FFXIV – DPS to move forward before TANK – Clipping

What would you, as a TANK or Healer, do if you encountered a situation like this in a foreign DC?
In Japan, there may be various people who leave them to die, who pay attention to them, or who continue without saying anything.


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I’m translating the ffxiv clipping into English.
English translations are not perfect, so please do not believe everything!

【Clips source】
What happened at the FFXIV 2nd Anniversary 14-hour Live Broadcast

#YoshiP #FFXIV #吉田直樹 #ff14 #先釣り
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15 thoughts on “FFXIV – DPS to move forward before TANK – Clipping”

  1. Goodness I'm so glad they said it. For the longest time i thought I'm being a baby about getting annoyed at dps pulling but it really is annoying isn't it.
    If I'm tank, I legit have only one thing to really enjoy, pulling enemies, please let me enjoy that much 😂

  2. When was this clipped? Doesnt seem to make sense in current content where gaining aggro as tank is sooo easy compared to some arr pulls

    The number of times i let the dps die for pulling before me is exactly 0 in ~2000 hours playtime. Played since Shb

  3. People need to understand this clip came from Heavensward time frame, where aggro management was totally different. Nowadays this kind of play is frowned upon, writ large, within the community.
    From what my friends have told me, getting aggro back as a tank at the time was way more intensive than just “tank stance on, aoe spam” that we have now.

  4. As a Tank main I can agree.
    I always give them 3 tries:
    1- get aggro immediately
    2- let them get to 50% health
    3- you are the tank now
    Its not lik it would be hard to get the aggro back but it is annoying to get out of rythm.

  5. I'll still do the pull as I normally would. It would be the dps responsibility to drag the mob they have aggro on into my aoe and the healers responsibility to keep them alive. I'm not gonna stress over it lol.


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