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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
As always thanks for the video!
i keep forgetting doing fashion report lol
thanks Meoni
Make sure you get the stableMAIDs hat and not the Stablehand's hat. The Stablehand's hat won't work.
Hi Meoni! Thank you for this video. Kind reminder for anyone who needs it. The 100 score only gives you an achievement once. Also, once you have obtained a total of 500 score from all the Fashion reports you participate in, the shop next to Rondolent Rose (the Au ra NPC next to him) will have new items for sale. Enjoy! Thank you Meoni. Stay safe. ❤️
Forgot to do it last week but got it this week, thank you heaps! Have a great weekend
Thanks you, Meoni. I found you by chance by googling the fashion report only to find that you updated it a mere hour ago making this nearly perfect timing. Do you always upload at around the same time? If so, that's amazing!
Thank you for the 50k MGP. One piece of advice you could give to other new players like me is that if an item is too expensive on your market boards, you should do a quick world switch at any mayor city aetheryte and check the pricing on other worlds. The New World Hose item of this one costs 150k on Light, which is my server, but it was 33k on Odin!
What pants/bottoms are those at the end of the video? The white ones with the ruffles on the thighs?
4:57 easy 80
Mmmm yummy mgp! Thanks again!
Got my Sabotender this week!
92 with the hat, coat and boots. Hat and coat make a pretty nice gatherer's glam, actually, may keep those around
I think I can do this one at least