The moogle treasure trove has returned, and you likely looking for the best way to farm the irregular tomestones for you mounts and mgp.
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#ffxiv #finalfantasy14 #moogletreasuretrove #irregulartomestones
While I do agree with doing MSQ roulette daily for the daily bonus on top of the tomestones, I do not believe they are the best duties to farm if you can't/won't do PvP or Blue Mage. That honor goes to Battle on the Big Bridge, which, while only awarding two tomestones per clear, is absurdly fast, with the average clear being under three minutes, vastly outpacing all the MSQ duties. Plus, based on how popular Deltascape 3.0 was for farming last time for being the fastest raid or trial included, queue times for Big Bridge should be very fast, and even then PF is always an option to get around queue times.
I'm really tempted to just start a new series on Netflix and spam MSQ roulette this time, thanks for the video!
Pretty long video just to say "four blue mages aurum vale party"