FFXIV Endwalker Reaction | Venat is Love, Venat is Life

Meeting Venat was a wonderful treat but I did not expect her to know almost exactly what we were up to. ALSO VENAT WAS THE PREVIOUS AZEM? Endwalker is a journey I never want to see end.

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Terrabellum streams a variety of games and is currently playing through more of FFXIV than Asmongold. He also streams horror and souls-likes and other RPG’s 4 days a week on Twitch!

#ffxiv #endwalker #terrabellum


27 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reaction | Venat is Love, Venat is Life”

  1. With regard to Emet lacking any kind of sympathy, I generally agree with the chat person saying he couldn't put it into words.

    My perspective is that he represents people in real life who do feel emotion and sympathy, but it seems that it is channeled into a pure logic based problem solving reaction. That does not mean they don't feel emotions and are not moved by them

    I say them because I am definitely not one, but I have two in my family, a sister and my brother. It took a while into adulthood to even recognize what an absolute gift it is to have someone like this in your life as you always get a straight answer about their thoughts (and feelings) on the matter. You have to learn to translate it though.

    Some people, like myself and Terra here, feel the emotion strong and immediately and have to work through them to truly reach logic and reason. The down side there is that we can convince ourself that our emotions ARE reason in that immediate moment. This can lead to, ironically, lack of sympathy for others in that moment if we don't develop ourselves fully.

    Meanwhile, other people have an immediate reason and logic based response. They have to work through that before they can truly reach a deeper emotional conclusion. The down side here is that if they don't develop themselves fully they may assume the reasonable conclusion IS based on emotion and therefore IS emotion. Obviously they may assume they know the truth of emotions and block others' emotions (or their own authentic emotions) from reaching them.

    However, neither of these methods of processing means that there isn't logic or emotions present in either of these groups at all times. There most certainly is. It is simply a difference in processing.

    Thus, in my interpretation, Emet immediately understood EMPATHICALLY even, that Hermes is getting destroyed by being in the complete wrong job, did his instinctual evaluation and by the time he finished processing and then spoke, he simply stated the logical conclusion. But it was fed by a definite emotional basis.

  2. The Venat meeting is even funnuer when your HC of the Azem is a time mage because Venat doesn't even need that much justification, "This thing has a Ward I didn't place there yet and it has Azem's hue, of course it's their doing"

    "Please don't tell Juno"

  3. Emet's perspective/reaction to Hermes' inner conflict honestly informs the way he reacts to the Final Days. At this point in time, Emet sees death as beautiful and meaningful, not a tragedy. He can't see eye to eye with Hermes on this, so as an impartial party, he judges that Hermes is not fit for his current role which forces Hermes to kill creations.

    Cut forward to Emet's reaction to the WoL's tale of what happens to him. He's outraged at the idea that he would tarnish his brethren's memory by fabricating them. He doesn't know the bitterness of tragedy yet… So of course when it happens – when Hythlodaeus sacrifices himself along with so many others to save the star – it's crushing. Here we have someone who not only has never grieved, but has no frame of reference for how to handle it in a healthy way.

    He says that he would "never forsake [his[ duty" in reference to re-creating his home/people, but the tragic thing is that it's BECAUSE he's so tied to them that he did this. He just doesn't see it yet.

    It also adds more weight to the offense that he took in ShB, when Alphinaud said that we and were the same in trying to save our loved ones. Emet's response of "You think yourselves equal to the ones I lost?!" makes a whole lotta sense when you compare how he sees us versus his cherished Hythlodaeus.

  4. I think that part of what makes Fandaniel's train of thought on how the rest of the Amaurotines feel when it comes to the destruction of flawed creations is rather flawed in and of itself. Sure, they seem not to care and if any of them show the characteristic obviously it is Emet-Selch.

    But he plainly doesn't know what goes on behind closed doors. Surely, some weep. Fir if bot from an emotional connection then from the labor put into trying to make something to better the world and it not meeting criteria. He assumes the bulk of his people are unfeeling because they do not make it known. And so he slides ever deeper into a nihilistic depression.

  5. It’s amazing how the writers can make these ancients so lovable in just a few quests. Emet and Hythlo are a given, but Venat and Hermes? We just knew them and immediately I would love to be their friends

  6. your character's unsundered soul from the time of the ancients is Azem, Venat was the previous Azem your sundered soul is your character and her champion

  7. Well come and well met, Terra! Was her calling us the fuck out not amazing and… actually kind of sensible? "Oh, that's my magic. But I don't know you. Guess you future boi"

    Always a pleasure to watch you losing your mind just as I did, haha

  8. Hermes had a really strong effect on me. He's the ascian I wound up really clinging to and sympathizing with the way most of the playerbase seems to with Emet. Glad to see he made an impression on you as well.

    The scenes here at the beginning were honestly the last straw for me to finally take the plunge and become vegan about a month ago. despite that, I'm still working as a fry cook at a grocery store until they can hire a replacement so I can start looking for another position.

    This may sound dumb, but 'Hate, if that be your wont. We are worthy. But leave your suffering behind.' Has become something I whisper when I'm prepping the chickens to be cooked. I'm still stuck in a world where other living creatures are born, bred, tortured and die for the pleasures of man, but I can at least acknowledge my complicity and try to mitigate it.

  9. Ah yes. The area where we slowly realize that the Ancients should have probably invested some progress towards therapy. Imagine being an empath like Hermes, working in an area where there are literally flowers that reflect the empathy of those around them, and as your coworkers euthanize creatures out of existence those flowers remain white. Uncaring. Content. No hint of faltering, or regret. He probably felt like a madman. His entire people were unknowingly gaslighting him.

  10. I love that Emet was like "I would never do anything like that!" but when we met Hythlodaeus on the moon he was like "Haha, that sounds just like something Emet would do!"

  11. Oh and one thing if you pick the other option "That rather sounds like the Blessing of Light" she talks about how you have many protective spells but that one is definitely hers and I just can't stop imagining her checking out all of your passive buffs and giving an impressed whistle.


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