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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
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I miss seeing the vtuber model 🙁 As a fellow vtuber it was nice.
Ty for the fashion report!
Thank you so much for posting this.
The one stop source for Friday Fashion. Thanks Meoni
half gloves + sabatons was a very cheap option for my alts with tank classes available. thanks as always for keeping up with these, Meoni!
Thank your for this. Im glad you sound like your self again
Another easy 100. Thanks, Meoni 😸
hey meoni! i've a long time lurker on your videos, but just wanted to say thank you very much for all the XIV videos you put out–it always makes me happy to see them. just wanted to be sure you know how much your content is appreciated <3
to tick off some items for "naah, wont count":
elezen halfgloves (starter gear for all fem elezen) is off the list, sorry. would have been easy solution
lucian prince's fingerless gloves also wont count. those are from the ff15 crossover event, look like halfgloves too, but nope
Wow, this week is rather easy. I think I still have the rain hood from one of the zadnor boxes, so might as well make it 100 again. Btw, is there any point to that other than doing it once for the achievment?
thank you for the report.
Thanks as always Meoni! I bought the rain hat last week by complete happenstance , so this was the easiest 100 I've ever had 😀
Rainbow bustle + random sabatons was enough for the 80 and I already had both. Thanks Meoni.
For reference the Elezen Halfgloves don't count.
for easy 80 you can work with dyes still, as perfect dyes count as +2, but simple dyes of same hue count +1. you just need to apply more dyes 🙂
my solution: mythril sabatons as gold piece (76 points already with all other slots filled) and snow white on feet and hands (+2 points) and honey yellow on legs and weapon (+2 points) = 80 points and done
soot black on chest count as +1 gunmetal would be perfect +2
rose pink on the head count as +1, pastel pink +2 rose pink is easy replacement because Kasumi sells the dye
so count the dyes you can get, paint 4 parts out of 6 and you will gain +1 point per slot
Thanks Meoni. A tip for those that don't have a tank job unlocked for the boots but have got to HW… just pick up DRK in Ishgard. The job starts at lv30. NPC is near the Tribunal aetheryte. (Even if you don't want to play a tank you want to do this because the DRK job quest storyline thru lv50 is really, really good imho.)
Every time I hear the word Sabaton, I think of that Swedish heavy metal band now playing a ballad lamenting the horrors of war.
weird i used the rain hood, bridesmaid dress, cotton halfgloves and bronze sabatons and only got a 59 score not sure what i did wrong