Farming MGP is best done passively.
Hopefully this guide video helps with how to tackle the amount needed for the rewards!
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Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
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I’ve been watching your guides since I first started backing in Shadowbringers, and have watched almost everyone of your videos, you have made my experience in the game so much better, you put in a lot of hard work into your content, I wanted to say THANK YOU Meoni, you are a FFXIV legend!
I won the cackpot on one of my alts, and glamoured the ring on both hands
I'm happy that this event is happening again. This one and the Yokai Watch one are the events that I missed 🙁 And I really want the Yokai Watch to comeback too so I may get the Kyubi minion to complete my Sakuyamon glam hahaha just for that.
I am a new player, I am playing this game for like one month, and casually playing for fun on Gold Saucer I already have like 100k MGP
what do i do if i dont see the quest im in uldah and i dont see the quest im in SB expansion😢
FYI "chocobo" is pronounced "chokko bow" in British English (sounds like "chocolate"), not "choe ko bow".
Source: Final Fantasy XVI
Wait if we unlock it, can we purchase if from the Gold Saucer at any time or only during the event period??
one day 6969 will win it big
Missed out of this cuz i did not know the game was even a thing back then so sick
The times for the lotteries varies by time zone, also by server. If you have alts in different data centers, their draw times will be different.
Dye option would be great on this mount.
man i remember going to a ingame wedding before in ff14 and at the end everyone lined up and started slow cruising away from the church.
i was so jealous being the only bum riding a big turkey 🤣🤣
I have gotten 3 lines just one time but it was on an MSQ replay alt that wasn't level 90 yet so I couldn't pick the golden ticket!!! Big sadge, but I got the million MGP so there's that at least.
Once i saw your other vidro on the FF15 event, i went and got all my msg asap! Im ready and its sll thanks to you!! Thank you for your hard work and videos!
Once you unlock the ability to buy the things with MGP, can you buy them any time or only during the event?
ive been playing almost every day and i still only have 40 of the current tomestones :/ never gonna be able to get everything i want before even being able to consider getting mgp for a second event. they really need to rework the tombstone events 🙁
Ayo, why your achievements window looks like that?! 0:48
Mine looks like an old book! How do I change it?
Oooh I am going to use replay to go on another date with Noctis!
For mini cactpot, always make a “Y.” It guarantees you can identify the “1, 2, 3” or “7, 9, 8” lines IF the card has those.
Too many events on top of each other. I'm overwhelmed. I'm behind on moogle tomes as is. Too many releases too on top of each other.
Literally played 1000 hours in ff 14 before i found the npc that unlocks challenges but that really helped with mgp with like 60k that is easy to get
Yeah, considering the Blackjack mount is a whopping 4 million gil, the Regalia costing you 200,000 gil is pretty much a steal.
If you double up on Lord of Verminion and enter the weekly tournament you get like 60k + the 27k for the weekly log!
I'm so excited for the event
I think the most efficient ways of farming MGP right now are the fashion report, the current moogle tomestone event and wonderous tales.
how is ur ground in game so reflective <3 , love the video <3
For Mini Cactpot cards, I use the Y-strat. Use whatever open numbers to make a Y shape with the spots and you should always be able to determine the best line for getting a 6 or a 24. This spares you the problem of having to guess which one is more likely to happen. You can always eliminate one or the other.
I had so many wothout realizing 1 dungeon run later this with a last minute fashion thing got right where i needed to be
I have one million Manderville Gold Saucer points saved up for such an occasion. I mastered Slyph Step, the jumping puzzle that people whine about constantly. “Acorns again?! FML :P”
Realy wish the level cap was lower, playing on xbox and the grind is real to just get to that car.
My goodness! This video might as well be the DEFINITIVE Gold Saucer Guide!
Absolutely incredible work on this video 😃
If i buy one month subscription near end of this event can i catch also FFXVI event which is planned for early April ?
If I finish the quest, but don’t have the MGP for it, can I buy the mount after the event?
Thank you so much, Bro! I literally watched your video and tried the Golden Saucer for the first time. I’m a new player BTW
I got the 10,000 pay out on my literal first try. It’s only because you explained in such an easy to understand way. Thanks
Thankyou for all that you do!!! Thumbs up!