(FFXIV) Gatherer Leveling (Lv. 1-50) – LEVES ONLY

In this video, I get my Botanist from Lv. 1 to 50 INCREDIBLY fast by ONLY doing gathering leves. I talk about everything I did to prepare ahead of time and then get right into leveling up.
#FFXIV, #Gatherer, #Leveling

▶ (DoW/DoM) Leveling Guide Demonstration (Lv. 1-15)

🌎 SGS website

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📄 Timeline 📄
(00:00) Intro

(07:18) I’m an idiot

(08:35) Level 1
(09:30) Level 5
(10:56) Level 10
(15:22) Level 15
(19:43) Level 20
(24:13) Level 25
(28:56) Level 30
(35:23) Level 35
(43:56) Level 40
(52:59) Level 45
(01:03:43) Level 50


7 thoughts on “(FFXIV) Gatherer Leveling (Lv. 1-50) – LEVES ONLY”

  1. Gratz on the 1k subs! Your content is great for crafting and gathering, hopefully with all the new players coming to FFXIV, you'll get up to 2k subs shortly 🙂

  2. This guide made my life so much easier with leveling botany and mining. Have you figured out the best way for 50-80? I am at 55 and just unlocked the large scale leves and am curious if I should use those or just stick with the normal ones. I'm testing it out currently but wanted to know if you had any thoughts or experience?

    Thanks for all your hard work, your crafting guides have made me finally try crafting, it doesn't seem quite so overwhelming anymore.

  3. Thanks so much for this guide. I started playing this game in April and was wondering how I could level up BTN on an alt efficiently. I'll surely watch the entire video over the weekend.

    On a side note, I wanted to ask about retainers. I pretty much stopped the combat side of things after MSQ and just do DOL/DOH, skybuilder tools etc. (I exclusively played life jobs in another MMO, I just find it fun for some reason). I'm subscribed to additional retainers, which is also part of the reason why I wanted to set up an alt with BTN maxed out in the first place. If you were me, how would you assign retainer jobs for 20 retainers? Both from a gil-making perspective and prepping for 6.0.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Thank you again for the great video. It is a skill to be able to fill an hour of video with interesting information as well as the audio. I have been thinking more about the XP boosts and wanted to “do the math” to make sure that I understood how the boosts were working and what the impact was to the Survival Manual II.

    For completeness, stacking means that the buffs are additive, not multiplicative. If the base XP from an event is 100 and you have a 50% XP boost and a separate 100% XP boost. You should receive the base XP (100 XP) plus 50% (50 XP) plus 100% (100 XP). This would give 250XP or 2.5 x Base XP.

    Then the equation for XP gained for each gather is: (Base XP) + (Buff1% + Buff2% + Buff3% …) (Base XP)

    If all the buffs add up to 200%, then the total XP gained would be 3 x Base XP. (Remember the Base XP counts also, so it would be 3 times, not 2 times.)

    I looked at level 35 in the video. At that point, the Friendship Circlet would no longer apply. The gear you had would be Ala Mhigan Earring (+30%), Survival Manual (+20%), Survival Manual II (+150%), Free Company Bonus (+10%), and Food (+3%). This should give 213% bonus.

    Looking at the level 35 section at 27:52:50 on your timer, you are level 35 with 67,270 XP of the 232,320 XP needed for the next level. Starting at 28:26:37 you make the first gather for 7305 XP with +200%, then 7533 XP (+210%), 7776 XP (+220%), and eventually 8505 XP (+250%). The increases are due to the chain bonus I assume. I wanted to convert each of these gathers to the Base XP and the Bonus XP to verify that I was doing the math correct.

    7305 XP (+200%): 7305/3 = 2435 Base XP –> so 2435 base + 200% (2435) = 2435 + 4870 = 7305

    7533 XP (+210%): 7533/3.1 = 2430 Base XP –> 2430 Base + 5103 Bonus = 7533

    7776 XP (+220%): 7776/3.2 = 2430 Base XP –> 2430 Base + 5346 Bonus = 7776

    8505 XP (+250%): 8505/3.5 = 2430 Bae XP –> 2430 Base + 6075 Bonus = 8505

    So, the math seems to work properly. The base XP should be constant, but may have some randomness to it. It is basically 2430 for that Level 35 gather. Then the bonus is applied.

    Notice that your base bonus before chain bonus is 200% instead of the 213% expected. It looks like the 3% food bonus had just run out at the end of level 34, so that 3% was not applied. It looks to me like the company bonus of 10% was also not applied. Reading the text of the Squadron Survival Manual it includes “Overwrites company actions with similar effects.”. This may be why the other company bonus does not apply. I would think that since one was a Grand Company and one was a Free Company they would stack, but it does not appear to be the case?

    So finally, the impact on the Survival Manual II with the 1,000,000 XP limit. For each gather in my example, the only XP that should count against the limit is 150% x Base XP (1.5 x 2430 = 3645 XP/gather).

    Back to the level 35 gathering that you did. The first gather was the one at 28:26:37 and had 165,050 XP remaining to reach level 36. By 29:52:00 you had completed level 35, had 15,757 XP toward level 37, and you had completed the requirements of the levequest but not received the award. Gathering alone provided 180,807 XP. Assuming you averaged 225% bonus during this time (I did not check), you would have had 55,633 Base XP and 125,174 Bonus XP. Only 83,450 XP (1.5 x 55,633) would have counted toward the 1,000,000 limit.

    I am getting there, really I am. At 29:54:21 you turned in the leve and gained 260,727 XP including the bonus. I think this was one of the shortest levequests that you did and that will throw the math below a little off.

    Gathering (180,807 XP) and leve reward (260,727 XP) totaled 441,534 XP (in an amazingly short 2+ minutes). Of that, approximately 83,450 counted towards the 1,000,000 survival manual limit. So ~19% of the total XP counted towards the 1 MM limit. Assuming the calculation in your video of 7,734,000 total XP required from level 1 to level 50 is correct, then 19% x 7,734,000 = 1,469,460 XP should count toward the Survival Manual II. This appears to be close to what you found in your run. The 19% will vary depending upon how many gathers are required to complete each levequest.

    quod erat demonstrandum (well, not quite, but I think we are close)

  5. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this. Spent a little more time on it, doing the bot class quests and stuff, but once I got rolling, it went quickly. When I do my miner next, I'm just going to skip the class quests and run through it as you did.


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