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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
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Thank you!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Was gonna go for topaz ring, but this is better 🙂
Thanks, mate!
Will be think of this and the craft able stuff all day at work lol 😆
Thank you for making these every week! They're a great help!
Another easy 100 pt fashion report week
If something is equipable by all genders does that include the 23 made up ones liberals use?
leatherworker level 5 receipe for the patch , with incredbly cheap base material
Thank you man, these are really helpful.
Newer player here. Is there any advantage to getting a 100 score again if you’ve already gotten the title from having scored a 100?
Thank you, Meoni. You are a life saver with these videos.
Also, take all the time you need to recover. Your health comes first.
Thank you. But…it looks ridiculous, I love
Thank you again for this 😊
I’m wondering if the Sky Rat pants might work for the 100 score option?
The Thavnairian Bolero got me 100 and only cost me about 25k on the MB.
I had my weapon dyed Wine Red, the Leather Eyepatch dyed Jet Black (Wasted the last one I had left), the aforementioned Thavnairian Bolero dyed Wine Red, the Patrician’s Gloves dyed Pure White, the Sailor Brais dyed Halatali Yellow, the Patrician’s Gaiters dyed Charcoal grey and the Sphene Ring (HQ).
Tyvm, it will go towards the FFXV Regalia mount coming back this month— if it cost the 200k like it did before! 🙂
I only had the head body and ring and I scored 92
Is there a MGP difference between an 80 score versus 100? I think I am going for the easy 80 this time.
thaaaaank you!
alternative for pants you can use Moonfire trunks.
Comfirmed any ring with a yellow gem works for a 100
Scion Rogue's Bandana with the afore-mentioned chest, legs and any yellow gemed ring is an 86.
Head is going for 70,995 and legs are going for 198,875 on the US Siren Server (i'm playing on PS4)
I would love to see the process you go through to find the 100%
Can anyone comment on whether the Gridanian Ring counts for 'Jewels of yellow' on the ring slot?
Ahh 230k for the pants, is there no other wayyyy
love your vids but i hate how hard everything is for a tank only player
Thanks again for this, Meoni. Appreciate it.
woot, I got the spring bottoms unlocked with this 😀 thank you for the video 😀
The gridanian ring works if you already had that xD
Easiest 80 leather eye patch and girdanian ring.
I scored 84 on my first try because I lucked out and had that eye patch as well as ring. I’m a level 53 bard on my first play through of the game and after a month I’m only 300k away from the Sabotender Horn. Thank you so much for the assistance ✌️
Thank you!
Gordon Ramsay: Finally some good f@ckin food!