Is Rich or are other content creators being carried? To be fair they are to some degree just because they are playing with people who already know the fights well, but I think it's a fraction of degrees compared to how WoW allows people to be carried due to flex raiding. In WoW's flex system there are some hard carries going on (as in literally they just tell people to die so they don't get in the way). I do respect those like Rich and Asmon who make an effort to get the most authentic experience possible. And I also respect the fact that FFXIV allows this – with WoW you really can't get that unless you remove gear. Many people in WoW say that some content is to farm old raids to get gear, but I just don't see the point in soloing raids repeatedly.
Water Jet 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:13 – 1:19 ???
Is Rich or are other content creators being carried? To be fair they are to some degree just because they are playing with people who already know the fights well, but I think it's a fraction of degrees compared to how WoW allows people to be carried due to flex raiding. In WoW's flex system there are some hard carries going on (as in literally they just tell people to die so they don't get in the way). I do respect those like Rich and Asmon who make an effort to get the most authentic experience possible. And I also respect the fact that FFXIV allows this – with WoW you really can't get that unless you remove gear. Many people in WoW say that some content is to farm old raids to get gear, but I just don't see the point in soloing raids repeatedly.