FFXIV – Hildi, Tataru, and a Jumping Puzzle against OkayMage! – Part 288

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4 thoughts on “FFXIV – Hildi, Tataru, and a Jumping Puzzle against OkayMage! – Part 288”

  1. Some content for GW2 viewers ;D
    2:40 Preach is thinking about inviting his friends(?) come to challenge GW2 raid blinded (and expect them would clean all the raids within a week or even 4 days)
    3:58 Thinking about mastery points trains? xD
    6:13 And HP train? nice~

    13:33 answering to the chat about each MMO's strongest aspect. 14:26 GW2
    16:09 answering to the chat about each MMO's biggest part that needs to be improved. 17:57 GW2
    29:30 answering to the chat about how to enjoy gw2 ;3


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