Hello everybody, in today’s video i will be showing you how to do Maelstrom Hunting log rank 1. Final Fantasy XIV is fun and i’ve been enjoying every second of it while i get the change to get online and play. Also just to let ya’ll know Final Fantasy 14 and some of the addons in the game is also on sale as well until August 13th check it out at their webiste! If you enjoy the video please take a second to subscribe and like, it will help me SO MUCH as i am trying to provide great content and upload AT LEAST 2-3 videos a week!
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#MaelstromHuntingLogsRank1 #ffxiv #finalfantsy14 #huntinglogrank1 #huntingrank1 #maelstromhuntinglogguide
0:41 – Amalj'aa Hunter
1:32 – Heckler impo, doctore, and firemane
5:22 – Sylvan Groan and Sylvan Sough
6:12 – Kobold Pickman
7:31 – Amalj'aa Bruiser
8:18 – Ixali Straightbeak
8:54 – Ixali wildtalon
9:37 – Conclusion
Thanks for watching please like and subscribe if this helped ya 🙂
Great guide man helped me finish my log in under 20 minutes appreciate it!
tyvm nice 🙂
thanks bro
thanks a lot!
Helped a lot man, thanks
Thank you so much, bro.
Thank you for these!
Super helpful and to the point. Are you going to be doing other hunting logs?
Great guide, really helped my out thank you
great guide. thank you very much!
Thanks. I couldn't find Oakwood
Amazing guide! Thank you!
Good job!
Omg thank u so much!!! It was so clear and detailed!!!
Thank you so much I was so lost
thank you so much 🙂