New? Got too many skills? Made the mistake of using a level skip and have no idea what anything does? Just hate reading? Try this guide out!
This guide seeks to teach new Dark Knights how to Dark Knight properly, without getting too deep into optimization. I’ll be showing off and explaining some openers but not delving too much deeper beyond that and general skill usage. Endgame is a long way away and there’s lots to learn along the way. Start slow and work your way up one skill at a time! Then, graduate to more advanced guides.
General Tanking Guide:
Tank Role Actions Guide:
Guide to my HUD:
Dictionary of Terms (if you need):
Rotation images:
Try out NoPing to make your game run smoother:
Use Coupon Code WESKALBER for 20% off!
Intro: 0:00
Playstyle Summary: 1:47
Job Requirements: 2:24
Starting Role Actions: 2:46
L1. Tank Mastery: 3:05
L1, 2, 26. Hard Slash, Syphon Strike, and Souleater: 3:25
L6. Unleash: 4:12
L10. Grit: 5:11
L15. Unmend: 7:25
L30. Flood of Darkness: 8:30
Mini-Summary: 10:02
Role Action: Arm’s Length: 10:18
L35. Blood Weapon: 10:27
L38. Shadow Wall: 11:15
L40. Stalwart Soul: 11:52
L40. Edge of Darkness: 12:24
L45. Dark Mind: 12:53
Role Action: Shirk: 14:00
L50. Living Dead: 14:05
L50. Opener: 17:47
L52. Salted Earth: 20:04
L54. Plunge: 21:05
L56. Abyssal Drain: 21:58
L60. Carve and Spit: 22:49
L60. Opener. 23:20
L62. Blackblood and Bloodspiller: 24:55
L64. Quietus: 25:43
L66. Enhanced Blackblood: 26:06
L68. Delirium: 26:38
L70. The Blackest Night: 27:57
L70. Opener: 31:01
L74. Darkside Mastery, Flood of Shadow, and Edge of Shadow: 34:46
L76. Dark Missionary: 35:27
L78. Enhanced Plunge: 36:27
L80. Living Shadow: 37:07
L80. Opener: 38:20
L82. Oblation: 39:23
L84. Enhanced Unmend: 40:17
L84. Melee Mastery: 40:48
L86. Salt and Darkness: 41:09
L88. Enhanced Living Shadow: 41:49
L90. Enhanced Living Shadow II and Shadowbringer: 42:05
L90. Opener: 43:08
Outro: 46:02
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#FFXIV #Endwalker #DarkKnight
Do I already play DRK religiously? Yes
Is it necessary for me to even watch this vid? No
Am I still gonna watch anyway just to see people learn how to play mah boi and get excited over it? Hell Yes
Much love for the vid Wesk
Thats gotta be the edgiest thumbnail I've ever seen, it's perfect!
And thanks for the guide Wesk, you truly are a legend.
Literally checked to see if you'd done this yesterday, thanks for releasing it!
I may have DRK at 90 Weeks ago, but I am still gonna be watching this whole thing
Just started getting into the Tanking classes so this is perfect. Love your guides!
Two millenniums ago, there was a war. Between the human world and the other… the Underworld. But somebody from the Underworld woke up to justice, and stood up against this legion, alone. His name was Sparda. Later, he quietly reigned the human world, and continued to preserve harmony, until his death. He became a legend. The Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda.
My solution is to have LD on a macro accompanied by "COME ON! DO IT NOW, KILL ME!"
Finally, DRK is playable
I just started level DRK, so happy to see this!
Love the opening Joke!
Keep up the content mehn🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 much love
From this to this just keeps getting better
Finally, the guide for my true main! I've honestly been just trying to double weave everything, focusing on getting all of my oGCD attacks on CD, with the order not mattering too much.
Some funny things though. 1. I thought for up till level 60 that dark knight didn't have a ranged attack. Turns out that weird little unmend attack that I thought was a shitty provoke was exactly that. ;P
2. I also for up to level 80 didn't have the second combo to my aoe attack. I think they changed it in a patch, it used to be like rather high level, and then they moved it down to 40 something. And I ended up skipping past it, wondering 'when am I going to get the second part of my aoe combo?' Not realizing I had it for a rather long while. ;p
Finally, my very first attack involved using unmend, double weaving plunge and edge of shadow, then walking the boss back manually as I wail on it. It's… probably not optimal, but it is cool chasing after your own projectile.
yes. my body is ready for wesk drk guide
something I'm surprised you didn't mention when it was right on screen on the showcase, "fancy dot" or not, those hits can crit, making it better.
I also question why pre-pull blood weapon but not delirium, they basically function the same. If it's due to possibly losing the timer, why not skip that hard slash? All raid buffs are already there at that point.
Nice DRK vid, Wesk. Jokes are on point once again.
Quick note: Do you think if they gave Undead Rebirth the self heal as well as not being dropped below 1 HP, would fix the anti-synergy?
Woot! Thx Wesk!
I had a rough transition into Shadowbringers. Blackest Night, a skill requiring resource management you did not previously need to do, is required for big pulls, on cool down. Holminster was… a learning experience. It built character.
If you know TBN won't consistently be consumed in your opener, I feel it's still viable to pre-pull Sprint, then start the pull with Unmend and weave Edge of Shadow+Blood Weapon before continuing into the next steps of the opener. This works best in situations where you end up being the off tank, but in dungeon content, it's probably better to take the L and lose mana as Wesk says.
Ah yes! The promised time has arrived!
Super fun tank to play!
I would like to thank you for all of these! It's been a huge help with things like the ninja openers and other jobs that have more complicated skill sets. 🙂 and thank you for the consistency on the intros.
also in dungeon pulls, if everyone (YES, including the HEALER) presses their aoe buttons in a timely fashion, plus their Heal/Defense off-Globals, then barely any tank needs to plan nor urgently require their """ultimate""" cooldown. assuming everyone's appropriately geared lol
I was a bit confused on why you are using provoke over unmend at the beginning of the pull. Then I realized…..ah…..animation lock!!! Awesome guide as always, Sir!!!
I love you, Wesk – I want you to know that. But it's a good, clean love. Without utensils.
I’m new to the game, can someone explain to me why pull with provoke and not with unmend?
I literally just started leveling Dark Knight from 60-70 and was thinking of watching the Shadowbringers guide again. This came out at the perfect time. BIG Thanks!!!!
Currently I have DRK at 60 and I have absolutely no idea where I'm going to put so many buttons asdfasdf
I was waiting on this DRK update but I finished Final Days earlier this morning. Still watching this because I want to optimize my rotation. Thx Wesk!