FFXIV Shadowbringers – Ah, The New Nemesis


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22 thoughts on “FFXIV Shadowbringers – Ah, The New Nemesis”

  1. I think Fandaniel picked the wrong person to possess in my opinion. Asahi already had an extremely punchable face, but now it's that much worse now because Fandaniel acts like such an arrogant child. Something that I realized though is that Fandaniel is just raving about how he doesn't have to deal with Elidibus anymore, but Elidibus technically isn't dead. I think it would be interesting if the scions made the decision to enlist the aid of Elidibus to deal with Fandaniel. I think that idea is plausible because Elidibus even says "We'll meet again." or something along those lines at the end of the fight with him.

  2. Great vid. Fun fact: Death Penalty is canonically one of the strongest guns in the FF franchise. So Merlwyb having it proves she is a total beast.

    Also love how they point out that trust and change take effort. Old wounds don't heal fast, but you have to try and make things better. (Unlike a lot of writers who are just, "We're allies now. Until we don't wanna be.")

  3. It may have taken three expansions and a handful of post patches but hey we finally knocked some sense into both sides of the primal debate
    Za Da’s concerns echo back to Ramuh in 2.3, as well
    Yes, we might be vying for peace, but one voice doesn’t change what has happened and what will continue to happen because of another voice or in this case the Empire and the pirate trade. The action of one does not and will not atone for the action of another

  4. Out of all the antagonists in FFXIV, I like Fandaniel the best in the villain role. He’s crazed, willing to go to every extreme to get what he wants, and treats the MC’s resistance as both entertainment and progress toward his ultimate goal. Really fun evil dude

  5. See, I actually like Fandanial. Unlike all the other Ascians being bad guys pretending to be victimized good guys, Fandanial KNOWS and accepts that he's a bad guy. He's the only one I consider an actual dangerous threat because I know he's not gonna pull any punches or hold anything back for some weird amusing reason.

  6. Asahi, his name sounds like a beer

    So the Ascian masks are all based of the glyphs associated with the Espers from final fantasy 12. Most of them are cropped (like Lahabrea who's mask comes from Mateaus the corrupt) or cropped and flipped like Emet-Selch and Elidibus (zalera the death seraph and Zodiark the keeper of precepts respectivly)

    Fandaniel is a bit different. His mark is based on Hashmal (Bringer of Order) but *inverted*, the negative space of the mark is what makes up Fandaniel's mask. 🤔


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