Intro – 00:00
Elegeia Unforgotten – 01:08
Katasterismoi – 02:15
Grip of Despair – 2:30
Elenchos – 03:07
Telos + Hubris – 03:36
Eironeia – 03:55
Fatalism – 04:14
Twinsong’s Aporrhoia – 04:55
Theological Fatalism – 05:39
Despair Unforgotten – 07:15
Theological Fatalism #2 – 08:24
Telomania – 09:18
Endsong’s Aporrhoia – 09:40
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You dont have to look at what planet physically forms first btw, you can just watch the rings. The first set of planets to collide will have a fast spinning ring and the second set of planets will have a slow moving ring.
Apreciando a una mujer tan hermosa. 2:3 sentadillas son unos PORNTINDER.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world losk mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Excellent, well explained video. Thank you. I just need to mentally prepare, because I’m so not in the mood for extreme right now. 😑
This further emphasized to me that I'm only meant for the easy mode stuff. This makes my head hurt just watching.
Hiya Haps. Quick question. Sry in advance for single brain cell. For Theo' Fatalism, I was thinking the following based on your clear vid.
1. Count/ label the donut safe spot as 3, 2 and 1 as they go off.
2. Check # of rings around center head as Theo' Fatalism casts.
3. Match the number of rings to your labelled safe spot.
Is this what you are saying in this vid. Or does the center head choose a random direction between fatalism and it's last cast of spinny spin.
I'll come back at 7.0 like I did dragons lol
Quick note for the clock spots, might want to give OT E/W/NE/NW so they can maintain uptime during the flares/spread.
This fight was super disappointing. Just felt lazily done. Normal was a good fight and felt like the EX had a lot of potential but what we actually got was a huge letdown.
Looks like a fun fight, can't wait to try it !
So that's an enrage, our group was trying to save LB3 for that the tank to use it a that last phase lol
Pretty fun fight to do blind. A bit simpler to figure out than hades for sure, but much more fun
Wow no thanks to being melee in this haha
About theological fatalism, the easiest way to do, at least for me, is:
1-Stay in the last donut you were
2- Count down te middle head (one circle means she will stay the same, 2 circles means she will rotate counter clock, 3 will rotate counterclock twice)
3- To discover the donut aoe, just look where you are (the last donut). If your donut, or the one across is 1 or 3 rings, they will be donut. The heads on your side will be donut if they have 2 rings.
For the rings mechanic its better to go differently, ifg you get 1 ring you get the mechanic you just had again, two ring the previous mech and three the first mech.
Can you Knockback immunity the blue planets?
Im sad theres no psycho phase two form. Better go way beyond when it gets the ultimate
Finished the fight in roughly two hours in PF. I find it really annoying and considering the fact it's the final boss of the "final" (of the saga) expansion, this is a pretty disappointing Extreme. Had my hopes high when Yoshi-P said it was hard…
There's an easier way to think about Theological Fatalism #1, which is that the exact number of rings doesn't matter for any head but center. All that matters is whether the others are even or odd. If the number of rings is odd, the head will do what it just did. If it's even (ie. 2) it will do the opposite. So you look at the center head and rotate it backwards to see which two heads are safe. If that includes where you're standing or the opposite corner and one of those is odd, go there–they'll be donuts for 1 or 3 rings, and you know the place you're standing was just a donut. If those are even, then go to the other one.
Can't wait until this can be done solo
Really great guide—you did a great job at staying concise without rushing or over-complicating things. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Loved the video! Nice job trying to pronounce all those Greek ability names aswell 😂
It's so weird how every time you come up with a mechanic and say DPS West and T/H East …. Crystal does it opposite in the PF.
I remember Hades being a hard stop for some in PF this looks toned down some
Any macro you can share for this? Would be very helpful(EU player here).
I still don’t understand theological fatalism
I've heard people were disappointed that there wasn't a phase 2 to this fight. Yet I can understand why..But I can also understand that in the story.. the warrior had his friends give him support when they were at the Ragnarok after the Warrior teleported them to safety..thus this caused the Endsinger to well be very angry that she didn't kill the warrior and out of sheer panic did all of those moves in the 2nd phase. Like a desperate attempt to try and kill us.
So in this extreme one..you usually don't have your friends to aid you and such. Your fighting on your own with your party of other players. So it's just one big phase with mini-phases there. Plus..the mechanics are fun and the song still kicks a**. So I'm not complaining at all. I love the fight.
You don't need to watch which planets spawn first. Watch the rings under the planets. The planets with rings that are spinning fast will go off first, so those will be the planets first activating. Run to/away from them.
Guess I'll skip this one 🤯
My duty finder groups have been getting their asses kicked by theological fatalism. I came up with the same idea of count backwards from 3 to 1, but it's the other half of it that gets me.
It's a fun fight, but the lack of a phase 2 makes me sad…
For despair, my party found the easiest way to solve it is to run to clockspots when you have a flare or spread. This means youll never interfere with anyone else plus it ensures no one will die from a flare being too close. It also means people wont fight for spots in the rewind set where a th and dps that generally go to the same spot wont have to panic and find a new spot. Flares can be a but close to eachother and still live.
Good guide especially since its pretty much the only one out at the moment. But your camera angles aren't that good and it would be nice to have the video play in slow motion when explaining certain aspects of the fight.
ah it's rewind time
the wind-back-time looks like the hardest part, other than that doesn't seem too difficult, looking forward to trying it after i watch this a few more times
Such a dissapointing fight man. I was expecting a lot more for the last boss of the saga, but this was underwhelming. I am not talking about difficulty, but about the spectacle. Not even a phase 2 with the objectibly better song of the fight was a real let down. I guess they used all their creativity in the ultimate, which less people play than this but yeah…