FFXIV EU Fan Fest 2023 – Thoughts and Talk

EU Fanfest is happening. Here are my thoughts on the Live Letter.

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25 thoughts on “FFXIV EU Fan Fest 2023 – Thoughts and Talk”

  1. I think Viper makes a lot of sense in terms of a missing archetype. A lot of people loved rogue and weren't as interested in ninja. Corsair kind of follows in the piratey footsteps of rogue, but a single sword wouldn't have really fit. Viper seems like a clear extension of rogue for people who liked that fantasy. It's WoW's Combat Rogue and the missing Job for FFXIV's rogue, plus a little twist with the Darth Maul swords.

    Would also make sense if it really is Green Mage. I will laugh if it is because I made a complete crackpot guess while joking around with a friend about how they showed the new melee class, then Alisaie caught a GREEN fruit: "Green mage confirmed", but it turns out there is a Green Mage in FF and maybe it is? That would make sense in a similar way to Rogue if they do a nature-focused Green Mage. Just like Rogue->Ninja had kind of a weird progression that some people were not into, I think Conjurer->White Mage also left some people behind who liked the nature aspects of Conjurer more.

  2. I like the idea of the limited job being beast master. Instead of collecting spells like BLU, you collect animals. Would also make sense that too many animal combinations would be difficult to optimize for real content, making it better as a limited job.

  3. For what it's worth, good to hear from you, sir. As a fellow mostly solo person, I kinda feel ya on the "social content" thing. I'm sorry whatever happened to you happened, though. In my case it's just the way it is. If you're ever around Famfrit and see a Ren Thras, feel free to say hi, though I only do casual stuff myself. Uh…MOSTly.
    Allegans DID get around, didn't they? Though it'd be nice if it was someone else for once. I did see some Zidane in Viper, but I'm more thinking "If Rogue/Thief was an actual Job not just a Class". Also hoping they don't make the new content require groups or make it PUG friendly instead. Even Eureka/Bozja were pretty PUG friendly, which is one reason I think they did well. I didn't do a lot of FF11, but…honestly I'm okay with this. Though I always assumed FF11 was a shard instead. I agree with you that a paired sub would be nice. I think I'm more interested on if it's done well or not. NieR was not, Ivalice I thought was.

    And yeah, another Limited Job is…actually interesting to me. And I agree with you that Pictomancer as a non-Limited Job wouldn't make sense. Though I would think Beastmaster or Puppetmaster would make a bit more sense. I'm just happen they're actually doing it…though hope it's ACTUALLY solo friendly. BLU was…until you get to the fact you have to do group content for so many spells. <_< Still, I want to finally see what restrictions are on Limited JobS and which are on BLU specifically. (Though I'd also like to see Deep Dungeons open to them, too…….)

    I don't know using Etherys is selfish, I think it's more just people don't think about it. It's like if most people called the world "The Planet" and you read books to learn the name was Earth, you would be using the name Earth just because you think it's more correct. Though your point is valid that not everyone knows.

    Still not sure about Fall Guys, but maybe it'll be fun. I liked the FF15 crossover (though think that not giving every Job a Royal Arm was a missed opportunity), the FF16 one looks cool, despite me never playing it and probably never going to play it. And yeah, I may make a character on the Cloud server just to try helping out with the data. And the graphics up date looks overall amazing. That screenshot of the desert path looked awesome. Hm…similar to FF3 art. Interesting.

    And yeah, OG Mr Final Fantasy.

    Lots of interesting information. Lots we still don't know. When we get to the JP Fanfest and Media Tour…very much want to see.

    Hope you're feeling …well, hope things get better for you. I know what it's like to be… yeah. I hope it gets better for you. It always does, just takes time. Though it sucks. : (

    Hope to hear more from you soon. You do awesome work and you seem like a genuinely decent guy. Safe travels, friend.

  4. Glad you've still got a bit of levity in this video, despite, you know. Viper is an odd choice, but a welcome one, I've got a cosplay I can not actually do, assuming there are some slightly curved sword for viper, not perfect, but as long it's two swords and not held upside down (NIN) it's great for it.

  5. 3:34 that's kinda how I feel when people refer to the Warrior of Light as "Azem" on social media.

    1. It's definitely a spoiler for all who haven't cleared Shadowbringers.

    2 (personal pet peeve). They really are not. They may share traits with Azem/be their shard, but the WoL is their own person. I suppose people headcanons are their own, but romanticizing/obsessing over the Unsundered World is exactly what led to the Ascians, and seems kinda antithetical to everything the WoL has done in-story.

  6. Excited for Viper! Glad I didn't spend (too much) time collecting pirate glams ๐Ÿ™‚

    The FFXI alliance raid is the biggest surprise to me and has me thinking about re-subbing to 11 (it doesn't take much). I actually took a break from 14 last year to finally check out 11, and really enjoyed it. There's some jank and it definitely shows it's age in places, but it's still a fascinating world with some good stories to tell.

  7. I had completely forgotten about Epic deleting the Fall Guys team. Thanks for the reminder. Also, what the hell are "hats"? Speaking as a Hrothgar player. Those were nice legs, yeah.

  8. First, so nice to have another vid from you ๐Ÿ™‚

    I think its a good thing they keep adding unique jobs to the frey. After all, there wouldnt be much of a surprise otherwise if they just recicled old jobs from previous games. Personally, I wouldnt notice anyway since I havent touched any other FF game… And, to be honest, it reminds me more of the Shadowhunters and Demonhunters from WoW, and even Soulbeast from GW2 ๐Ÿ˜€

    3:41 — I like it that they keep calling the planat Haydaelyn. Its a nod to the world's greatest hero and, lets be real here: the name "Etheris" isnt even known beyond Sharlayan and some very, very exclusive circles. Also, it was the name of the world when it was One. We are still a Source and several Shards, so calling it Etheris seems… presumptuous, to me. It doesnt fit, and I'd rather get rid of the term – except maybe when we mingle with those exclusive circles.

    5:10 — Could be a return to Garlemald, too.

    6:14 — Not surprised at all. When they announce Myths of the Realm, they made it super clear that this was something super special because it was a FF14-only theme, seen in no other FF game. Its not surprising at all then that they would once again pay homage to the other FF games as they did in the past.

    9:33 — I think they said something like with 6.51 – meaning in a couple weeks… but I couldve been mistaken here…

    Concerning the female hrothgar: there is a concept art of "save the queen" where a figure, thats defenitely not a roegadyn, sits in the throne-thingy.

    Hope you're doing well, you sound kinda… tired. Take care.

  9. The first character that popped into my head with the Viper reveal was Archer, so that got me kinda hyped. I used to main Ninja back in the day, but got a little bored of every ninja weapon being incredibly boring, so I'm actually looking forward to maybe having a similar class with weapons that allow for a bit more variety.

  10. Totally called it on the twinblade, nice one. Viper looks a ton of fun though, I love Ninja in part because of the high APM so I'm glad to hear Viper will be pretty involved as well. And a new limited job!!

  11. I am stoked for the new melee job. The little bit that we've seen looks super good to me, and I have to admit that I've almost always been a fan of dual blade style classes/jobs in a lot of games (ninja is one of the few misses for me for some reason; it's fun, but it doesn't quite scratch the same itch for me at least). Depending on how the dragoon rework turns out, I might have a new main job in 7.0.

    (Also I'm glad to see you still making content, even if it's on a drastically reduced schedule/pace. Make sure you take care of yourself though, that's the most important thing)

  12. 3:34 (shb and onwards spoilers)

    a similar pet peeve i have is when people describe the premise of ffxiv to newcomers but in the most spoilery way possible. on several occasions i have seen people bring up that the world is split into multiple shards and that we travel to them as if it's the main premise of ffxiv, instead of letting new players learn that part of the worldbuilding themselves. not to mention that's not even something we start doing until a few expansions in so it's pretty misleading. i get that it's kinda hard to summarize what ffxiv is really about though

  13. Thank you Wesk for this video. Iโ€™m just happy youโ€™re talking to us, about FFXIV. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I laughed when I found out the job wasnโ€™t going to be called Corsair. Nice job Yoshi P. ๐Ÿคฃ So much already known and yet the new expansion is still so far away. ๐Ÿ˜… Oh well, Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll be surprised anyway when the time comes.
    One question I have is, will my 9 year old computer still be able to run FFXIV? ๐Ÿ˜… Guess Iโ€™ll find out. ๐Ÿ˜
    TORGAL TORGAL TORGAL! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

    Ps: The little comic was both ๐Ÿคฃ and ๐Ÿฅบ Nice. ๐Ÿ˜†

  14. Really loved hearing your voice again my dude. I was so worried you wouldn't be back. Your humour, deadpan wit and insight is much appreciated. Also you're the reason I have 90'd every job and am now a savage raider after discovering XIV about 18 months ago!


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