FFXIV: Fashion Report Friday – Week 188 : Theme : Impaired Visionary


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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


31 thoughts on “FFXIV: Fashion Report Friday – Week 188 : Theme : Impaired Visionary”

  1. The Thavnairian Bolero got me 100 and only cost me about 25k on the MB.

    I had my weapon dyed Wine Red, the Leather Eyepatch dyed Jet Black (Wasted the last one I had left), the aforementioned Thavnairian Bolero dyed Wine Red, the Patrician’s Gloves dyed Pure White, the Sailor Brais dyed Halatali Yellow, the Patrician’s Gaiters dyed Charcoal grey and the Sphene Ring (HQ).

    Tyvm, it will go towards the FFXV Regalia mount coming back this month— if it cost the 200k like it did before! 🙂

  2. Comfirmed any ring with a yellow gem works for a 100

    Scion Rogue's Bandana with the afore-mentioned chest, legs and any yellow gemed ring is an 86.

    Head is going for 70,995 and legs are going for 198,875 on the US Siren Server (i'm playing on PS4)

  3. I scored 84 on my first try because I lucked out and had that eye patch as well as ring. I’m a level 53 bard on my first play through of the game and after a month I’m only 300k away from the Sabotender Horn. Thank you so much for the assistance ✌️


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