FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough | Hydaelyn Trial & Aitiascope | MSQ Part 30

Aitiascope and Hydaelyn Trial in FFXIV Endwalker
PREVIOUS⬅️: https://youtu.be/MyQF249dvzU

*** Obviously contains SPOILERS for Endwalker! ***

Thank you, Venat. For everything.

(Also yes I did figure out eventually who all the scions referenced in Aitiascope were!!)

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00:00 – To the spaceship!
10:16 – The Aitiascope
41:33 – Post-dungeon CS
58:45 – Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?
1:14:00 – Pre-trial dialogue
1:17:37 – The Mothercrystal Trial
1:31:44 – Post-trial CS

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23 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough | Hydaelyn Trial & Aitiascope | MSQ Part 30”

  1. The one thing I felt very strongly in the moment is that it wasn't – couldn't – be a sparring match. To know if we could "best a supreme deity", the only way to know is to make us do it, which means to make it the only way to survive ourselves. To do it for real. And in that sense, it's right: she says herself that our intention to face Meteion means the doom of Etheirys if it fails. It's literally her duty to stop us from doing it by the same token that we're only worthy of the task if she *can't*.

  2. Finding out that Venat didn't return to the aetherial sea broke me. She deserved to one day be reborn in the world she loved so much 😭 she truly sacrificed everything for us.

    Still, a beautiful farewell between a mother and her children. We don't see these kinds of relationships explored much in media, and FF nailed it

  3. What broke me the most was Amon's cutscene before Asahi takes me away. But Hydaelyn's end was so beautifully done. Such an emotional scene. The whole dungeon was, with Papalymo & all the deceased friends helping us. BTW. I think it was mentioned that Emet helped us in 5.3 'cause of Elpis. EW was already being finished up by the time 5.3 released. Love such little details. BTW. I still don't get your hate & misunderstanding of Hermes. lol

  4. 22:13 You're on the right track! It's been a long time .. just need to remember who had Tupsimati last 🙂 (I'm totally confident that Trust NPC dialogue during it would have jogged the right memories)

  5. After discovering the purpose of the mother crystal, I remember Lahabrea once said Hydaelyn is a parasite, and she must be expunged. Assuming she hoarded Aether to herself. But in reality, it was for the star's hope. This blue my mind.

  6. I feel its total sacrilege to not do everything with trust first time. it is part of the story after all, you will get more opportunities to do them after, plus there are a lot of cool story bits when doing them with trust, at some i almost cried(just bring in uhrianger ,estinien and thancred in Aitiascope). Also you dont miss out on who the persons that helped you in the dungeon are because they say it. I don't understand how people could possibly do this without the trust in the first time, in a story driven game, you loose so much lore and story.

  7. why do you hate hermes so much? man was suffering while every other ancient was happy and emotionally static towards every other life form other than themselves. hermes was the only one who cared for everyone. yet everyone ignored his suffering and depression and it broke him mentally. he's the one who suffered the most in the age of immortal beings. most empathetic ancient for me

  8. Good to see that you chose the correct choice in what to say before mommy disappears and that the emotional damage was with it. Even after seeing that cutscene about six or seven times, it still hits hard.

  9. The axe was Moenbryda. She had a whole thing while you were questing with her in Northern Thanalan where she was talking about how much she loved fighting with her axe. She was a marauder. The Tupsimati portion was Papalymo. If you go through with the trust there are a lot of dialogue lines for each.

    I loved the "Oh my God, is it Lahabrea?!" I just kept thinking "no, but you're really about to wish it was."

  10. I think it is funny to think about this from the Forum's perspective upon immediately hearing what happened. Sure we'll let you go talk to the "Will of the Star" to get more details, that is a great idea! [WoL gets back] Wait…you what?!?!

  11. I was always bummed out by the fact that most female characters in games are given very predictable and tropey roles, but Venat just shattered this pattern for me.
    Such an amazing character truly, she and emet set a new bar that I can't imagine being surpassed anytime soon.

  12. When I saw curtain call start filling up and almost completing I started to panic due to no see able ice to hide behind. Then I saw Shiva and started to cry. I also asked if she could hurry up as I knew it would cause a wipe.

    I was expecting Yatsuyu to show up and tell Asahi off. I wasn't expecting him to show up and to show so how much of a Zenos simp he was/is. I feel bad for Hermes as he unknowingly burnt that time of Elpis into his soul and the final days. The man wanted to be happy, but kept on being reborn into societies that had the same trappings. Where individualism is only good if it helps the greater good.

  13. Normally, I tell people to play how they want and pick whatever choice they want, but "we will find our way, venat" truly is the only right answer there. It's such a good call back to your talk with her on Elpis when she said that she would never be able to finish her work and rest until she was sure that mankind could find their own way. She bursts into tears because she realizes that she's finally done and she can pass on in peace.


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