Sly’s Full Interview:
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Mrhappy Coffee:
Green Man Gaming:
Do you think they will buff the xp gained so it’s a reasonable option for leveling 70-80?
Like the video happy, out of curiosity do you think you'll do something like this for summoner as well since it's effectively a new job going into endwalker?
I'm sure they wanted to keep deep dungeons (like BLU) one xpac behind so that people don't grind them as hard and keep people out of dungeons/trials/fates etc. I'm guessing the'll put it in either The Tempest (any abyss theme!) or Raktika (Ronkan theme).
I'm not much of a solo deep dungeon player though. It's an MMO and I prefer playing with other people. If I want a difficult single player experience I'd rather play a souls game, lol. But I get the feeling reaper will be great on damage but survivability will be questionable unless they can burst it down FAST. Especially since NIN and MNK are going to be nasty with their updates.
Always good to see Deep Dungeon content, there's a pretty big lack of it and it's my favorite content in the game right now so I appreciate it! Hope you'll make one for Sage too, I'm curious about how much the gcd change will affect the other healers in Deep Dungeon too.
I love when Yoshida gets that cheeky smile on his face and looks into the camera like "I know y'all want me to slip up, leak info, and say more and I wish I could, but also neener neener neenerrrrr."
All I need is Hildibrand back T_T
Waiting on dark changes…….
I hated deep dungeons.
I guess if people enjoy it, that's fine
I'm getting the necromancer title with reaper, I swear it to you
Wow having everything on the GCD will be a nice advantage against ability penalty debuff if just with the weapon skills alone you do more on average then other melee
That's what Bozjan is now, for post level 70 leveling.
I think with the MCH and red mage changes, they’ll still be more viable than reaper and sage to solo deep dungeons possibly.
Edit: just to be more clear I’m thinking more in line with palace than heaven on high. Where MCH and RDM have the most clears on. Since I have the feeling many people will go for the necromancer title for their reapers
Not sure if Ingress and Egress provide Harpe until past 70, although Soul Slice having 2 charges is definitely not until 78.
I'm hoping for Luna on Low on the moon for new deep dungeon
I'll be looking foward to seeing you tackle DD with Reaper.
Great to see Deep Dungeon content. Can’t wait to try the new jobs out. Excited about prospect of a new deep dungeon as well. Still working towards a solo clear but so much fun
Having bloodbath makes the Behemoth push comfortable that you don't need to remember a specific rotation. Melee is more forgiving than mch on behemoth, and rpr having arcane crest will be a free bonus safety for meteors.
Assuming the stat squish doesn't change things drastically Rpr will most likely be challenging like most melees but still capable to solo.
I have a theory, but I'm going to shove it down in the see more section cause it could be kinda spoilery.
Aint so, Labyrinthos. We've gone down with Palace of the Dead. We've gone up with Heaven on High. Now lets go laterally with a Labyrinth styled deep dungeon. I think, that idea has potential, AND is a good place potentially for a deep dungeon to occur. It's fresh, could be molded easily to the deep dungeon system and criteria. That's my bet.
Hearing that reaper is ping friendly make me smile
This was something I was wondering about so thanks for making this video. I've been also wondering about whether Reaper will be good enough to complete all the current Ultimates. I have a goal to get through all 3 and future ones on Reaper and I'd love to hear your opinion on the current ones!
Deep Dungeon content ResidentSleeper
I'm interested in seeing Deep Dungeon with Sage. Kardia should really help out a lot, alongside the shielding. With Sage being more dps focused, I'm wondering how it stacks up with Scholar's DD runs.
Evry new Class us Broken evry Lol Players knows that xD
i hope they add scaling difficulty, at least a extreme/savage version for 4 people
The tanks will also get boosted in Endwalker with ranged attacks not breaking your combo and your combo lasting 30 seconds. Much easier to get cartriges on gnb.
I assumed Bozja was supposed to supplement deep dungeon since we're able to level jobs from 71-80 in it.
Seemed to make sense to me to condense the new Eureka type content and deep dungeon into one system; but sure I'd be interested in checking out a new proper deep dungeon too.
Are we getting new deep dungeon content in endwalker ?
Yeah sure I don't check the lodestone, but I watch you read is so that you get precious watch time and to feed the algorithm. I see this as a total win!
Yoshi tried so hard to not be like
"Oh I'm bout to hit yall with a T R U C K!"
I loved the palace content, and that style of alternate content. I am happy to see that ff14 and those behind the game continue to be more than open to our feedback.