FFXIV is an Easy Game

Only my opinion is correct and you are all wrong.

Thumbnail made by: https://www.twitch.tv/spudnickmkii


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38 thoughts on “FFXIV is an Easy Game”

  1. how dare they talking shit about my gray purse…
    no mercy from 20s into 8 charges gonna be fun, but if they do change it, its probably like 10s 4 charge but with higher %… so u can gnashing fang double down and be done… burst strike goes brrrr

  2. I play RPR, and outside of some optimization stuff, it's super easy (my ex-tank main brain is delighted, though). I kinda want SE to nerf our potencies or buff other classes to push higher numbers, because that means there will be less RPR players and I won't have to share Arcane Circle.

  3. I can get behind this 100% and it was honestly a shock when I first joined how close the classes were, so when I heard about "Oh BLM and SAM aren't top DPS they need a buff" I was shocked that they fell off but decided to look at the logs and outside of looking at the very top and looking at the very bottom where it was an 8% difference I was just scratching my head why people were in such an up roar that BLM and SAM were like 3rd and 4th instead of 1st and 2nd, the only one that seemed to flat out need a buff was dancer looking at numbers but I also know jack shit about dancer so I figured dancer mains would speak up if it was a real problem, the only job I still feel strongly about in terms of changes is DRK cause it just feels like all it has going for it is its look and no real unique game play loop compared to the other 3 tanks, maybe that'll change but we will see. For now I'll enjoy my edgy boi and his holy knight off role

  4. We had our raid leader and a member blow up at eachother because that static member kept complaining about how P1S mechanics were easy, while getting clapped by aoe's.

    Said static member also complained about how FF14 was too easy.

    Said static member is now no longer a static member.

  5. tell me friend all the time i cant play healer, he said yea its prob too hard for me, but in reality im too fking lazy to pay attention to teammates mistakes and hp bars. He can continue complaining when people make mistakes. enjoy my clown friend.

  6. I get memed on for playing dragoon. I don't play the most efficiently but I wanna raid, especially since i finished endwalker. Playing this alone kinda sucks. But hey, I like dragoon! So its all good ig

  7. it really feels like this discussion just needs to happen every time an expansion releases or new hard 8-man content gets added to the game. the personal damage of each job really doesn't mean anything because pretty much everything is tuned to be cleared with pretty much any party comp so long as people aren't just freestyling their rotation, and if there does end up being a large enough disparity between two job's dps that Isn't Intentional due to How Jobs Are Designed, since minor patches happen frequently enough in this game as they do, They Can Just Fix It In A Patch. Also regardless of their motivation, the buffs > nerfs approach is awesome. It's awesome when it's the approach in stuff like fighting games and even moreso in pve games because realistically, everyone wins since the competitive aspect in pve games is usually just some weird shit on the side that some players feel is necessary to stroke their ego. As you said in the video, if you want to be a slave to the meta just do that and get the small extra dps that you get from doing that, but if you want to play the job that you like, just play the job that you like.

  8. Thank you for 2:33! As a SMN main I never understood why people said SMN was hard to play before Endwalker. It's always been easy to play, just now in Endwalker our rotation is a lot more smooth and a lot less clunky.

  9. Quite a long video complaining about people who complain about things.
    You're right though, if you learn your basic rotation and know how to manage your resource gauge for a job, you can clear all normal content. I don't want it to be harder, otherwise we'll be back to vote abandoning sastasha like in the ARR dark times.
    Also, reminder that fflogs suffers massively from selection bias. The 50th percentile in the rankings is probably still the 95th percentile of the general active playerbase.

  10. As one of the last healer mains on the planet, may I complain about Sage not being the healer equivilant of Gunbreaker? Healing in FF14 is so stupidly easy at this point and it could have all been fixed if we just got one slightly more complex/exciting healer. Sage feels like they tried to do that without making it harder to play. So they basically made it really convoluted and hard to understand but still made it play just as simply as all the other healers. It's clear that they will never make a complex healer and neither will we get a rework.

  11. I never understand why people say new SMN is easy and old SMN is hard, It's something I've been thinking about a lot. I mained SMN in previous expansion and it really wasn't that difficult. I think it comes from SMN being figured out before and still being figured out now. Previously there were a lot of resources giving 2-4 minute rotations and lots of details on all the little nuances of the job. Now that the job is completely different, there aren't a lot of resources on it yet, so people have to figure it out for themselves and it's pretty easy. The thing is that figuring out old SMN by yourself was also pretty easy. The hardest part was managing tri-disaster cooldown and resets while managing aetherflow to use fester while your DoTs are up. Aside from that it's just spamming Ruin III with the occasional RuinIV or Egi assault. You could plan out your movement tech, or you could just spam Ruin II for unlimited movement tech at a minor DPS loss.

    I also find it equally hilarious and infuriating that people will biblethump parsed dps charts for job balance while completely ignoring that those charts are extremely zoomed in. If you have the charts actually start at zero the lack of difference becomes much more clear. The only thing I don't agree with is nerfing reaper vs buffing other melee dps. If reaper feels like it's in a good spot and the dev team is willing to put in the effort, it makes sense to buff other melee dps jobs up to reaper's level.

    Overall I love this video and it's the reality check that a lot of the community needs

  12. I think you just don't understand.
    Paladin is literally the only job in the game that I think should get a raise but doesn't. Do you not see my suffering?
    They even had the audacity to make Requiescat more convenient so I don't have to worry about missing the time window of my spells.

  13. its not just video games. My first job was at a bowling alley, and the whining was at LEAST as bad. NOTHING was ever the customer's fault, it was always the lanes weren't oiled right, or they need a better ball, etc. Never mind the fact that we specifically designed the oil pattern to "steer" the ball for them, if they had a good night it was because they were awesome. If they had a bad night it was anything and everything except them.

    Personally, I think games like FF should have some jobs with similar aesthetics but a lower skill floor and a higher skill ceiling(e.g. DK and DH in WOW. Not sure which of these is more difficult as I never played DH). Some players will prefer the harder job for the challenge, while some will prefer the ease of the other, but both can be satisfied with looks, play style, etc.

  14. The amount of sages still hard casting dosis 2 the whole pull while 6 mobs beat me in dungeons is fun.

    Side note unless ur a physical range or Paladin atm really shouldn't be complaining about damage and even then it's kinda weird consider most of those jobs bring good utility

  15. The post Raiju abilities not only dive but they animation lock you too. Nice of you to forget that while youre calling it 'less clunky' somehow.

    Normally I wouldnt care and Im here for the entertainment but you're cutting out information that's important to the situation. Consider that saving up double raijus used to be one of the most flexible moments for a NIN and now between the forced combo (I agree were it just this that'd be fine and would add some nuance with how they made it work) but more importantly the forced dive and animation lock, it plays clunkier.

    Also consider NIN is just showing poor damage numbers at the moment so perhaps the NIN community is just upset about that too.

  16. I remember back in StB when everyone was convinced that dark knight was complete shit and couldn't even think to compete with paladin and warrior, and then the world first UWU clear had a dark knight OT who played it because he liked the job! none of this shit matters, it's not like we're in HW where half of paladin's defensive actions might as well have not existed or black mage got completely shit on by summoner


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