content. I still really want to do Eureka, both for the Ozma mount and the triple triad cards locked within.

  4. He seems to be completely ignoring inflation in player driven economies. I remember the first month's sub I bought with PLEX in EVE cost me 300 million isk. These days it's like 2.5 billion isk for a month's sub. You can't take breaks in a player driven economy any more than you can from the real world economy. You can only frontload your work so when you come back and it's all lost value, you've still got a reasonable amount of wealth.

  5. I very much enjoyed some of your comments about Duty Finder. "Old school" type gamers sometimes bash match making in MMOs, blaming them for everything from destruction of the community to imposition of elitist gaming metas. But as you point out Duty Finder makes the game accessible to more people since it sets the bar as low as possible – it is the opposite of gate keeping or of meta in terms of gear or skill.

    One thing I found notable coming from wow was how early and often 14 throws you into Duty Finder – here go play with strangers – it'll be fine. You can't get past quest 15 in the MSQ without doing Sastasha, then Tam Tara, then Copperbell Mines. Vs in WoW where I knew people who had literally never done even a simple dungeon, much less raids or M+ with anyone outside of their guild or friends list. When people limit every gaming experience only to those they already know and trust I think that results in socially bad outcomes like the community being viewed as irredeemably toxic. On my alts I do see people partied up in low level content running lowbie friends through these dungeons and I often wonder why they do this – the community in 14 doesn't bite – you don't need a level 70 tank friend to take you through Copperbell, really you don't. Duty and Party finder in 14 both have their place (and these differ on different Data Center communities) but what it all comes down to is encouraging players to play together, often with people they don't already know and that's excellent.

  6. I gotta say… I feel bad for all the straight hate Brian has gotten, but man is he making it hard to be charitable towards him with every new video. It just feels like he is using specific mmo terms in a very different way than the rest of the community, not being able to explain the way he personally is using that language, and then using that gap in understanding as a way to dismiss people questioning him. It's like he is saying that the sky is purple and everyone is blind for not seeing it too and using that assumption as the foundation for everything else. I don't mind if he wants to criticize content or systems that don't affect him or that personally engages with, but if you do that you must be very careful and make sure that people can follow your thought process every step of the way and he has just been unable to do that effectively because of that gap in how the language is understood. And then he makes it even worse by assuming that the gap in understanding comes from people being conditioned by wow or ffxiv and not from the fact that he is using these very specific terms differently.

    Honestly gives me twitter discourse vibes and that never ends well for either side

  7. Tbf I think he should have just said ā€œ14 isnā€™t bringing in a reasonable amount of money, so Iā€™ve decided to jump on New World and banking on growth and the resulting streaming/YouTube money from itā€ because I feel the real reason is money and just the fact that 14 doesnā€™t have a very regular release of content (that we havenā€™t seen before) and that there are too many 14 content creators fighting over scraps to talk about. I think youā€™re slightly better off if youā€™re a hardcore raider streaming all day, and Brian isnā€™t that, and thatā€™s ok. I canā€™t know what heā€™s really thinking but I think he can see NW having a wealth of stuff to cover right now and potentially going forward that 14 has long already established, so there ainā€™t much to say about 14 that hasnā€™t already been said.

    I also feel that 14 has hit a financial wall and needs a lot more investment to diversify content wise and maybe SE donā€™t want to up the investment – they know all the costs if they have a templated release schedule with the same specific type of content so they can keep dev costs down to a minimum.

  8. Huh.. if he doesn't raid.. how does he do good controller guides?

    I set up my bars primarily based on what I need for raiding. Don't need a skill? It on the hard to reach button. Are there skills I need for raid and nothing eles? Yeah (How often do you knockback outside of raid?) .. I can reach them easy.

    It ain't hard to set up your bars if you don't need to optimise things.

  9. If there is one word that comes to mind when watching Brian's response to Zepla, it would be "entrenched". I've noticed that most, if not all, people reacting to Brian's initial video about leaving FFXIV made a comment about needing to try out 'X' game. On the other hand, it just feels like Brian has slammed the doors shut on finding potential fun in other games. Goodness knows, I absolutely love playing through MMOs, but I daresay I don't play WoW, FFXIV, New World, or GW2 quite the same as the person logging in after me. All of the games have something different to offer… I have a difficult time enjoying a particular type of gameplay in onegame, but I will enjoy something very similar in one of the others. I really enjoy the gathering in New World, the crafting, (plus the story, housing, and reusing older content) in FFXIV, and raiding + dungeons in WoW. It would feel so limiting to say, "Oh, I don't like 'X' 'Y' and 'Z' about that game; so, I don't want to play it anymore." Just play the stuff you enjoy, find a few friends in those games, and just have fun =)

  10. I really like Brian, but I wish he would have just said heā€™s leaving FFXIV because heā€™s having more fun in New World right now and wants to devote his time to that instead, and left it at that. He kinda said that in the beginning. I believe that all these other reasons are what is coloring his opinions. But the more videos that come out, it just feels like he has been making up reasons that he feels we should be satisfied with, rather than just saying, this is what I want to do. I donā€™t understand the need to say one game is ā€œBetterā€ or choose one game over another. I really didnā€™t get the need to make it this big announcement. As a viewer it feels like manufactured drama.

  11. Work to game was one of my gateways to ffxiv and I think Brian is a relatively nice guy but man he is out of touch with the reality. His takes on gaming make no sense outside his own opinion.

  12. @3:56 you're looking at runescapes popularity, yet how ever oldschool ruenscape (different mmo based on the old version of runscape) like classic wow is, is probably top 3-5 biggest mmo out there, its super grindy and oldschool.

  13. Being as objective as I possibly can, there's very little New World succeeds at over FFXIV. Content wise, really only open world and PvP. We can throw in player driven economy but FFXIV is also that, just in a different way.

    As far as WoW I think Brian does conflate clone with inspiration. Yes at its core both are similar (the roots) but the branches are not. They bave alot of differences too. Maybe he really meant to say inspiration? I think FFXIV hasn't really taken that much from WoW post Cataclysm though. But my point is, a clone is more of a 1:1 or at least close to it. A good example in my mind is Perfect World and Forsaken World. Practically the same game but different themes. That's not really the situation between WoW and FFXIV.

  14. Not trying to be toxic here.. but if Brian doesnā€™t interact with high end content, why is there a community around his controller guides? Thereā€™s no way his setups are optimized for true endgame content.

  15. I believe Ginger Prime's reasons for quitting FFXIV or being on a hiatus of sorts were great. From taking more time to spend with family (a father of 5/6, wow) and to focus on his comedy career which is cool. Personally, I also thought that we didn't need to know every exact detail and or reason why because we aren't entitled to know every personal aspect of his life and he did not have to answer to his base for such a personal thing, but to each their own. I still respect his decision nonetheless.

    What really bothered me was after that, he kept making videos explaining why FFXIV was bad or why New World is specifically better than FFXIV or simply including FFXIV in other videos for no legitimate reason. In my opinion, it made him look disgruntled at FFXIV, butthurt too, even if it was not intended.

    I posted on one of his videos addressing this because his title (I believe it was a guide for FFXIV players to NW) could easily come off as someone who has some kind of vendetta against the game and might start drama unintentionally. He did respond, but it was to inform me of a video of controller mapping, which is cool, but otherwise had nothing to say about the elephant in the room.

    Lastly, I said this before, but to each their own. I played New World. It has strengths and weaknesses like any other MMO. Is it better than FFXIV? In my opinion, no. Despite being almost a year old, New World has a lot of improvements it can make. It is still growing. One major problem I found was traveling about the map. It became asinine IMO.

    Either way, I respect his decision to move to New World, but he has to ween himself off of FFXIV and not find every avenue to complain about it or compare it to the next game you like. It just doesn't look healthy IMO.

  16. Dismissive and arrogant retorts seem to be Brian's typical response. Calling MMO's like WoW or FFXIV "MMO-lite' is kind of childish to me as he has done in various comments for videos. It's kind of arrogant – like whatever he likes must be the best. I find "collecting" to be hard – because it's boring for me. I find New World boring – because it mimics real life. I don't need a game to realize I need to make money – my mortgage payment reminds me of this every month.

    Also, I guess I'm a weirdo too since I like to raid because it's fun. And sometimes if a raid is fun I will do it multiple times and not care if I get BiS or not. If I didn't need BiS to clear then what's the point in getting it after? I just don't care. And constantly running content to "farm" BiS that I don't need? No thanks. I'd rather do achievement runs, other content in the game, or just play something else for a bit.

  17. Ginger Prime's statement that "matchmaking enforces metas" is probably one of the dumbest statements i've heard in a long time, he's so detatched from realitity just because he doesn't enjoy the game that is crazy. The matchmaker doesnt care about anything other than giving you 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 DPS. The players making parties in party finder are the ones how refuse to invite MCHs, or wont invite a 2nd SCH, or don't want to make a party with 4 phys ranged jobs. Players are always what determines metas.


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