FFXIV Endwalker – Trial #1 EXTREME First Clear (Accessory EX)

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3 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – Trial #1 EXTREME First Clear (Accessory EX)”

  1. Fun fact, when i got my first clear of this fight it was just a little after my first clear of the second ex trial with mostly the same people. The tank told me we can do it easy just follow him all the time (minus tank busters) and i got my clear. Thought it was funny so long as one person knows exactly what to do they can basicly carry the other seven people 🙂

  2. So glad to see that you struggled to grasp some of the spins, and the stars. I managed to get my clear, and without having to follow someone, but man, my brain does not like processing either of those mechanics. Lol


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