FFXIV – Healing Sprout friends

i love sprouts, specially when they are my friends! going in as healer and just making sure they are safe as they brave the world of …


28 thoughts on “FFXIV – Healing Sprout friends”

  1. He's playing ther perfect role for this. Unless the mechanic is a 1 hit ko then he can just use his tank privilege to survive the mechanic wnd learn it that way.

  2. My tanking & my friend's healing combined is a complete trainwreck of "this is fine trust me" "IM POPPING LIVING DEAD" this is why our characters are eternal bonded.

  3. I used to think flare markers meant that three line AOEs were going to shoot out from the three arrows on the indicator so I would only adjust a tiny bit and get mad when I would die or when others died

  4. Loves all this jokes but honestly all you have to do in FF to heal is press medica 2 and glare
    Change names to appropriate class and obviously I don't mean high end content

  5. I don't hate healing sprouts. I spawn into an ARR dungeon with three sprouts that haven't even gotten their soul stones yet, and I become Team Mom. NOBODY IS GOING TO DIE ON THIS FIELD TRIP!
    It's very rewarding to watch them learn. …if they're willing to listen after a wipe. (If they're not, then… yeah.)

  6. As a dps sprotling going into my first lv 50 dungeon (i forget the name, fungus ruins for those that know) the party paused because the healer went afk. I noticed that they left some chests unopened and thought "i know it's probably just going to be potions but no reason not to open them right?" That's when I found out about mimics.


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