Hey there guys, another FFXIV Gil Making video, this time it’s TWO moneymakers that are completely broken with Endwalker. The improved echo allows you to effectively cheese these fights and make millions.
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Here before the crash :^)
welp there goes my passive gil method lol
Was looking forward to the rant video, I saw you talk about it on stream and was excited for it xD
oh no…now im determined to get that money
You could post the rant video unlisted and then post the link somewhere if people are interested
I think I'm better off without the rant video honestly, it's good to have more positive and helpful energy on the channel. Not saying it always has to be positive of course- it's ok to talk about problems that are prevalent in the community! But I'm always happiest when I see videos like this that are meant to help folks out, no drama or stress~ thank you for the tips as always!
Found out about making money through transmuting today, then this video comes out. Pain 😭.
Also, I would be interested in watching the rant video!
I’m down for the rant video 🙂
I definitely think all FD’s viewers feel his frustration with the current markets right now. I don’t think anyone could have anticipated just how fast the Market Board on most servers would turn into a WoW AH. You can’t even put an item on the board without already having been undercut before you close out your retainer menu, and it’s likely all of us have just sat in disbelief that markets crash by 100% in less than hour. Undercuts by 10s of 1000s of Gil until the new rock bottom price is now the new market that will just crash again. So I think we all appreciate these little side ventures to break up the monotony of materia farming or chasing the last crafted gear market that can manage to stay above 200k
Something not being discussed: the resurgence of Timeworn Zonureskin Maps. Both the maps and their drops are shooting up in price. Maps are going from 100-180k per depending on the day. Shell Leathers are back up to 440k-500k per, which you can get from Gliderskins. Kumbhiraskin Maps and their drops have tumbled in price hard.
appreciate all your vids man
I like your tutorial vids but these gil making videos have been real click baity.
Undercutters are everywhere. Post something and it drops half the price in minutes. It’s been a struggle to make a profit from mats. I’ll definitely take your tips into consideration. Btw, I want the rant video!
im sitting on my money maker playing ff14
i’ve been shocked and appalled at how much the crafting market in general has crashed, but especially the new crafted gear. people have undercut by 50-100k and people just keep letting that happen. certain gear pieces like have gone below 100k on my server, like NIN shoes were 85k the other day. these people are fucking it up for everyone by trying to get a quick sale but don’t realize that people (and especially bots) are going to undercut whatever the lowest price is and their stuff isn’t going to sell any quicker. i got so frustrated i took a break from crafting, i’m saving my materials for 6.1
Can't wait for this market to crash now
Thanks for the vids I’m trying to save up for the eurekan sea slug thing it’s my dream mount
Do you realize that the moment you posted this video, all these items are going to flood the market now?
would be interested to see what you wish to rant about if you don't post it oh well keep up the good content
"These ones sell relatively often" he says as you can see all the way back to April in the history.
why is every gil making video involving hoping some sucker buys your overpriced stuff on the marketboard? how is that sustainable
That materia one is even worse than coffee biscuits lmao, more carpal tunnel strats XD
Best way to farm money really is maps, crafting market is oversaturated cause all the gil making guides tell people to do it.
All the people joining in on the glam market, chill on the undercuts. A lot of these glams are selling for less than the mats cost and I can't imagine what will happen once everyone watches this.
Ah materia transmuting, the thing that made me my first millions back when I was jamming together Vs and VIs. Glad it’s still an option, but perhaps not the best time investment.
To add a tip much like the Stormblood extremes: some of the stuff out of Eurekan lockboxes is surprisingly expensive, with glamour gear going for 100-500k+ in some slots. People don’t want to put the work in to get into Pyros or Hydatos, but it’s really not that bad to do and the zones are surprisingly populated
Why would you not post an already edited video? We want as much info/content as u can give us to help us improve. Theres literally no downside to uploading that video right?
Everytime i hear you ask us if we would want to see X or Y video, the answer from me is always an overwhelming PLEASE GOD DO IT!
cool guides man but damn calling urself fur daddy is so damn weird 😂
Another great video! Love to see it man
I appreciate your videos and insight, but I have to say I would not advise either of these methods.
I'm on Tonberry and the SB weapons sell VERY rarely. The mats themselves you could make an argument for but even then you run the risk of wasting time for gil amounts you could make more efficiently elsewhere.
In regards to the transmuting, hard no. The less popular IXs aren't selling cheap enough to justify buying in bulk for the CHANCE of getting a Savage IX. You'd barely be breaking even or at the very best making a MARGINAL profit that would not be worth your time.
The market sucks right now. I have a few items I'm profiting from. But other than that, A Rank hunts, retainers bringing sweet sweet coffers and Kumbiraskin Maps to break things up a bit are my gil earning methods. Hopefully the Materia market stays decent but I wouldn't put anything passed these awful undercutters.
Love seeing my markets get crashed every time one of your vids comes out, good job.
i guess the rant videos have to do with marketboard monkeys with absolutely no understanding on how to use the marketboard. crashing markets for the sake of it.
Fur Daddy – if you think the energy in the other video is too negative for your channel, maybe restructure your rant as something positive and educational? I am sure you are peeved with the uncouth market tactics used by the noobs, that has totally wrecked the profitability of traditional crafting.
Can we get that rant video please? 😀
How'd you get the music to show on the top right of your screen?