FFXIV has a "Toxic Casual" problem

Just wanted to throw my two cents out because I felt like many of the points brought up in Myth Samael’s video were just factually incorrect at best and antagonistic towards (all) raiders at worst, with the implication that we’re all cheaters to some degree.

FFXIV raiding is a good time regardless of whether you have access to parsing tools or simply want to not engage with them at all and the idea that parsing in general should be demonized is not one that I align with.

Myths video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egK7bL6kb2E

twitter: https://twitter.com/RyaiArt
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ryaiart


10 thoughts on “FFXIV has a "Toxic Casual" problem”

  1. I commented over on the Myth video the other day, and I said that 3rd party tools have become a crutch. My mind hasn't changed on that, because while it makes raiding with someone who uses them better, it makes for missed Tuesday raid nights where someone can't play without their cactbot, XIV Combo, and other various tools.

    I also think that you're right, though. Toxic raiders will talk shit about you in a discord group, toxic casuals will send your stream footage to Square to get you banned.

  2. Another vid with common sense, man we don't get enough of it these days, So many streamer/twitch chatter have this braintumour optimal/perfect play = parsing mindset I really hope its just over there and not a lot in game as well.

  3. But the problem is that now people are demanding that you use mods to clear content in pf. This game wasn't designed to play with mods. Bad players that need things easy are turning ffxiv into wow, a mod fest.

  4. The reasons for not allowing parsing have been discussed ad nauseum, so I won't reiterate them here. Suffice to recount that using parsing software in this game is a violation of the terms of service. That's not an opinion; it's a fact. If you do it, you risk being called out and/or reported; the consequences of that are yours to manage. FFXIV content is designed to be doable within the rules. If you got a clear by using disallowed tools, it's a fake clear, a cheat. That's how it is in any game, video or real life. If you're OK with that…well, let's just say I would not be.

  5. So hi the video was mine ( QUICK NOTE:- He has been deleting my comments) – I actually agree with alot of your points however u have completely misrepresented me and judging by the lack of clips shown I believe this was intentional . Firstly I raid …..let's just knock that assumption down straight away, I hide my logs cause on YouTube someone checking your logs is a pit with no positive outcome they will find anything to use to discredit . You proved this hands down I didn't even need my logs up for u to try discredit me using fflogs -.-

    The point of my video was the fact parses in FF are not a fair and accurate measure of player skill, in a game were add ons are being used in secret . Console players for example are being compared to people who do run Cactbot / rotation bots etc etc cause FF logs has no way of knowing

    Also when people say efficiently and more optimal 9/10 there talking about running add ons that some can easily argue make the game incredibly easier . Add ons are against the rules for a reason and anyone who has played wow before will no why this is a good thing . It's a sloppy slope

    You also implied that I shouldnt be talking about FF because I don't no what I'm talking about …. Then immediately started talking about asmongold in wow after admitting you didn't no much about it …

    I think we could have a genuine conversation about this and easily find middle ground and I'm open to it if you are . I understand the video starts with a rapid fire insult that's just the little big personality I portray in all my content but listening to this video twice now our stances really aren't that far apart .

    I don't care about people running add ons or using these tools to improve themselves , I care about the bad acters who run add ons gatekeeping the end game content from console players etc etc and push the idea that u HAVE to have add ons to do the content . When generic DPS teddy with his 90 parse running Cactbot , rotation bots, latency reducers etc etc is talking down to a console players acting like he's a god amongst men it's a problem and a problem that slowly destroyed WoW AND YES wow allowed it that was my point as to what happened because of it and why it's a bad thing to let leak into ff

    I probably will make a response to this as you've stated in your description I attacked all raiders and made infactual statements …your didn't show where I'd attacked all raiders nor did it show any of my statements and show they were infactual .

  6. toxic casual is bs argument it not existent , abusing and cheating (that what parsiing is ) is illegal.ffxiv has a huge toxic elitist problem and most the toxic and bad content creattor who thing their "criticism" is helping ffxiv improve but all they do is harm the vast mayority playerbase who is happy with the content and the game the problem is raiders and elitist like them dont make ever 5% of the overall playerbase but ruin the fun out off all content , they cry dungs are brain dead when they are just easy they want everthing to be challanging not understand that most ppl hate or dont want to be challanged in games. now back ot the topic, parsing breaks toxicity always have that part of human nature the biggest problem it parsing boost ego and ego ruins fun for most ppl . doubt yoshi p has parse i dont think that confirmed lso compaire in mods vs in game help isnt the same you are comparing apples and oranges one help you clear a fight a lot easier the other give you big tail or big boobs it aint the same stuff

  7. I'm only coming to this comment section to note that Myth Samael has claimed I'm deleting his comments; Not true. I was asleep (posted the video late night Ireland time) and just checking the stuff after waking up and having Easter dinner. He has left many comments on the video including emailing me directly and is free to say whatever he wants to in the comment section.

    Anyone who disagrees with what I've said is free to comment and express their opinion, nothing has been deleted/changed/hidden!

    Have fun y'all


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