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8 thoughts on “FFXIV is CRUSHING WoW's Last Hope”

  1. I think the other important factor here is that FFXIV is designed for the player to have the freedom to unsub if they run out of things they want to do. Yoshi-p has said many times he doesn't like the idea of forcing players to ONLY play their game.

    It boggles my mind that some critics of the FFXIV end game want something they can sink 100% of their time into. If you run out of content…play something else till next patch?

    If you take a break from wow you feel like you're actively penalized. I never feel that way stepping away from FFXIV.

  2. I think there's really something cool about small group sizes if u clutch and save the group somehow. I hope to see more small group content in mmos that isn't insanely easy in the future. Dungeons in a lot of games have become this random-Q'd super easy faceroll stuff and you can't make any cool plays if that's that case D:

  3. Regardless what Square does.. ill keep insubbing to ff14 because of their horse shit combat and server tick. Nothing comes close to WoWs combat and smooth gameplay. I wished Blizz took queues from SE when it came to content draught, more things to do is always welcomed. But no game that i have played feels good as WoW.

  4. The worst part about WoW is that the majority of devs simply do not listen to feedback or trust the players actually do know what they want. They believe what they come up with will be liked eventually. And when people don’t and they quit, they try to fix the broken thing during the last leg of an expansion while also throwing a new shiny thing with that six month sub.

    They also think that by making the most insufferable, near mandatory daily grind = “this will make them feel the sub money is well spent.” It isn’t. For me it’s a tedious, low paying job with little rewards and a feeling of not being appreciated or valued by my employer.

    In the 16 years I played this game, not once did I ever feel like they cared about the players. During the first two years after launch there was a sense of passion in the devs to make the game better, but it never felt like it was in a “how can we make this fun for the players” and more like “how can we keep players addicted and logging in everyday?”

    Aside from that, for me, Mythic+ completely destroyed the community for me. It became a mandatory thing for raiding and it’s content I didn’t like or care for. It’s one of my least favorite offerings in the game, yet I was removed from raiding teams because I refused to push keys. Went full time LFR casual, tried to play more for the story, but they had to ruin even the lore of the game and continue to double down on their awful narrative decisions.

    WoW stopped being fun for me, but I truly hope that people can continue pressuring them to make better game design and narrative choices.

  5. ff14s pvp is a joke though. id rather pvp in wow any day even if im out geared. atleast its reponsive. i love ff14 but saying its pvp or raiding is better is just ignorant. the reason people hate wow is you have to do a bunch of time gated garbage in the horrible open world. to even get into the only fun parts. I.e raiding.


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