“Footfalls” for piano solo from FINAL FANTASY XIV : ENDWALKER, SQUARE ENIX MMORPG.
파이널판타지14 : 효월의 종언 “Footfalls” 테마 피아노 편곡 입니다.
Composed by Masayoshi Soken
Arranged by Terry:D
Sheetmusic + MIDI : https://www.terrydmusic.com/product-page/footfalls-for-piano-solo-endwalker-theme-arr-by-terry-d-sheetmusic-midi
The link below is the link to the 9th collection album.
Wix MUSIC : https://www.terrydmusic.com
Apple Music(iTunes) – https://music.apple.com/us/album/piano-fantasy-final-fantasy-xiv-piano-collection-vol-9/1593993323?uo=4
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/0sr8QapqdAPf3A7qpSIvLS
AMAZON – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LBCLGD7
Thank you for enjoying the song.
#56일 남았음
# 돌아오라 빛의 전사들이여;;
와 알람 울리자마자 왔어요!! 이렇게 효월 트레일러 노래를 피아노로 커버하시다니.. 역시 믿고듣는 테뤼님 ㅠ 피아노로 들으니 또 너무 좋네요.. 특히 보컬부분은 너무 너무 좋네요.. 이렇게 피아노로 표현되니 뭔가 더 음도 풍부하고 감정도 느껴지는거 같고요.. 늘 건강하시고 앞으로도 계속 좋은 커버곡 들려주세요!😊
I'd buy the sheet music, but I gave up on learning the piano a while back… Regardless, this is fantastic!
Beautiful! I can’t wait to learn it myself!
일정때문에 제때 효월 플레이를 못하게 되었는데… 테리님 노래로 위안을 삼습니다 ㅜㅜ 이번 악보도 열심히 연습할게요!
4:04 so damn good…….I always cry when I hear that melody kick in. Thank you for another beautiful cover!!
Been waiting for thissss. Can’t wait til May!
very nice
Love this from beginning to end. It's always a treat when you upload a new video and I've been really expecting these new Endwalker themes.
I've been waiting for this to drop on your channel since the release of Endwalker. It was one hell of a good journey and this piece in particular keeps playing in my head from time to time. Now I can finally listen to your piano version of it and it's great as always!
I hope that you'll cover the themes of Hydaelyn and Zodiark too, they are so awesome and you'll be rocking it without a doubt! :3
Keep going and stay healthy, Terry! <3
This really needs more views.