Intro – 00:00
Variant – 00:32
Criterion – 03:49
Special Site: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/endwalker/patch_6_2/
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Overnight they updated the special site to include a new chair mount for Criterion. Check it out in the description! 👍
Any plans to post Savage guides for P5-P8?
I think these dungeons will be fun to do. But I think it’ll be forgotten content once you’ve done it once. I don’t see people doing something as difficult as they’re making it sound for some like dyeable gear or a chair mount. The replayability as it stands now seems none existent outside of the variant dungeon. But once you’re done with the 12 endings that’ll be forgotten as well until the new ones come out next patch cycle.
EDIT: This honestly should be their stab at Mythic dungeons from WoW, which everyone said off rip. But they should also full send into the way Mythic dungeons work, make the gear 515 or something, so you can be a little bit better than crafted but not as good as the current raid/tome gear. Maybe have upgrades for each piece to make it like 525 once you've done enough weeklies of it.
Criterrion dungeons seem cool but I'm not super excited about variant entirely because the choices seem really boring. "here's 3 identical doors each has a different path" is so much more boring than paths that branch off more naturally and let you make more organic choices.
And I just happen to have an unplanned day off on tuesday, lucky.
As excited about this as I am, I suspect it’s gonna die really fast unless they tie it into gear somehow. Though that’ll cause no end of problems on its own
Please drop gear.
Yea criterion doesnt sound like my level of fun. It sounds like pure pain. 😂
I'm not sure about the timer thing in Savage. It's probably meta to reset the dungeon if the timer keeps running after a wipe.
My copium for the rewards is stuff to augment tomestone gear
with it being hardcore content, there's gotta be something to keep hardcore players coming back
Im intimidated
So palace of the dead basically. I feel like this game is going in a full circle. Original XIV. Everyone is just gonna stop playing. They will have to redo the whole game again
That boss is straight up a pokemon
Just a question; how do you change the color of health bars, boss-facing circles, and the like? I would like to do the same.
The biggest reward for beating a savage fight is more the fight itself than the loot. I consider the possibilities of a few 630 il pieces extremely underwhelming when taken into account the amount of time put into it, specially when you have people in the group that get zero loot every week back to back. I'm suspecting they will either give a troll reward like 630 il pieces with shitty stats such as piety or tenacity and call it a day, with the biggest reward of a savage dungeon, once again, beating through the content. Delubrum savage was really cool with what they did, cerberus is a bit clunky because of how big it is but it's a cool mount to use.
I have to assume it'll drop armor at least, in some form or another. With no Eureka/Bozja and (presumably) no MM equivalent, it seems like a good a place as any to put new armor sets.
You get a chair Mount from completing that if you go to meonis video he states that
Would really like to see gear tied to this somehow. Perhaps gear sets or rare gear drops like in Bozja and Eureka that grant you haste or other sub stats specific to Criterion.
Challenging 4 man contend is what we asked for years, I could careless if only give minions as rewards
Lol Yoshi p like soooo you didn't find my dungeons entertaining now you will muhahaha
lol i love how they have little circles to stand in front of which door/path you wanna go… further encouraging no typing/interaction. god forbid a party has to communicate to when it comes to navigating corridors to circle/square arenas. Also i get it we have asked for this content for years…. too bad it wasnt a thing in 2.x and 3.x when i actually enjoyed the game and it still felt fresh. I finally called it quits in Shb and glad i did.
So what's the greatsword that drk is rocking in the thumbnail?
Nice, thanks for the video. Looking forward to the new mount!
the "replayability" will be it's tied to the manderville weapon so you have to run it over and over
They should at least offer dyeable versions of dungeon gear as a reward through armor set coffers (full set of gear) and weapon coffers. Cause even when they make standard reskin of the gear later, they still have different dye areas than the original model.