FFXIV Endwalker – What Content is Coming & When We'll Get It

Source: https://youtu.be/N2TWmsce_eg?t=6235

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45 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – What Content is Coming & When We'll Get It”

  1. Thank you for the reminder. I'm excited for the patch. I managed to clear Eureka, get 2 weapons final form from it and also almost done with my first zodiac relic during this time. It's been very productive for me during the downtime lol

  2. Still waiting for Hrothgar to get looked at seriously. Would like for them to actually put some effort into them as a race. Can't wear 90% of the hats and then when they do give hairstyles they cant manage ears so no excuse for hats that cover the entirety of the head.

  3. I can't wait for quite a few things.

    1 data center travel. So that you guys can buy all of crystals cheap wares and I can make more money.

    2. Criterion dungeons.

    3. A new deep dungeon. I need more money and even on Crystal I pull in 1/2 mil -1 mil a week selling glams.

    4. Island adventures

    5. The rest of the alliance raids.

    6. Group que for CC. I'm so tired of playing with randoms instead of friends. I want to play with friends.

  4. I think the World of Darkness and the Four Fiends will be our relic weapons; they've mentioned it'll be a war and judging by the normies thinking Bozja is very pog and cool, they might break off some of the MSQ NPCs to handle that, as other stuff pops up. That's my guess at least. Golbez and the Lunarians are just another apocalyptic threat, which yoshida said the msq will stay away from for now.

  5. Still quite excited for Island Sanctuary. Right now I'm just trying to max out the Trust system (while leveling up tanks). Won't make it before 6.15 so… I have to include Arkasodara quests into the mix then. Then I have to max out the Shared FATEs in each of the areas. It's funny, actually. I used to do it so that I did hunts alongside the beast tribe quests. It was my go to way to level up classes that I couldn't level up in groups aka I sucked at them. Then the Trust system happened and… I can only say THANK YOU, Yoshi-P! And now it's getting included all the way from the start so once again… THANK YOU, Yoshi-P!

  6. If doing the same thing for 10 years is "looking bright for Endwalker" then I don't want to know what looking dark looks like. I seriously don't understand why XIV's content cycle gets as much praise as it does.

  7. Wow is getting worse and worse with each xpac and people want to play it’s classic version while FFXIV is getting better and better and NOBODY wants to play 1.0 lol

  8. I seriously doubt we won't get Eureka/Bozja zones, they are one of the best content mid expansion and change that for only 1 "new dungeon" would be really a shame, I reeally don't hope so, or expecting the Criteria to be THAT good

  9. honestly, hope they do more than what is currently planned, feels really barren still.
    if you reached the end (i know not everyone is there, talking about the people who are at endgame) there's not much at that point.
    you got the EX trials (and possibly farm them, but that lasts till the mount is aquired or you got 99 totems)
    the savage raids (which most players have already finished)
    the ultimate raid (which most people won't even try or get close to finishing, but that's generally 2-3 times a week, so not really worth noting)
    then ofcourse gathering/crafting if you're into that (only got miner to 90 for the maps atm)
    and then the dailies, which are still stuck in their own same boring rotation.

    with leveling you either get your latest dungeon (maybe 1 below that) or just fuck it all the way down to copperbell mines.
    trials gives decent EXP atleast.
    50/60/70/80 dungeons which is decent EXP i guess (seriously, we still don't got a better name for these? after endwalker it'll be 50/60/70/80/90 and after that 50/60/70/80/90/100 time to start giving it a name?)
    normal raid which is just bad EXP, for the same length as an trial you get … around 25% of the exp from DR trials … fun fights, shitty reward.
    MSQ roulette (which is fine now i guess, no more 30-40 minute comitments to praetorium)
    and DR alliance roulette, which might aswel be renamed to DR crystal tower, since you always have atleast 1 person downscaling their ilvl (i don't mind this since i don't like the ivalice raid series, for the most part it's just boring, bosses are way too spongy) the nier raids are fine but you rarely get them and fuck the HW raids.

    also hopefully no shitty exploration content this expansion, please, no diadem, diadem 2.0 and diadem 3.0 content, i did Eureka because i was bored (even then it was mind numblingly painful) did all 4 zones, never did BA unfortunately.
    Bozja i just gave up, it was yet another fate farm … yet … another … fate … farm.

    (also funny that ISLAND SANCTUARY is still not in the game, even though they advertised that WITH the expansion, it's gonna be 8 months out when it releases, what the fuck)

  10. Really appreciate this type of video, sometimes I get lost in whats coming when so a compact overview is really helpful, thanks! 🙂 I do wonder though, when will the next raid tier release? You didn't mention it in the video and I am new to raiding since Endwalker and we finished this tier so I am curious what time there is between each tier.


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