FFXIV: Get Moogle Lore Tomestones FAST – Rewards & Fast Farming (October 2021)

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Hey there guys!
While everyone is discussing the job changed and endwalker media tour I am here giving you a moogle tome guide 😛

With the upcoming October Moogle Tomestone hunt for lore I thought I would come out with a guide to let you know how the event works, as well as how to get the rewards fast – by far blue mage is the fastest but these dungeons should help you get the rewards as quickly as possible!

The Reddit post about the rewards:

Blue Academy:

A really great solo run of Ala Mhigo (You still need a full group but this could help you out!)

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Hit me up in world, I play on Jenova as Fur Daddy 🙂


00:00 Introduction
01:56 Reward Overview
08:56 Farming Methods
12:56 Outro


24 thoughts on “FFXIV: Get Moogle Lore Tomestones FAST – Rewards & Fast Farming (October 2021)”

  1. Hmm Amaurot, the worst endgame dungeon in the game for 5 tomes or Baelsars Wall and Ghimlyt for fewer tomes but using "endgame" stats that curbstomp the trash mobs near effortlessly

  2. I'm SO EXCITED for this event, really gives me shit to do while I queue and a reason to run my 80s that I haven't yet through at least the Syrcus Tower part of the grind. If only Antitower and Hell's Lid were on the list of moogle dungeons…

  3. To be fair, I’m not a insane hardcore player, only around 800 hours played, but I’ve done quite a few msq roulettes even just on my 80 tank for extra tomestones, and I have never once even seen someone infer to skip cutscenes with alt f 4 a single time in my life, sprouts or no


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