Wanted to put my thoughts out there on where I think the tanks are currently and some of the strengths and weaknesses of each. My opinions are subject to change as the expansion goes on but this is what I’m feeling right now.
0:00 Intro
0:28 Paladin
6:11 Dark Knight
14:27 Side Tangent about Dark Knight Sustain in comparison to other tanks
17:52 Back on track to finish with Dark Knight…
18:19 Warrior
24:46 Gunbreaker
31:53 General Tanking Roles and Meta Intro
32:49 Paladin Part 2
34:07 Dark Knight Part 2
36:51 Paladin Addendum
37:54 Warrior Part 2
39:38 Gunbreaker Part 2
41:52 Potential Tank Pairings
42:50 Closing Thoughts
Just increase the duration on TBN to 10-12 seconds and it will be fine. It realy sucks when you are 1 hit away to proc it
I haven't leveld gnb yet but can you click the heart of conundrum buff like excog to force it to heal early?
It’s weird you have a fourth tank icon there did they release a new class? Dark knight would totally be a weird tank to release this expac I can’t see it
The one idea I had for DRK (my main) is that TBN have a special combo OGCD if you choose to use it, that turns the shield TBN supplies INTO health. Just foregoes the entire shield part and coverts it to life. So therein you have the choice, do you need that shield for a buster, or are you going to say, take the buster full faith no CD Living Dead, TBN after and convert it to life to help the healers heal you. I think that would be amazing.
WAR may not have the damage of GNB but think of all those healer resources that don't have to be used to heal you because you're half a healer anyway. Lord almighty Bloodwhetting is nuts.
I too am amazed that they skipped the obvious and much theorised "put Convalescence on Living Dead through a trait" idea in favour of a weird unmend thing that nobody asked for or has ever even though of before…
The freakishly long cooldown and now the stupid addition of the shared cd with split and carve makes DRK sustain even in dungeon pretty bad. GNB sustain is a lot superior and works on single target too.
Also love salted earth but it would feel better with a lower cd.
Still gonna level my edgy boy as it has the esthetic I love but sure hope fore somekind of rework in a 6.x patch as they did for monk in 5.4 to make more on par with sustain and a little less clunky gameplaywise.
Great video, you've gain a subscription
Bloodwhetting when paired with Infuriate forces crit heals. Bloodwhetting with IR does not force crit heals.
Thank you for this man although I haven’t leveled up any of my tanks to 90 it great hearing your thoughts on them. And truthfully I have to I agree with your points. I’m planning on leveling both Gnb and Drk soon I can’t wait since they are both my mains currently.
never understood this, why do ppl need to have a "whats the best TANK !!??" (goes for everything best heal/dps)
cleared hands down hydaelin and zodiark and fully geared on my DRK, when its supposed to be the #bad job" of this extension play a job because you like it !
not because some its supposed to be the META …
I think to compare, despite PLD not having the major heal that WAR does give, regen and extra defense is nice. Also PLD is the only tank that can use Hallowed Ground as a mitigation tool. This means that it can give your Healer some extra time to either get you to full health or even just extra DPS during giant Wall 2 Wall pulls as well as just a CD to build the gauge is you don't have enough to use Sheltron. If PLD did get more heals, I would think it be too overpowered as a tank. The developers probably tried to make each tank special. So WAR doesn't have much mitigation compared to PLD, but to combat that WAR gets lots of self-healing ability. Also you start with 100 Oath Gauge as a PLD during every time you enter an instance. That is 2 Sheltrons so extra mitigation for the early pulls.
SoulEater in ff11 and dark had drain as well. When i came to ffxiv and saw that i thought it was weird. I really don't understand ! lol
I don't think Abyssal Drain redeems DRK in dungeons. It's on a 60 second cooldown and remove the ability to use Carve and Spit making it a DPS loss on bosses.
In mob packs its pretty good, but you'll likely only use it once per mob pack, whereas WAR can use Bloodwhetting every 25 seconds and fit multiple huge heals within that if using an AoE ability. PLD can use requiescat and insta heal with clemency multiple times. GNB can pop HoC and has 2 charged of Aurora.
Honestly it's weird why SE is ignoring DRK. All the other tanks have the ability to heal party members, even WAR can do that, but DRK can't.
It's like they forgot about DRK and just threw it in at the last minute
I solo killed the finally boss from the 90 MSQ dungeon with 35% HP as a pally the other night. I was not in BIS during that time either.
Why don’t you have the expanded crosshotbar? Is there a reason you don’t like it? I have 4 sets of 8 and I couldn’t imagine playing with only 2.
Im not very far in Endwalker content, but heard DRK had issues. I go to see this video and all of a sudden a hydaelyn boss battle appears. Please, please do a spoiler warning if your're gonna show spoiler content in the video. Thanks!
2:40 for Divine Veil, you can just proc it with Clemency? that’s what I do for Veil.
Dark Knight now has so many buttons that I can't fit them all on my hotbar setup. Man, if only there were some way to have, like, idk, an augmentation ability that makes a few of those buttons change to different functions. Oh well, too bad it's not possible and has never been the defining aspect of DRK before.
Garbage 46 minute video. Could've summed shit up way faster. Long story short, he thinks Warrior is best (not disputing), and the others are equal. "Play what you want". Should've titled the video that to save time for everyone. Anyway, from what I've seen– Warrior > Paladin >> DRK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GNB.
I play gnb on controller and I find moving bosses easy mode due to being able to use my left thumb stick to move and having my nashing fang combo and ogcd on my r1 side of my controller thru double crossbar
Sorry man but DRK is just by far the weakest dungeon tank
I feel like PLD dmg is awful right now and that hurts the appeal of the job for me.
Looking over the new and adjusted skills list for drk I have to say I was rather underwhelmed by what they did. Nothing really changed aside from tieing my Abyssal Drain to C&S, and let's be honest the only reason I used Abyssal in a boss fight was as an OGCD weave. The damage really wasn't even that great, and the single-target heal … well let's just say it was forgettable and leave it at that. Thank you Yoshi P. for one less OGCD to manage on my rotation. As for the rest Dark Passenger making a reappearance is meh, adding a trait to Unmend was more hand-wavy-wavy (I don't even know why I still have it on my bar), and Delirium is still diet Inner Release but surprise now it's on stacks so Skill Speed is less important than it was before. Yay! [insert sarcastic clap]
Honestly the only thing that got anything close to an emotional response from me was when I noticed Living Dead had (yet again) gone unchanged for another expansion. Like come on, this leper of an ability has been plaguing drk since day one. It's survived virtually unchanged now through three expansions, a complete class overhaul, and multiple attempts at tuning the overall class post overhaul. I mean at least it's consistent I guess? Still more than I can say for my brd.
Thanks for 10k views!
another thing about drk is that it doesnt have ANY move that makes it feel like an expansion upgrade. nothing looks note worthy. i really dont know what the fuck they were smoking over there to give pld and war these insane animations while drk just recycled theirs. Like seriously?
We had to sacrifice two fel cleaves for blood whetting. Sad to see less cleaves, but happy that whetting is so tasty.
Wtf arent you using double cross bars?
How a toddler can tank better than some Roegadyn?
Drk has become so dull and boring really needs help badly
Double Aurora is nice for trash, helps keep enmity high and with minimal interaction with the mobs.
in raids, DRK is absolutely fine. no issues with raiding with DRK, it really feels like a raider tank more than anything else….. that said tho….
JUST, GIVE, BLOOD WEAPON, 10% HEALING, ON, DAMAGE, DONE!!!!!! thats it!!!!! that is LITERALLY all they need to do to make DRK self sustain match the other tanks, atleast in tune with how DRK plays and feels. DRK is the "i do HEAVY damage on hits" so have the time when blood weapon is up more powerful. it's a 10 second duration every 60 seconds, it wouldnt be broken at all. especially when compared to WAR's "i'm going through this whole level 90 dungeon without any direct healing from the healer" stuff going on right now.
Great video!, learned a lot specially regarding War, wich I have been leaving for last to level >.<
I know its quite early in the xpac but what are you melding for your Moonward set?, or if you have any all-rounder personal recommendation
I could sit here and tell you what needs to be adjusted on Drk. I don't think it's possible. It's one of the jobs that needs a complete rework.
I know alot of people are giving TBN alot of shade right now and sayings its weak compared to the shiny new buttons from other tanks but thats mostly because nothing in the current content can oneshot you and everyones running dungeons. The heal on the new mitigations from other tanks aren't going to matter much when you get one shot by a TB or it leaves you at 5~10% hp because at that point the healers are going to heal you anyway.
That being said oblation feels like it's what dark mind should have been or atleast should have been an upgrade for because its another ogcd you have to weave for mitigation unlike the other tanks where their already existing one got buffed.
They literally made Gunbreaker into what Dark knight was supposed to be in the first place, it's baffling really.
Just give Oblation 1k potency heal over time on usage, and an 800 potency heal when TBN breaks. That's it. DRK's sustain is solved.
Am I the only one who doesn't get why everyone is so down on clemency, or why its usefulness never seems to be considered? Like sure you may lose some DPS using it, but it's certainly less of a loss than letting a DPS, or a healer, or yourself die when you're in trouble. I guess maybe it's hard to quantify things that are useful in emergencies, especially when ideally you want to avoid those emergencies in the first place, but I have saved so many groups with well-placed Clemencies.
Love love LOVE GNB sustain now. You're right that GNB doesn't have as much protection as often as some other tanks for big spikes of damage. But their potential damage is still top tier, as an OT they can provide a LOT of party support with HoC / Aurora. Aurora regen can significantly reduce healer pressure; it can't fix big hits, but for trash pulls and autos from bosses, it just gives healers more time to watch for big hits and less worry about keeping you topped off. Aurora can be wasted so easily, so it's critical if you're in a static (or, if healers learn to identify tanks' strengths and weaknesses…) that the healer know "oh, it's a GNB, I should not heal them when they're at 80% HP." Good video.
So, 2 warrior tanks is the best option, got it.
Pld and war are going to be the prog tanks,with gnb and drk as the meta for fast kills.
Dark Knight being able to heal defeats the purpose of Dark Knight? Unless you increase the potency of abyssal drain.
Abyssal Drain is a 200 potency heal. You need over at least 4 mobs to get a decent heal out of it, and that's usually only a 1/4th or 1/3rd of your health bar, which is peanuts if you're dealing with multiple pulls. With a 60 second cooldown and the fact that it now shares a cooldown with Carve and Spit, which can work as a clutch MP management tool (particularly useful for running The Blackest Night), and no other way to recover health except the 5~8ish% heal from completing your single-target GCD combo, this is nowhere near effective enough compared to the kit other Tanks have at present.
Sadge why my main its not in the top, always warrior REEEEEEEEEE
Saying this, on my experience the GNB its really good on this patch and the pally who was supossed to move to top places still on the same but it is true you can solo bosses now at least, DRK its just… i dont want to talk about it, just cry in silence.
Warrior > best tank
GNB > finally! healers dont hate me
Pally > provoke the boss for show you it is here
DRK > …
Idk man I think the 400 potency heal is balanced and fine in AoE because you can still heal past Req. People are comparing it to the overpowered Blood whetting. The problem is that HS is not good in single target DPS without Req whereas HC does hold it's own even if it's a technical DPS loss w/o Req.