Music belongs to FFXIV and Square Enix. I do not own any of this, I just uploaded it because it slaps and I couldn’t find this one on …
Music belongs to FFXIV and Square Enix. I do not own any of this, I just uploaded it because it slaps and I couldn’t find this one on …
I've been looking for this. It's one of my favorite pieces in the new expansion
what a good theme to afk bees knees to
It's like Jaco Pastorius went to India – I'm utterly addicted.
Thanks for putting this up! I <3 this theme! For those who don't know, you can right click on the video and loop it.
that bass line near the end…
do they have orchestrion for this theme?
Was looking for this!
Wow sounds like a Indian Pakistani qawali
Both day and night are amazing im literally maxing out my shared fates to get these songs so good!!!
This was what I was waiting for
1:28 for that bass line at the end.
Man this has to be my favorite from the game love it and chill there all the time just to hear it great vibes.
Finishing msq paid off by finally giving day/night theme of the place
The trumpet and violin!
Why does this song slap so hard? It's addicting.
1) Good morning madam
2) Can I interest you in some fish
Banger alert yall!
I just imagine a Matanga playing the horn part on their trunk lol.
I have been wondering whether the vocals at the beginning are Soken himself. Also that trumpet is so unhinged, and I love it. Percussion makes this track for me
Like the song. Did not expect the trombone. Did anyone expect the trombone?
Second best city themes against Ishgard’s
1:45 I could loop that part, damn