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I agree with you on a lot of points! After playing MNK for years, I think this might be the best I have seen as it finally uses the stances in a super interesting way. The Blitz skills are amazing and really fun to pull off, the lower level chakra spenders are great, and everything feels like it builds up as your level it (except maybe 50->60 which is quite a different rotation) but I do have one minor issue. The double solar opener doesn't feel intuitive to me at all. Generating two of the same nadis feels really awkward at first because the job feels like building up to your Phantom Rush should be your first priority, not aligning your skills to the burst windows in a very specific way. Additionally, though it might just be my inexperience, Celestial Revolution is cool but it completely destroys the double solar opener if you accidently press just one wrong button during a Perfect Balance. I get it; I made a mistake so I take a potency hit. But Celestial Revolution opens my other chakra (even defaulting to Lunar) so not only do I lose potency but my entire rotation is broken for several minutes. So double solar seems like the better option to line up with your party but its really awkward and almost feels like the job is resisting you for doing it. But thats just my early opinion of it
The fun thing is that while Rising Phoenix does give you your solar nadi, if you perform Celestial Revolution, twice (When you have two different beast chakras), it gives you the solar nadi instead if you already have the lunar nadi! Of course the downside is the potency gap between the two, but it's nice to use when you have one opponent and you want to fill up the beast gauge quickly
Yo be keep this low key. I like that there aren't a lot of monks running around right now.
The only change i'd like to see is for you to be able to go into your opener using Phantom. Maybe you can charge your Nadi with Meditate out of combat? Beyond that, I absolutely love the new Monk!
I feel like they need to officially integrate mouseover targetting (instead of the janky macro version) for thunderclap (and healers). Its extremely difficult to push the line for damage, and still have the ability to locate and process the location of a individual in range and in a safe spot, and select them while they're still running around.
I also feel like we need 3 perfect balance stacks or some sort of adjustment as it always feels like enemies start "doing" things exactly as you start your burst windows based on current alignments that causes timings to slip and things to go sideways.
Also I would like it if they combined the PB and blitz buttons together. In the heat of the moment sometimes its easy to fatfinger the PB button and discard your blitz, and there's essentially no reason why you'd "drop" a blitz in the first place since potency is still potency even if its the wrong nadh (since the charge is consumed regardless)
I can agree with the leveling experience and Thunderclap. Shadow of the Destroyer also feels amazing in huge dungeon pulls. Those are excellent QoL changes but I really do not like anything else about how Monk got changed.
Being able to spend a PB refreshing your rotation is a nice option I guess but it's not even an option, at least one third of all your PB usages now are forced into just continuing to do your basic 1-2-3. So the core of Monk that I loved in ShB of popping PB and just hammering out an extended sequence of crits now is half as long requires no positionals and happens about as often. And the big exciting reward for doing that correctly is having to spend a GCD on Elixer Field? On top of that the job has gone from being able to instantly enter it's burst phase to having one of it's openers being doing the mechanic wrong on purpose to fix buff alignments when one of the big things they did to every other job was adjusting timings so that everything aligned naturally.
Between that and how GNBs burst window no longer fits in No Mercy the 2 jobs that had the best CD alignments of everything in their kit now both have weird jank that has made both less fun for me to play.
They should make anatman generate a nadi off-combat. That way monks can open with phantom rush.
The ludicrous intricacy of the positionals are what made me fall in love with monk BUT saying that I agree with you even though most are removed the blitz’s are a nice compromise. The extra aoe is very nice to used to feel like I was letting the team down in that regard in dungeons.
I feel that even if you end up slightly out of synch with other players buff uptime windows, with the blitzes you still have a solid plateau of damage. You get up to a steady, dependable output that will carry through other peoples highs and lows.
Monk Aetherslide still needs getting used to really.
So unlike summoner, a well balanced job that’s easy to pick up and rewards player skill.
I was so early the video was named MNKThoughts.
The main reason Riddle of Earth feels so awful is that it essentially punishes you for keeping up with your rotation by making your Damage Reduction last a shorter amount of time. Why they gave a weaponskill charge based DR to the fastest job in the game is beyond me.
Even with EW Monk being way better then ShB Monk it just can't escape that good 'ol Monk jank.
the removal of 2/3rds of all positionals has taken all the fun out of the basic combo for me, so it seems like it's not for me anymore
I am sad they removed the 3 fists I always used fist of wind in the cities to move faster and fist of earth when I have vulnerability staks. They had cool animations too. What I noticed too that from 80 to 90 there was no new skills only upgrades. What I really enjoyed is using the aoe skills in dungeons using perfect balance and then spamming Shadow of the Destroyer and seeing all the crit numbers flying was so satisfying.
Ive started as Monk in ARR and now finished as Monk in EW. I love what they have done!
Positionals are terrible, I'd actually want to try Monk when I dont need to move to the side and back every 2 seconds.
I still believe that happy shaved his head just to be a better monk.
Na Deez Nuts
they really want this job to be as difficult to learn as possible lmao cant wait until i finally get the hang of my opener and then they change the way beast chakra works and remove snap punch and demolish positionals only to give us back the other 4 and make all the guides outdated again…
fuck monk 😀
See I just think it's boring. Masterful blitz is just damage. Like with ninja I get to manage all my different ninjutsu for the situation at hand with blitz I do the same in single target, the same in aoe, there's no utility. Feels like I've been given a samurai when I didn't ask for it
Underappreciated thing but as a g-pose enthusiast I love it how you choose these places from past dungeons to showcase the job!
I don't like this, it feels like they are making the more unique jobs a little formulaic and homogenous to appeal to more people.
But the reason for having so many jobs should surely be to have something everyone enjoys. Monk has had awful design moments for sure and it's been done dirty, but don't strip it of its class identity and why the people who liked it like it.
Who cares if most of the community dont like positionals, monk was realistically the only job for people who enjoy them. Old Greased lightning was janky, but the higher apm monk had made it feel more unique too, and it was those two things together that made me love monk.
riddle of wind looks like a 2.0 ability lol. its probably the most stupid way to design a dps cooldown xD Since you never see your autoattack animation, the only way to even notice that its active is to look at the parser or the small damage number that comes up a bit faster
I kind of goofed with new monk bc i liked how Celestial Revolution looked and I knew Elixr Field was aoe i was like "Oh ill just use celestial revo and flint for my nadi's" come to find out a week later i was gimping myself on potency.
Losing the positionals was absolutely needed. You are so busy now anyway. There's no need for them
Have been a monk since first day of ARR, I went through the pain of crossing class and dealing with general bullshit, so I can chew through all these expansion, but EW might be first time in a long while that I feel intuitive and inspired when playing MNK, it's a great time to be MNK, I hope it stay this way.
You lost me at "intuitive" lol. Best I can figure you only want to use Pefect Balance on your Lunar Nadi and for Phantom Rush after you use a Bootshine so you get a Dragon Kick > Bootshine > Dragon Kick combo going and after using your Blitz you can do Twin Snakes > w/e > Bootshine for best damage…
That said I feel like the job has to many buffs and to many oGCDs to weave. Especially when you get Chakra out the ass under Brotherhood.
Monks. Together. Strong.
I'll give MNK a try when I'm done with the role quests. Also steer clear from the official forums. Lots of "waaaah!"-ing over there.
I do find myself actually using Anatman in Endwalker content so I'm glad it's not as useless as in Shb
i was so skeptical about Monk, given it's been my main class since i started playing (5.4) with the oGCD removals and making it more Weaponskill focused, but I gotta say this is the most fun Monk has been in my play time. Blitz feels amazing, Thunderclap thunderSLAPS, and the new RoW is kinda fun if you can manage to sneak it into burst windows.
Just make Masterful Blitz and ogcd so it stops messing with my Disciplined Fist timers and I'll be happy. Oh and make Anatman useful or replace it, thanks.
Lunar Nadiieez nuts