A piano arrangement of “Your Answer,” the second trial boss theme in FFXIV Endwalker.
Quick note: The beat in this soundtrack is almost always on the quarter notes. To keep the right rhythm, it’s important to put emphasis on those notes, even during the faster parts in the left hand. You can’t always see the emphasized notes in the tutorial, but I’ve added notations in the sheet music.
🎵 Original composer: Masayoshi Soken
🎵 Piano arrangement: Cecilia Sjölund
🌻 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CecSjolund
🌻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/CeciliaSjolund
🎹 MIDI: https://bit.ly/3spZwIi
🎹 Musescore: https://bit.ly/3eb1J24
🎹 PDF: https://bit.ly/3mnomVp
Seems like I’m on an Endwalker roll. What can I say—the soundtracks keep pulling me back in. Soken truly nailed his interpretation of Uematsu’s “Answers.” I love how he took the melancholy of the theme and turned it into something triumphant. I usually do a loop before I end a battle soundtrack arrangement, but the transition from Soken’s wild crescendo Uematsu’s soft ending was just too seamless to resist.
I guess the one-sided love-hate relationship between me and Soken continues. His habit of randomly ignoring traditional music theory drives me crazy, but he sure is a genius.
My answer is: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!