Hey all! Sorry for the sometimes weird editing. My render kept crashing so I started omitting things to make it work. Also, I’ve heard of some more skill names for things, but I didn’t see tooltips so I’m not sure what is legitimate and whats not so also omitted some of the skill names. Enjoy!
FFXIV Reddit Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ffxiv
Reddit Post w/ Tooltips: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/pqmdgb/reaper_skills_in_english_sorta_and_organized/
Google Doc w/ Above Tooltips + Two Openers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/154783nHSs-QoSsNVdwUudZ74H6eqO4Hao0d4ncmv8ho/edit?usp=sharing
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Dammit I was planning on just leveling Reaper as I went through Endwalker but seeing it in action makes me really tempted to powerlevel it
This job looks absolutely incredible.
I CANNOT wait…
Looks like a busy job. Might not be one I can use easily.
Can be worst then my black mage though.
The Job looks badass. Can't wait to play it
Stop right there… You had me at dps TBN
I like how they are lowering monks complexity but keeping this one all over the place
11:01 The backstep/gap closer skills hotbar wise is redundant. Be better if made it move directionally like Dancer dash skill and click the same icon again to go back to reaper portal like BLM between the lines for their leyline circle.
I don't care what the final name ends up being. Imma still call it Harvest Moon regardless =P
still think Reaper should have been a life steal healer
I've been wanting a melee job that utilizes a priority based system like a caster or ranged physical DPS instead of the usual 1-2-3 combo system that melees and tanks use. I don't like it and it's kept me from playing melee very often. Reaper does have a 1-2-3 combo but it seems like that's just filler for when they don't have something more important and situational to be doing. Could be what I've been looking for.
I keep stalling when levelling tank jobs, but this might be the one I take all the way up!
isnt soul gauge the name of the bards gauge? lol is there now two soul gauges? and the 10% dmg buff it has reminds me of DRKs old soul survivor but with a dmg buff to it
i cant wait to see an actual opener guide when reaper drops, his skills look like they are going to be pretty strong
Ironically this is kinda what I imagined DRK would've been like as a DPS lol
Seeing too many GCD abilities to keep my interest, sadly. Too much like SAM in that regard
The concept of plentiful harvest is so fucking cool considering the reapers lore
solid video, thanks brother. looking forward to this, but more so, Sage, as a healer mostly
Samurai: I have third eyes to defend myself.
Reaper: I have The Blackest Night, but it also buffs my party.
Everybody's acting like the skill Harvest Moon is a reference to the game series and can't possibly be the final name, but it's much more likely a reference to the same thing the game's name references: the actual real-life event called the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox. It gives a lot extra light in the evenings, so harvesting can go later into the night.
ah yes, the exponential entropy class
11:17 forward and back and then forward and back and the go forward and back and put one foot forward
I know it's hud it already a little cluttered but I thinkk they may want to add a way to see how many demon bells or sacrifice's you have. Kinda like the meditation stacks for samurai. (I know it shows up on the buff bar but that can get even more cluttered in raids)
So they’re emo farmers ?
I have for the first time actually appreciated the fact that Yoshi can actually log into the game he directs, and play it, and knows what the classes do, and show it off to an audience. Like when you compare to many big game directors for a game with this kind of gameplay death, they'd be clueless and lost, they wouldn't know what most of the gameplay actually executes like, yet alone how to show it off to an audience as an example case.
You did a fantastic job! Can't wait to see your Sage Guide!!
Based off this video it looks like a hodgepodge of samurai, gunbreaker, dark knight, and dragoon. Color me impressed. Looks great!
I'm disappointed with how rigid/straightforward/barebones Reaper's rotation is in single target and it doesn't really seam like it's even going to be good in AoE(which suffers the same problem as single target), which makes me wonder why have an AoE rotation if it's going to be weaker in than single target rotation, and raid buffs aren't going to be making those numbers any better…
Also this class probably looks like it's going to be less fun to play when you run older content(levels 1-50 content specifically) which means they are leaning HARD into progression skip items for new players if that's the case, and they might as well just not have level 1-50 content and make everyone whatever level progression skip is at the time and call it a day since it's the same amount of effort as actually taking time fixing a lot of design choices the devs created themselves by making bosses fights annoying or boring based(or both) on whether or not the bosses automatically reposition or are just glorified striking dummies… which makes me wonder why even have positional in the first place…
Reaper already turned me away from the class with the character turning into derplander for their "iconic" move and it's just more Machinist rotation which blends in with Dark Knight, Warrior, Ninja, Healer in general, and Summoner rotation which is actually 2.x Paladin Rotation… I can only spam 1-2-3 for so long before I get bored and want to go play something that's actually fun…
Endwalker needs at least 2 more years to be good across the board otherwise it's just more of what I didn't like about Stormblood AND Shadowbringers… so yeah I'm skipping Endwalker this time around and just go back to playing Base PSO2 on JP side… though I do need to clear out my backlog so I might get around to doing that first…
Reaper rotation similar to GNB, SMN (ShB), DRK, DRG,and BLM combined.
Sage rotation similar to WHM, SCH, NIN, and MCH combined
I wanna know what we've learned about new mnk. It's been my main since 2.x and need to know what they did to my beloved job
Somehow youtube decided to not notify me of this video, even though I have notifications on
Grown men really out there translating and watching a video frame by frame for clues.
No wonder most men dont own their own place yet lmao
Angry farmer mains
Really wish it were a pet class. That voidsent looks hella dope. Be neat if it were out all the time.
I cant wait to see more monk stuff
Yoooo they got Lost Rend Armor
So reaper seems like dps drk to me and I aint complaining
Love the aesthetic of the job and the mechanical swings in intensity it seems to be going for. The main combo not having any positionals while the spenders do seems like a pretty novel design that make prepositioning a bit easier for when the spending comes into play.
Gotta agree that the neu-meditate won't last long as is, if it even makes into the release. People hated that for Meditation so it'll probably get tagged into something else. Having downtime skills isn't too bad in theory, but most of the big downtime moments in a fight you're either stunned or can't reliably interact anyways (Cutscene magic) so you wouldn't get a chance to refresh it.
No positional? Neat!
Damn this looks so complicated, I love it
appreciate this! was really curious how rotation would compare to other melee, especially since every skill looked the same on reaper stream lol
Looks like Reaper uses enough Dark Souls to risk a copyright lawsuit.
Reaper has me really conflicted. I normally always main a tank class, but Reaper looks really cool, and the moves are so damn flashy, and since it's sharing gear with DRG I won't feel super squishy even (also I still get that "armored" look, which tends to be lacking in the other dps classes).
yeah this shit looks unreal. what a job
Its time to hang my lance and grab a scythe
really wished they got rid of positionals… seems like an unnecessary annoyance…
This is actually a lot more complicated than I thought it'd be. I feel like I don't really have anything to compare to it so until I get my hands on it I don't know if it'll click in my brain. That being said, I'm kinda expecting a bunch of sub par Reapers out there just hitting their 1-2-3 combos unless the abilities actually guide you more than I can see at this point. The good thing is that if I play it and actually end up not liking it for whatever reason I still have Ninja which is my current melee main.