FFXIV Event Farming Guide: Moogle Treasure Trove

A new patch is on the way which means a new treasure trove event, so its time to break out the old farming methods to get some mounts and build your mgp


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2 thoughts on “FFXIV Event Farming Guide: Moogle Treasure Trove”

  1. Qarn is going to be the easiest method. Tam-Tara is more efficient than Qarn, but is a bit more involved. A1 will likely be the overall best option to spam; however, not having some of the better damaging primal spells will likely have a noticeable effect on the clear time.

  2. Extra tip for the pvp option is Hidden Gorge which is often active within the first couple of weeks during this event due to it being shorter compared to Frontlines and a good time to get those achievements for Rival Wings as you farm for the tomes.


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