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#FFXIV #Meoni #Endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
If anyone discovers something besides Bozjan gear for the chest please post it, I've not done anything in Bozja and don't plan to do so any time soon, Boz and Eureka are near the bottom of my list of things that I want to do in this game.
Do the male version of the shoes work?
Thank you so much for these videos!
Funnily enough I asked some people to carry me through Coils a few weeks ago so I have a high Allagan ring. But like you said it's easy to just get 80 this week with dyes and sandals.
Thank you Sir Good day 😊
Yes….easiest 80 indeed! Thank you!
Thank you so much for this guide I'm new and already 85% of the way to unlocking the super cool demon horns!