FFXIV Endwalker MSQ ~ Part 7 THE FINALE!

This game… TRULY… leaves me speechless.. I don’t even know what to say here. Just, PLEASE PLAY FINAL FANTASY 14. PLEASE. PLAY. THIS. GAME.

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11 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker MSQ ~ Part 7 THE FINALE!”

  1. The beauty of Endwalker for me was how you called the ending of them all coming back but still it surprised the shit out of us. I was on the same thought of, yea we can still summon them back. But somehow I was still left speechless and HYPED.

    Congrats on the experience ^^.

  2. I don't know if you have any plans, but… BUT!
    Shu Takumi, the director and scenario writer of The Great Ace Attorney also made a cult classic DS game called Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
    I get the feeling you would like the game 100%!

  3. Maaaan when they can do Distant Worlds again they're going to do the full Endsinger Theme and it is going to melt all of our faces!

    Then they'll do Flow and I'll cry so hard.

    Bring it, Soken!

  4. I gave the 1st response to Zenos personally when I did this. I like to imagine that my WoL is a lot closer to Zenos than they'd like to admit, especially after she picks up the Reaper class in Endwalker.

    If it weren't for the Scions and many companions she made to help reel her back a bit, she likely would've ended up like Zenos.

    Also, I love Zenos lmao.

    I'm personally gonna miss the dude.

  5. Oh a neat little tid-bit… when the dude in white at the end mentions some forseeing his guiding star the pronouns change depending on your character implying OG Azem is aware of your tomfoolery!


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