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#MattyK #ff14 #ffxiv




    “Do you know why PVP is garbage water down casual and doesn’t have Fomo rewards? Your fault. Now you only get adventure plates, every season, so don’t complain”

  2. Say it louder for those in the back!

    I swear I'm tired of seeing everyone jumping on the "14 is dying" trend. Really feels like it's for clicks these days and those doing it are the ones who wither have played religiously 10 hours a day or those playing since the very early ARR days.

    I believe there is a lot to do, but then again I'm a new player who came in during the times of 2021. However, take a break. Talk to people. Fill out your logs or collect some achievements for a big grind if you want one.

    For me, I'm happy with the game. Are there things it can do better? Yes. But no game is ever perfect.

  3. It HAS been desperate and thirsty lately with the GAME IS DYING EVERYONE HATES ENDWALKER trend but as a Balmungian since 2.0, I guess I never see the evidence. 😂 24/7 smallish queues and once you’re in any of the main cities it is absolutely thick with people. (With exceptions to like… Rhalgr’s Reach and Eulmore :P). I typically play from 11:00pm EST til like 3 and the only long ass queues I see are for Rival Wings.

    If you’re personally bored, play another game for awhile like Yoshi-P says.. but if you make your entire identity playing FFXIV 10 hours plus a day no shit you are gonna be burned out with less stuff to do, it’s less of a fault of the game and more of a fault of you. It feels like a kid who comes across a new webcomic and reads 10 years of stories in one week and then gets mad that the upload schedule is weekly, we’re deep in the midst of that good good binge culture

    I mean this is the kind of thing that elicits strong feelings one way or another, but I really just don’t personally see it. Consistently over 150 people on my friends list because I like to be social and for every person that stops playing for awhile for any number of reasons, I see new sprouts. Whenever I feel like doing roulettes, I still constantly get the tomestone bonus for first time completion… I dunno, game seems as alive as ever and way healthier than 4 hour queues

    Obviously everyone’s experience/opinion is gonna be different to some degrees, but constantly seeing clickbait “game is on death’s door ☠️” thumbnails is silly. I guess it’s just the other side of the coin from every streamer suddenly going “FFXIV IS THE BEST EVER HERE IS A THUMBNAIL OF ME CRYING” back during ShB, one person sees someone getting them hot hot views and the trend continues

  4. Is that why we got a.dumb headgear?.I mean we always got headgear except ShB but that feather one that just floats and is just bleh. Mount was a better reward than another crown or what we got in EW.

  5. Lol! Truthfully, this video summarizes what I want to say to most people who whine so much about "terrible content" or "content is to hard" or "we don't like Bozja" or "to grindy" or to "people who does play it every day and we have no content to do" etc etc. Thank you 😀

  6. its not, content creators are just burnt out and refuse to do older content they havent done and/or refuse to take a break from the game to enjoy other things.

    Also the relics are optional, they dont need them for end game raiding, island sanctuary is supposed to be casual- which is why its time gated but people still try minmax to cap in the first day, which is dumb.
    They burn through all the varient dungeon routes day 1. Burn the msq day 1.
    basically they burn all of the latest content on patch day and then wonder why they are burnt out. I know of someone already rank 25 in the latest pvp season, how? i dont fucking know.
    but hey, all the more power to them because as soon as the player count drops a few days after patch my ping improves.

    And for those who "cant" take a break because they have to warrent a sub upkeep to keep a virtual property in game (housing), they wont do content they havent done?
    Do you know how many end game players i know of who refuse to touch Eureka? Palace of the dead? I've asked some end game savage raider friends if they wanted to work on the Heavensward relics with me since they need a variety of EX runs, or if they want to learn Bozja and they say it sounds boring and wont do it.

    Asking them if they want to learn bozja is honestly the worst because they see me running the raids in them over vc and ask if they could join, i tell them how to unlock them, they respond "nevermind".
    But then complain there isnt any content post -EW patch cycle and how bored they are.


  7. Yeah, it's all just content creators losing their relevancy, so they all jumped onto the "hot" topic of "game is bad and dying"… What gets me is that Xeno himself said when reacting to the recent patch notes that he does not engage with a LOT of what they are adding/updating because it doesn't interest him…. It actually surprised me a bit to hear a content creator who plays XIV actually admit he doesn't do like 60% of the content on offer. Really gave me a new perspective on the situation: it's not that the game is in a bad state, it's that these content creators do only specific things for views and don't actually take in all the game has to offer for, you know, the fun of it.

    I myself just got my wife into the game and have been helping her get through ARR (it's her first MMORPG experience), and it's been a lot of fun for me to see her go through content I cleared a decade ago (even if it's been altered to save time). I cannot wait to witness her experience Heavensward for the first time. Outside of that I am doing the new PvP series and grinding out mounts that I do not have, but I also recently capped all jobs and am working on capping all crafters/gatherers for the first time ever… The cool thing is that if done right, I should have my wife caught up for Dawntrail right on time, but I also should have absolutely everything capped out and (hopefully) I'll have the mounts I am working on acquiring. This game is so content-rich that in my decade of playing I have not once ever even had the thought that "damn there's nothing to do, I legit have done it all" or "game is dying"… I still have a queue on Ultros when I try to log in lol.

    TL;DR – content creators are doing their thing, creating content for views. Unfortunately the hot item of the month is "FFXIV is bad right now/dying"….


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