Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Bard Guide, includes Opener, rotation, stat priority, gearing and playstyle (How to Series)
0:00 Intro
0:31 Basic GCD’s & oGCD’s
3:29 Song’s & Gauge
7:00 Utility & Cross Role Actions
9:41 Opener & Rotation
12:22 Stat Priority
12:46 Outro
Welcome to the 18th entry of my “how to” series, in this series we will be covering EVERY single job Final Fantasy 14 has to offer and I will be personally challenging myself to learn all the jobs to the highest level and provide guides for you guys during my journey. So join me on my journey and together we shall learn them all to the highest level!
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#ffxiv #endwalker #guide
Finally i can properly kill enemies with music. Great guide as always!
Azu what’s next mch?
bard has a top with a titty cut out? Count me in.
You mentioned it in the video that you don't use the full duration of mage's ballad but I wanted to mention the song durations again because it's so important for buff alignment in the 2min windows:
Wanderer's Minuet: ~43s
Mage's Ballad: ~34s
Army's Paeon: ~43s
In your opener, you've used all Pitch Perfect stacks twice before you've used Iron Jaws, which is not displayed on the screen.