cp 565
craftsmanship 3356
control 3260
food hq tsai tou vounou medicine red draught hq
hq alkahests and level 90 basic crating item hq required ex: chondrite ingot ar caean velvet etc
muscle memory
waste not 2
ground work
ground work
prep touch
delicate synthesis
prep touch
prep touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
great strides
byregots blessing
basic synthesis!/tid=CUSA00572_00
Thanks for the macro! Right now I've not even had a chance to scratch the surface of the new stuff. Been making mad bank selling lvl 90 crafting/gathering gear.
Amazing! you made crafting 2stars seem sooo easy dude 😁 Thanks alot!
Are the stats in the description before food? Seems like it, but double checking
Not enough CP for the rotation, you need 6 cp more as a base
i was waiting the whole day for you <3 thank you!!
Thank you Zane for your hard work and getting all these videos out. 👍❤
I just made a macro outta this rotation that works 100%! Thanks Zane!
Awesome, now I know where to direct those who want a cheaper option till I do one.
makes cooking 100% ew hq food really easy, thanks so much!!
2 part macro if anyone's interested-
/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac "Manipulation" <wait.2>
/ac "Waste not II" <wait.2>
/ac "Veneration" <wait.2>
/ac "Groundwork" <wait.3>
/ac "Groundwork" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "innovation" <wait.2>
/echo PRESS 2 PRESS 2 PRESS 2 PRESS 2 <se.3>
/ac "Prudent touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent touch" <wait.3>
/ac "innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic synthesis" <wait.2>
I've just to try to make a classic Spear :
not enough cp
only 40% of quality
My stat without food :
3302 hab
3044 control
ps : 494
where is the fail ? i'm full materias