In this video, I walk you through all of the spells and abilities that the Scholar starts with, followed by going over the ones they learn from level 30 to 50, in order. I explain and show examples for every action, and elaborate on when and where to use what, so you can safely approach the contents of the game. I take time to explain how to micro-manage your pet to optimize her effectiveness.
I also spend significant time on comparing different healing spells so you have a better idea of when to use which spell specifically.
When to use Aetherflow on what is also looked into, although this does require some judgement from the individual Scholar!
For information regarding Spells, Abilities, Weaving and much more, refer to my guide on these aspects:
For a rundown of all Role Actions in the game as of Shadowbringers, refer to my guide on those:
Music used:
Neath Dark Waters: An extended version of this song can be found here: , but be aware that it may contain spoilers for Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers specifically.
00:00 Starting Attacks
00:50 Starting Healing options and efficiencies
01:55 Other general Healer tools
02:56 Pet Management
05:22 Weaving brief
06:01 Level 35 and Healing Overview
07:17 Level 40 and Fey Illumination and its delay
08:07 Level 45 and Aetherflow Usage
09:51 Level 46 and Art of War
10:26 Level 50 and Sacred Soil
10:58 Summary on Attacking
11:52 Summary on Healing
12:45 Summary on Damage Reduction
13:03 Summary on Other Actions
13:35 Fun Fact