I don’t think FFXIV is in a healthy place for PEOPLE WHO WANT TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. I thought the relic grind would solve this problem and I am clearly wrong as it’s another hunt train tomestone farm step.

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 FFXIV is NOT in a good State Right Now
0:54 FFXIV Players are NOT HAPPY
1:49 Too much catering to raiders
3:29 Endwalker is AFK in Limsa Expansion
3:53 Where is the casual content
4:46 Warframe moment
5:23 Bozja moment
5:56 Discount bargain bin items
7:10 Time to make people mald
9:51 Endwalker really dissapointed me
11:03 Touch Beach Sand



  1. 10 Years FXIV Vet here. I used to love the Game. But there is nothing to do for Veterans anymore, especially if you Main this Game. My whole FC is dead because there is no Content for us to do. This started in ShB but wasn't as bad as it is in Endwalker.

  2. I don't understand, are people not tired of grinds being just the same dungeons/alliance raids/fates they were already doing? Bozja was cool because it was new content, but at the end of the day its just fates and alliance raids. I come from a warframe background, played it for 6 years. Just because that games grind is so atrocious and constant, doesn't mean it should justify this game having more of a grind than it already does. For once I feel so relieved that the relic is respecting my time and letting me do other things. How is that bad at all?

    Rather than thinking XIV isn't healthy because of a lack of things to do, consider that it's probably unhealthier to obsess over that fact. You can do: Ultimate, Savage, Extremes, the crafter relics, level other jobs, level alts, make gil, get the blue mage morbol mount, do Eureka / Baldesion Arsenal for the glam and ozma mount, Delebrum Reginae Savage for glam and cerberus mount, ocean fishing, triple triad, anything gold saucer related, treasure maps, hunt trains, fc events, even visit a roleplay venue if you care for that.

    And if you have already done, or dont want to do any of those things listed- there is no NEED to play the game every day. A big thing that this community used to advertise is that it respects your time and that you can play whenever you want, and pick up the game easily even after a long break. Wheres the mention of that now?

  3. If they just added more rewards to criterion and variant dungeons and the new potd eureka thing, then the game would be better off. That's the thing they made content we can't grind. Which is dumb bc cosmetic stuff has to be easier than making a new bozjan front!!!

  4. I agree actually. I dunno how or why, but this expansion has felt like its seen the over simplification or dumbing down of a LOT of content. Interesting dungeon mechanics being removed/replaced for simple AoE fields, jobs becoming more shallow, relic weapons are just a tome stone dump, etc. Even the carbuncles were lobotomized for Hydaelyn's sake! In previous expansions there was something for people to work toward together whether it was Eureka, Ishgard's Firmament, and more! I really hope this is just a problem limited to Endwalker and future expansions will see a layer of "complexity" re-applied to the game. But that's just me. haha

  5. I really don't get it because imo I feel like there is so much to do. Compared to shadowbringers patches… endwalker added new content as well as just having of the standard.

    We got two ultimates this time around. Criterion dungeons(which still needs work reward wise but it's new content.) Island sanctuary and many more.

    I think the reason people are getting upset is because the relic isn't a grind which is odd because that's what people complained about before. Just like they complained about bozja.

    You aren't going to please the whole fanbase when it comes to mmos. You either get praise for not adding fomo or get complaints when there isn't "new content."

    Solution? I honestly think people need to change their perspective on what an mmo should be for them. If people played other games alongside them people wouldn't burn out or complain about the balance of fomo/content.

    I think my opinion was reaffirmed when I watch this other youtuber talk about WoW and FFXIV and what it means to have "fun" in a video game. Are you logging on to do a system or are you logging on to have fun? Which is why i think the base way to consume these types of games is in a free manner. I think its healthier too but, I'm not here to tell people how they should enjoy the game. I'm just analyzing the situation and offering a different point of view.

  6. I think there's some non-flame nuance that should be added in there.
    The relics are kinda meant to be casual content, long, unskilled largely, and time consuming, content method aside; I do feel like the tomestone x2 step is a bit disappointing but everyone seems to completely discredit the rather nice Hildi content that came with it.
    I do strongly believe we're lacking a little 'repetitive casual' content because I'm not sure variant/EO dungeons fill that gap, and I do believe the hardcore peeps got spoiled a bit, if V/C had been a bit more of a hit, and EO had been a bit more off-the-exact-formula maybe I'd hold a bit of a different opinion.

    To qualify myself a little bit.. I'm frequently told I could do savage/old ultimates, but am an old employed fart with irregular play times so ….hardcore casual? casual hardcore? I dunno, regardless; I'm slowly grinding my way through the entire games content selection below that which requires significant time in groups with more than 3 people (I don't really wanna PF stuff which IS an option I'm aware of, and that's just personal taste due to being an ooooold MMO player where statics were the way), there will come a point where I exhaust all that content, but unless you been going hard for a good couple of expansions you're probably okay if you aren't just looking for combat content.

    Could it be better? Hell yes.
    Is it terrible? Nah, I don't think so.
    Will it be bad if this is kept up like this for the next expansion? – Yea, it'll be disasterous.

    I think I can summise this perfect.
    Endwalker is equal to Heavensward as 'current content'. They are VERY similar expansions in times of content delivery and type.
    So if you has issues with Endwalker you have issues with Heavensward.
    Now watch the hardcore fanbois mald 😛

    *I did play relatively hardcore in ARR and the beginning of HW until RL slapped me and made me adult more.

  7. So….we are going with the nobody complained about relics steps being grindy in the past now? Wanna know something funny? I knew this would because being compulsive complainers and massive drama queens is what gamers are all about nowadays.

  8. So, I've played almost every single week, for 10 years straight, starting with the very first day of ARR launch with only maybe two major breaks. I somewhat agree with what you're saying, but here's my take on it: FFXIV prides itself on being the MMO that "values your time", it's something Yoshi has talked about numerous times. They don't want to bog the game down with tons of overly grindy content. And he's mentioned that he wants the game to be the type of game where you CAN take breaks. He's actively encouraged the players to go do something else, play other games, go for a walk…whatever. So when you look at it from that perspective, all I can really say is you can't really have it both ways. It's really hard, I imagine, as a dev team, to strike a perfect balance between making a game that users can feel good about taking a break from without "getting behind", and making enough content to feed the content hungry masses. Sometimes, they hit that nail perfectly, and sometimes they miss just a bit. Being a long-time player, I have no idea what it's like to suddenly experience content drought and be upset because it's all I've ever known. This game has content drought. Period. It's the trade-off for not having it be a soul crushing grind fest. It ebbs and flows like a wave on the shore. I've learned to take it in stride. When the content is there, I'm playing. When it's not, I take a short break. NBD. But I think whats nice about how they structure patches in this game, is while you can't count on a neverending fountain of content, what you CAN always count on is consistency in the release of content. You can comfortably expect that you will see a patch in X-amount of time from a given point, and you will have something to do again. As for your specific gripes about the lack of a Bozja-equivalent to fill your time, I hear you, but I counter that this relic series was the Dev team trying something different. And it's obviously VERY different. For some, like you, it's going to be a fail – too empty, or what have you. For others who just wanted to see something different besides another diadem (yes, diadem used to be a relic zone, it got repurposed), Eureka, or Bozja, it's a breath of fresh air. It's also worth noting that we're right at the beginning of this relic series, so it's a bit premature to start saying this one is "too easy." To me, it seems like most of your complaints can be boiled down into being upset that there isn't a place like that for relics (so far) this time. And I think your complaint is valid. And I get wanting something to do, BELIEVE ME, TRUST ME, I GET IT. Omg the content drought…lawd. But again, it's a hard balance to achieve between "we want our players to take breaks. We literally don't want them to have something to always feel like they have to do in order to not be behind!" And, chucking a mount-everest-sized pile of content at you to grind.

    Lastly, I think it's a bit of a stretch to say, "I think most people agree that this expansion is a failure". We all live in echo chambers. We surround ourselves with like-minded people to bolster and support us, and few of us venture outside those zones. It's really easy to tell yourself your opinion is the majority opinion with the chamber is echoing your sentiments back to you, be they friends or family or whoever, but that's where we become deluded in those echoes. Subjectively, that's what you believe. But Factually, this has been one of their most successful expansions. Just because you know a lot of people who have unsuited because they're bored doesn't mean that's how everyone feels and that the expac is a "failure".

  9. Most people hated the grind, just because you can’t no life doesn’t mean it’s bad. This grind amount is great, especially for people with multiple jobs.

  10. Dude wtf is wrong with u so basically u just want to just play the game nonstop dude that's not healthy!!! I swear this community is full on mmo neckbeards who have no life!!! And btw what about all the hours u spent on the game are those not enough for u, I swear u guys are gluttonous u just want to get more and more stuff but u don't think about the stuff that u got!! Just go out and touch some grass instead of complaining, I love how ff14 actually let me leave my house and do something else instead of being in door all day or let me catch up on another amazing single player games like just recently I have been getting into the Xenoblade series, finished Xenoblade 1 last year and this year I am in Xenoblade 2 I am in 27 hours in and loving it, and then u gonna make excuses saying I pay subscription for this game and yet I have nothing to do shut up the fuck up!! There is something called cancelation and sub is really not that expensive it less then a meal in a fast food restaurant, so that's is not an exuses ff14 players are just full on neckbeards who just want to play the game all day, when ff14 devs doesn't want that they care about u, I swear when we say someone care about u u guys take that as an insult so u want to play all day until u fall smh

  11. So SHB was when I started playing and Bojza was fun, grinded out my jobs there, did all the weapons. This relic grind feels cheap so far, like they just phoned it in. It's great for my personal time, that means more time for other games, like grinding out my Splatoon 3 battle pass, or grind the splenderous weapons which will be more effort than this. Maybe I'll continue on with Eureka if I don't have anything to do before 6.4.

  12. I dont think it´s the game at the core, but more so the burnout is finally catching up to all the people, especially all the newcomers over the past years and the massive increase over Shadowbringers and Endwalkers where the servers were flooded with people. But the game is also in a weird state right now and could improve a lot as well. This is what happens if one person ties their very being and life into one virtual world, if you quit or dont "keep up/play" as much, it feels very offputting at first. "Take a break or chill" is the way and sounds easy, but it´s sometimes weird to let go of something that you literally dedicated so much into.

  13. Was talking about this with my boyfriend the other day, although we love Endwalker and the MSQ, side-contentwise this has been the biggest slog for FFXIV yet. As much as everyone thinks SB was the weakest expansion, we had THE BEST side-content during those days where we were introduced to Eureka, we got a deep dungeon (HoH), introduced to BLU, Omega raids, Ivalice 24man, and even for a short while we had Diadem. Game started feeling slow in SHB which we figured was fine since it was developed during the pandemic, but now it feels like it is at a snails crawl. Although the quality of the story for the side content has been great this time around, the content itself is simply not holding up nearly as long as it should especially since they extended the amount of time between patches. Making relics completable within 30 mins twice in a row is a really bad move, we could afford it back in ARR when full patches came out almost every 3 months but SE needs to rethink their strat.

  14. A lotta people mentioned, but here it is again

    Maybe the game has always been designed with a "people have limited time due to job, school and responsability" mindset

    Yoshi-P always has been advocating to unsub if you run out of things to do or get burned out, and come in a later date fresh and ready to go!

    That and maybe don't hardcore grind things and take it easy, lots of people do the mistake of rushing things and overly optimizing the crap out of things (like Island Sanctuary) and then they "run out of things to do"

  15. It’s time for us to admit Yoshi and co are stretched too thin working on XVI too. This expansion is clearly suffering. Why not tie the new relic steps into the criterion dungeons? Something ANYTHING to get us to run some of this old and new content.

  16. I joined during shadowbringers and Endwalker being the first expansion that i played through at max level and caught up everything beside the story was a let down. DRK (my main) got no love whatsoever and sucks in a large part of the content i do (casual stuff like dungeons which are NOT IRRELEVANT. I enjoy them and it is the main content for 95% of the player base)
    Gearing still sucks and there was very little to do as I just didnt enjoy the island.
    I hope next expansion will be better but I am very doubtful as they will have a lot on their hands with the visual changes already. Sad times honestly

  17. I’ve always been a fan of savage/extremes (never really progressed far in ultimates) but coming back now after almost a 1 year break I find it hard to stay subbed for a full month. The gearing progression is absolutely garbage, there’s no other challenging content outside of the newest extreme which I cleared within my first week back to the game. All the other side activities like pvp, island sanctuary, housing, etc. are just not my cup of tea. I wish FF would implement some sort of system similar to M+ in wow where you can constantly feel like you’re progressing as to start fresh in the savage tier is useless at this point. I feel like if you don’t have time to do savage and don’t like playing house/dress up sim you should then this game is pretty worthless. It’s a shame that it’s come this as I’ve logged over 2,500hrs into ffxiv and it’s my all time favorite mmo and most played game in my entire life. I really hope that next expac the developers listen to the players and implement some new systems in the game, so we casual players can do something meaningful and progress our characters.

  18. Ultimates are really the worst thing they added to the game. It causes elitism and toxicity in the community. Regular savage is hard enough, other than that, just take a break or do something else in the game after you clear savage.
    The mentality that people want a hard challenge is not really true, most only want to have the achievement and exclusivity of it. Proven by the tool assisted clears.
    It's also a huge waste of development time that should really be spent on something else benefiting the whole player base.
    It was one thing to add ucob back in the day, and then later another one. But now 2 ultimates in 1 expansion, so 1% of the playerbase can pretend they are better than the majority of players, it's kinda disgusting as a concept.

  19. If you burned out Zepla you are doing something wrong. Maybe when 16 releases they can focus better. Because frankly SE is not doing well financially beyond FF14 so they need to get their shit together or the company is in trouble.

    I'd question if the devs really do know though. They seem thoroughly comitted to this path they are on.

  20. It’s so funny to me that I’m starving for XIV content and very mad about the day 1 relics for tomestones while also playing warframe xD was so surprised to see another xiv player playing warframe gives me a dopamine hit for the lack of a grind that XIV is supplying right now

  21. "Waa, nothing to do!"

    >ultimate raiders being made to wait for two years for DSR
    >Eden's Verse raiders being stuck with the same tier for 11 years.

    Casuals can deal this time.

  22. I haven’t subbed in like three months because I was waiting for this next stage of relics so beyond disappointed that it’s a day 1 login and claim reward…. Some of my best memories were joining light farms on PF or doing eureka and bozja in voice chat with the boys now there’s no reason for me to login… I might as well just wait until next expac hype train and finish everything the month before expac releases


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