First reactions to Ultima Thule in FFXIV: Endwalker
*** Obviously contains SPOILERS for Endwalker! ***
We’re reaching our final installments of Endwalker. Thank you all for walking to the end with me in these months following the release.❤️More sacrifices are made and when all seems hopeless, hope blooms once more.
🎙️Aetheryte Radio Podcast:
🎙️Lightbringers Podcast:
00:00 – Onwards!
05:26 – Omicron Base
18:24 – Sir’s Secret
48:34 – G’raha’s Sacrifice
1:06:57 – Walk w/ the twins
1:17:08 – Bar’s Haunted
1:26:03 – The Twins’ Sacrifice
1:40:18 – Voices from the Past
1:44:16 – Hope Blooms Again
FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010 – 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. All material used under license.
I cried so much during this last section that I had to get up and take a break for a little bit. Also, my kids heard me crying, and did all of the things I do for them when they cry. Brought me water, tissues, hugged me and rubbed my back saying “shhh, you’re okay. It will be alright”.
That moment with G'raha… Every. Single. FRICKING. TIME. That big musical swell from Eternal Wind and his delivery… I sob like a baby every single damned time. This was my big breakdown moment when I played this. I cried a LOT during this expansion. Like, Shadowbringers made me fill up a damn bathtub full of tears but this expansion… Olympic swimming pool of tears, minimum. This scene needed its own olympic sized pool lol G'raha is just the best, period. He's just so damn sweet and innocent. Making us promise him a date in Ishgard just before he bites it was a very low blow lol
Rook, I love your commentary but shhhh Close in the Distance is playing
I loved this part! I cry every time I see someone play through it.
In my own playthrough the scions sacrifice didnt make me cry, because is was too obvious theyd be right back, and theyve played the fake sacrifice card a bit too much imo. That being said watching it through others peoples reactions it does hit harder now. Losing venat/hyadelyn hit me much harder in the feels.
While looking for the Omicron acting sus, you can also find the ambystoma here too
It occurs to me during G'raha's chat and in a lot of his dialogues – he's basically FF14's version of a Timelord. 😆 All he'd need is more lives at this point.
Aaaaa I am still on this journey with you all. I have been there since the beginning (and while I know we these are prerecorded) I will see this to the end with everyone!
Excellent. Now I can link this to you, finally.
A large part of the community got together to do this song. Make particular note of the upper left hand corner.
I RP walked up the entire crystal path with the twins.
Ooof! Feelswalker strikes again…
I don't cry very easily over fiction (or anything really) but I can assure you this zone emotionally devastated me all the same. It just mostly manifested in ranting to my friends about how good and how heartbreaking it was =p
I was critically dehydrated by the end.
Raha hurt the most 😿
The music for the Twins is Beyond Redemption, the theme for the final phase of the Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), which is a looping version of the music from one of the cutscenes from Final Coil.
Does anyone else actually like Meteion and don't put too much weight of "blaming" her?
She was a flawed tool, created by a flawed man, meant to answer a VERY flawed question. Forced to, to some degree, do it through the very tinted lenses of Hermes' vision of the world. Like, this was a group of loli Empaths fired into the coldness of space, who were given no experience or ability to sift through the emotional data they were being forced to process. For goodness sake, "our" Meteion was caused physical pain just by being in a room with 4 adults having a conversation that one of them (her Clinically Depressed Creator) didn't like. Emet was absolutely right that Hermes set them up to fail. And on a certain level, she was/became Hermes' Blasphemy.
I hold Hermes immensely responsible for this chain of events, not so much Meteion.
How did you manage to sing so beautifully during Grahas scene and not fully cry
33:40 In my sleep deprived state I was really annoyed with Graha here. I mean he saved the First. Sure the Warrior of Light needed to be there, but was really just a piece in Graha's plan.
"Hello, World" is traditionally one of the first things new programmers learn, when learning how to make a program print text to a screen or console
the "footnote" reply to G'raha is something like "would it have killed you to just nod?"
G'raha's answer to his own existential puzzle is a perfect close to his arc. I really appreciate that each Scion's sacrifice came with a moment that really put an exclamation point on the whole of their lives.
One of my favorite bits in the finale is Hythlodaeus narrowing his eyes slightly before they Create your "path" – because he can literally see the concept in your mind, he gets the idea. It's a great touch.
Meteion has my WoL's whole heart. None of this was her fault – she is like Data given his emotion chip, unable to control it, unprepared for the experience and set loose to face a universe she was not even remotely ready for, and everything that happened was actually her doing her best to help it with what little she understood of life. Seeing the effect of being reminded of the simplicity of Hermes' love for her and her wanting to make him proud is gutwrenching. I don't get the monsters that don't ask her to come home with them.
I love the sympathy Emet has when he assures you that you can summon back your friends. Such a consistent throughline for him, his biggest human "weakness" is him admiring camaraderie; everything he did was to get his friends back, so it's satisfying to him to let you know you can have yours. It's the same reason he couldn't help but rescue Y'shtola for you; he could gladly wipe out you and all your friends together to bring about the Rejoining, but he couldn't watch you feel the loss of one of them and try to go on without.
EDIT: unpopular opinion, Emet does not refer to WoL as the Last Of Us; he, like Elidibus, is still talking about Venat. When he looks at WoL he's still talking to her and referring to us as "her methods" which brought mankind that far. Emet is not someone who would round up from 8/14ths to one.
Yeah, I absolutely lost it at the G'raha part – his conversation with us just brought into focus the years I had played and the journey I had gone on with both the virtual characters and real life friends, and with the music it just hit me like an emotional truck.
I also would get emotional for about a week if I thought about flowers or heard the song that plays when you get through to Metieon – the one we had met – when I had realized that what it was that worked wasn't some fighting or some other nebulous big thing, it was reaching and bringing hope to a lost little girl who we had made friends with. We didn't force our way into the dead star, we brought her hope and she opened the way for us because she had hope we could stop them…and that just feels incredibly powerful to me.
For Emet and Hythlo, I definitely feel like their souls and Azem's soul are the kind that would be drawn to each other, and it was Emet being an Unsundered Ascian and Hythlo being trapped within Zodiark that kept that from happening…and so the hope to meet again was practically a promise, and now they can all be part of the cycle, eventually returning to go on adventures and help people as a trio time and time again over countless generations. And that thought makes me smile.
When you started crying, i couldn't help but join you in another round of my own from this. wanted to give you a big hug or favorable affectionate gesture
Emet-Selch – tsundere BLM/DRK
Hythlodaeus – friendly giggly microtroll not-BRD
Venat (not on screen) – Azem-tier hypertroll All-Rounder
I was in tears too so you aren’t alone in that. I was playing with blurry vision because of my tears. I’m sure many were and many will. Some of my friends are still going through earlier parts of the game and if I’m not be able to play with them I always tell them my Warrior of Light is walking with them in spirit. So I’d say she’s with Valka too in spirit.
"Hello World" is usually the first program people learn when programming a new language. It's usually just a function that makes the computer print (or say) "Hello, world!"
The walk was the most devastating part for me, since I had just finished leveling 5 other alts all the way to SHB I recognized every voice, and it got to me.
I know it will break immersion but I have a random thought that during the walk there is a random "Pray return to the waking sands". hahahahaha
I love your reactions because you're just as viscerally emotional as I am. So I'm reliving my first experience through you.
Now imagine playing this game for 10 years and then doing the walk….
Thank you so much for sharing this! It really is very special to be able to go on this journey together.
After the G'raha sacrifice when the music started, I pulled out my campfire minion and sat down and just listened to it. A bunch of other people who had just completed that cutscene also sat down with me. It was a magical moment.
I don’t know why I keep looking at reactions of other people to this part as I always end up crying…
It's important to thing about what Emet and Hyth wanted vs what you(us) wanted. It's not the same and doesn't line up. They also value their own lives differently than we do. Just think about the seat of Fandaniel and Hermes. Their lives and story were completed, regardless of what is to come.