FFXIV Healer Strike?!? Reacting to Dawntrail healer drama

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Healers are going on strike in FFXIV?!? oh wait, no they’re not. Dawntrail will be a fun expansion!


17 thoughts on “FFXIV Healer Strike?!? Reacting to Dawntrail healer drama”

  1. "Am I wrong?" Yes. Atrocious take. You can't balance a job around the idea of "the average player doesn't know what their abilities do". That doesn't make any sense.
    Also, you're wrong about dungeon healing. With a GNB tank in expert all I do is mash out holies on speed pulls and occasionally an afflatus rapture/assize.
    Also I think this take is yet another one that vastly under estimates the average player. I very rarely get a dungeon that isn't a speed pull or easy to heal.

    For Savage, look at your clear logs. 50% of your inputs on Sch are Broil. Not "50% are dps buttons", no half of them are broil. Half of ALL OF YOUR INPUTS over the course of a savage is a single button. How can you think that's kosher? Compare that to Stormblood. Compare that that to having two offset DoTs, Miasma II, and Shadow Flare.

  2. I can be critical to get my point across and I don't mean any ill will in what I say, it's more to put it simply, with that said.

    Clearing a endwalker dungeon with 4 healers isn't hard but slow, this proves nothing but how ignorant Avycatte is she's also against this Healer Strike because she doesn't understand what it's about mostly just another streamer/content creator making a nothing opinion.

    The fact that she thinks that running a dungeon with 4 healers would mean anything is laughable.

    "Warriors make it easier" you mean make healers obsolete.

    Also it's not just dungeons by the way, it's many of the content, even Ultimates, you do know ToP was cleared without a healer?
    That shouldn't be possible and saying "the average player" the average player is actually a good mix of casual and non casual.

    I mean healing isn't exactly weak or hard anyway, it's the best parts of healers, at least from my experience it's not hard to keep players topped off anyway when there's actually content that does make healers a requirement.

    That's not to say that forms of mitigation shouldn't exist, of course they should exist, as to help healers out with not having to overheal.
    but not to the point where they make healers basically do nothing, I'm unsure about Gnb as I don't play it and haven't played it enough or ever had to heal one in a dungeon, but Drk definitely do require a healer, as a Drk would be pushed into using living dead.

    Personally I would love to have the best of both worlds, option to dps more as well as being required for healing.

    This is another issue healer strike players have spoken about is how healers lack damage buttons.

    Healer Strike players definitely care more about FFXIV than those non Healer Strike players, because one critiques the design and wanting it to improve, while the other doesn't care about the game improving at all.

  3. I remember when 2 tank all dnc was almost clearing everything and it was hilarious (healers were still mad). I also like how you implied the average 14 player can't read lol

  4. Being forced to do damage as a healer is lazy on the devs part. Then again there isn't a mmorpg out there that has my style of healing anymore, after wow killed it post wrath. I miss preemptive raid hot healing, resto druids where amazing in wrath. Healing in ffxiv feels like its only there to validate the tank taking damage… and to be fair I'll only be doing trust and msq… couldn't give a darn about ffxiv raids.

  5. I can clear full pulls on any tank without a healer, want me to? Hit me up in game. You might not be able to do it pre 50 but the healer role is definitely in a bad state…yes a dungeon can be done with four healers but the damage is not optimal and takes longer, much longer. Not to mention it's hard to do full pulls because aggro will not be centered and damage just isn't there (not impossible but it comes at a cost)

    If you think that is a WAR thing, you are surely mistaken.

  6. I dunno. I see this and all I can think about are those end game end Walker msq trials. I don't think that can be done without healers because of the boss reducing everyone to 1hp and applying Doom on top of that.

  7. dude your source is ShitpostXIV, that is literally the whole purpose of that threat, to post BS. Sure there are probably some people on reddit that think that, but is probably a total of 3 people.

  8. Ive spent about 1000/5500 hours playing a healer and I DONT CARE. I enjoy making use of what I have. My mentality is also "complete not compete", so the drama surrounding class/job changes only irritates me because a bunch of players want to whine and cry about not getting things their way. If you legitimately cant complete a raid despite your experience and being as optimal as possible AS A PLAYER, then you need to bring it up. "Being bored" as a healer is not an excuse to push a team thats already fire on all cylinders damn near 24/7. And for the record, I play all classes except Bluemage, but I main the healer role.


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