THE SAME END AGAIN AND AGAIN — Quoting a Particular FFXIV Boss. Another week has gone by which means another ff14 housing bidding period has came and gone! Thousands of players woke up today to learn that they in fact have not obtained the housing plot of their dreams… This cycle of sadness is just so sad!
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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV
0:00 FFXIV Housing Another Week has Passed
0:48 Player emotions and failure
1:42 House Winners shouldn’t feel bad either
3:36 Those who failed to get a house in ff14
6:34 The cycle of defeat of housing bids
7:23 Concluding Thoughts
As a certain FFXIV Boss said… "THE SAME END AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Your best chance to get a house was to move to Dynamis and bid. In the first round, most people only bid on houses with no bidders. There were still private houses left on the second round too. Yeah, you have to DC travel to do content, but at least you would've had a house.
I'm more amazed that there are that many players with 50+ million gil to throw at a plot.
YouTubers when they win the house they wanted: 😊
YouTubers when the lottery system does what it's meant to do and awards a lucky player that isn't them (Lol, in all seriousness I'm just happy I won my house, keep at it guys, you'll get yours eventually):
Just wish they can increase furnishing in the plots though
Thank you for saying the bit about winners. Much appreciated <3 We were lucky enough to get a medium in one of the FC wards.
Omg cole i lost another 5050 today!..i was the only bidder all week some jerk just came n robbed me lolol, back to back lockouts i lost 5050s…2 person lotteries!!! Now its back to gettin lucky n using my fc house. Question? Could i still get an apt wen i have a private room in fc house? Also whats the plots for fcs versus privage buyers it alwasyd feels like a crapshoot
They developers don’t listen to there customers tho . Which is annoying and also with hairstyles and cosmetics. You have to call them out . I bid but i lost also and just annoying that you cant buy house from npc to upgrade your plot . Instance housing
I got VERY lucky last lottery round and got a small in the Goblet uncontested. I know people don't care for the aesthetic and theme there but I actually like it lol. I was fortunate to get placement right near the market board on plot 31. And my neighbor is nice and waves hello. I am happy to have won and wish everyone still trying luck.
I love this game, but after many years of not getting a house I'm just annoyed beyond reason. I mean that crapfest Lost Bots (ark) even had an instanced housing island when it released last year in the west (game is F2P even). Come on Yoshi!!!! Fix this already please.
I wish they just mailed you back your bid instead of having you walk back to get it. It's so soul crushing
I got a medium on the beach last lotto, Im happy enough with it to pay a designer to do the inside.
4 years no large, Giga sad
I personally think they should add cross region DC travel ASAP as there are plenty on Materia, and that could be a good way to get people houses. I understand the reason listed is "region personality clashes" and as someone who migrated to Materia where we had people from JP and some from NA I can confirm that there was definitely personality clashes, but I think DC region travel would be good for the game.
You say the end of hope but my Gil account is sky high from selling housing items, things are looking up for me🤑🤑🤑
I will say on goblin crystal thare was a low on bidders the large I put in for only had 3 bids even some smalls had 0 this was in the goblet but ya this felt like a great time to get you hands on a house
I really want a mansion. But wonder if you win a plot you have a option of the changing the size. Wonder if that could help with some of the problem.
This was why some people were not happy with content creators bringing attention to certain things like demolition timers for people not actually using their houses and there being plots available *cough**cough*. Anyway, instance housing could work, but it may require more servers and a new TASK for the developers in terms of something to build and develop. But aside from that, I like the idea of having neighbors. I enjoy running through the ward in my FC's division and looking at the houses. I like to go in and view the (open) houses. If housing were in an instanced setup, I wouldn't be able to do that except within the instances of my friends. That takes away from the community feel and meeting players that you may not meet otherwise. I like that aspect of the current system. Now in terms of everyone deserving large plots…I don't know about all of that. Housing space, yes. Large plots, maybe not. I agree with the current economic system in place for the plots.
A tip in case someone didnt know u can bid on more then one house but someone else from the fc must do the other bid, just did that for my fc and we won 2 large houses, we gona let go of one ofc, but yah its the only it worked for my fc, gl to u all.
When there are 30+ bids on smalls and you're seeing a bunch of smalls not taken a small with no bids when you don't have a home looks pretty good.
I've been trying to get one for a year now, so when they released new wards, I bid on a small plot in Ishgard, I was the first bidder, and lost to the second bidder…there were only 2 bidders.
But it is what it is, congrats to the person who won, so I took back my gil and days passed….the person didn't even claim the plot, and the system reset with no winners…
(Though I tried again, and now won a small plot in Goblet near the pool)
Imagine giving up that soon not me. Luck or not its still worth trying I met people who told me it took them a year to get a medium or large maybe 2 I been playing for 6 years and never had a medium up till now. You guys are giving up this easily….man gamers today a weak willed…People who played Pso2 NGS and never seen relic weapons drop not one day in they life those weapons sells for 100's of millions and you all gave up on housing….. for shame… Also yoshi-p clearly confirm that island sanctuary will not be the alternative to housing. There will be no instance housing on island sanctuary imagine the congestion to get to sanctuary if he has to put a 10 min timer to kick you from it.
Lost today to a person that just relocated from an medium plot to the medium plot i bid on. and was in the exact same ward… just for getting a better spot for his house. he made 9 people depressed and being rude to the other people. trashtalked them even. including me. they should change it aswell that if you own a medium privat plot that you arnt allowed to relocate anymore unless its a small or large plot. its so frustrating… im rly close to even quit entirely…
is housing really that hard? i have 7k hours, never really cared about housing. i heard that houses where going to be on sale i bet on it and won… only 2 persons bet on the house. i guess housing savage is on the FC houses?
5th bid same result over SO is pretty upset since we bid on same one
This issue of virtual space beng unavailable is ridiculous. It's also something that's been engineered.
I had 50% chance, now back to square one… This video is rather soothing, thank you
As someone who just lost on a small on a dynamis server, I am now just praying they actually open the new wards as they exist but you can’t go into the lottery for them
I bid on a house this last week in the Gauntlet on Jenova, and I didn't see any houses up for sale with more than 2 people in the lottery. I put a bid up on a house with a single other person bidding, so it was a 50/50 chance. I lucked out and I won the lottery for that one. Edit: This was on small plots. I didn't see any larger plots up for sale there.
I threw a bid on Plot 1 in Ward 30 in Ishgard on a whim.
I got it.
Been slowly trying to figure out how to put together a theme based on what a senior officer in 19th Century Prussia would have for a townhouse, as filtered by _Legend of the Galactic Heroes_. I am slowly figuring out what to get and how to do it.
Oooof I feel lucky then, I upgraded the FC two weeks ago from small -> medium(mist) on my Chaos alt. Then upgrade my alts small to medium (shirogane) this past week. I also managed to get my first house on my main (taken 13 months of trying) in the goblet (small). I would have preferred my house on my island. All that BS about community, I am yet to see to anyone near my private houses or the marketboard there despite being on all day while on holiday. Island housing would be a hell of a lot better, might as well give us workshops there as well.
And then there's Saggitarius on Chaos DC (EU) where most mid and small houses in the private Ishgard wards are unoccupied to this day. I snatched a mid house with no competition and there are still two vacant in that sub division alone, let alone all but one or two small houses. Where are you people? 🤷
I don't understand why would anyone winning the lottery should be feeling guilt because of anything, I mean huh? Unless maybe they're getting it by cheating or something. But normal means? Nahhh.
My advice to people bidding on a house? – Dont take it too seriously. Yes, we all want a house (and I'm not gonna lie: I finally won a house in the first round last week and I'm still giddy), but its limited and its luck only now. When Empyrium got released, I had high hopes, too. I wanted a medium plot, I wanted to dig my heels into housing and the whole costum-made inventory stuff I've seen… and guess what, I lost. I havent won a single lotterie ever this last years since Endwalker release – and I tried. I bid on every medium there was, and even small ones, if their location was good. And no use.
Dont – take – it – too – seriously. Over the last months, I would bid on all these houses and just never expect anything to come from it. Where sheer luck is concerned, there is no winner or loser really. Yes, we all want a house, and yes, you can lose even if there's only two of you. So, dont put your soul there. It may be easy for me to say this, after all, I got lucky, but thats that: lucky. Someone is always lucky. At least you didnt lose to someone using a bot.
What I find much more concerning are those house hoarders. Single people owning entire wards. Officially, you can only own one private house per account, and a second, if its an FC. But somehow people manage to get several more houses for themselves, for whatever reasons. I think, thats the real problem.
Instanced housing might also be a solution, but then again, I played WoW – WoD… and I'm not sure if thats really the solution. Also, Island Housing would destroy the current system, making it moot, so they wont do that – not without some serious investment from the players at least.
In Loisoux on the new wards in Gridania there are so many small plots that no one has bid on for several resets. In my ward it's still 7 plots left and the medium we bid on we were alone on. There was only one medium plot that had more than 3 bids on, on any of the new wards in Gridania. There is no lack of people here or anything either. The wards are very active with people.
So from my pov the craze about housing seems blown out of proportion. There are so many plots that people don't even try on.
Know that I said my pov. I have no idea what it's like on other servers but Loisoux doesn't have a lack of plots yet and the day of the release was dead calm.
I was the only bid on my medium 🤔 plot 60 in the Lavender Beds. It’s a really nice spot, too. So I’m surprised no one else bid
Yep lost my bid to the last person Sunday :/. Ik it isn't their fault but it feels really bad that the last person who bid at the last second is the one who won.
While I both hear and understand what you’re saying, instance housing would achieve nothing except to cheapen and reduce the experience of actually winning a house to little more than a participation trophy. It wouldn’t feel like an accomplishment any longer, or goal to strive towards. Perhaps they should just give ultimate weapon skins away as well? No, of course not because it’s an achievement. It’s a goal. You worked hard to earn it.