FFXIV DAWNTRAIL – ONE change for every MELEE DPS!!!

🌄 Welcome to the realm of Eorzea, adventurers! In today’s video, we delve into the exciting world of FFXIV Dawntrail, exploring potentially game-changing updates for each Melee DPS class – Monk, Dragoon, Ninja, Samurai & Reaper

Welcome to the latest episode of FFXIV DAWNTRAIL – One Change! In this video, we delve deep into the realm of Final Fantasy XIV to explore the intricate world of melee DPS jobs. Join us as we dissect the gameplay mechanics and intricacies of each melee DPS job and propose ONE significant change for every job!

Whether you’re a seasoned warrior of light or a budding adventurer, this video offers valuable insights and suggestions that could potentially reshape your gameplay experience. From the swift strikes of the Ninja to the brutal onslaughts of the Dragoon, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to enhance the melee DPS journey.

Join the discussion as we analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and potential improvements for each melee DPS job. Share your thoughts, theories, and strategies in the comments below, and let’s embark on this adventure together!

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on all things FFXIV DAWNTRAIL. Grab your weapons, sharpen your skills, and let’s uncover the secrets of melee DPS in Final Fantasy XIV!

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7 thoughts on “FFXIV DAWNTRAIL – ONE change for every MELEE DPS!!!”

  1. Hope you've enjoyed this little series ! Feel like I'm getting more and more practice at this video making malarchy .

    Don't forget to smash that subscribe button to see this Lalafell more often !

  2. Sam needs to give some kind of support to the party, just 1 action, is that too much to ask?
    Reaper – A DoT would be nice.
    Ninja – Poison DoT makes sense.
    Monk – Yeah, agreed, 1 ranged attack. (ALWAYS BE CASTING!)
    Dragoon – … The one change needs to be that they stop leaping off the edges or into boss piss circles.

  3. I like dragoon and reaper as they are, although i will say a dot for reaper would be nice.

    Poison for ninja makes sense, even if it's a rebuff rather than a dot.

    Monk needs a dbz style attack, and given that they have one in ffvi square has no excuse.

    Samurai needs some nuance as it has what I think is a rotation so simple a deaf, mute, blind, chimpanzee in a medically induced coma entering brain death could perform it by tea bagging the controls.
    On top of that, half the time the kenki meter just feels like an extra mp meter that could be replaced by the actual meter, especially seeing as no one used it for anything other than kaiten pre-endwalker.

  4. Aaah poisons on ninja, had them back till they got removed in… stormblood? All they did was a damage boost and made mug a stun or silence respectively. One change for it I like to see is more ninjutsu opening up to a weapon skill like the raijus. Just .. have them replace raiju if you do say kotan (fire ball) for aoe or you know, combo off of the ninjutsu button to free Space.


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