FFXIV Dawntrail Job Tier List – ALL JOBS AT 100!

Dawntrail Job Tier List! These are just my opinions and not a numerical analysis but rather how the jobs play and what clicked the most for myself. Let’s be very honest and open about the actual state of the jobs and the current meta of which jobs to pick and play and which ones to I will personally avoid.

So let’s get into it!

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0:00 Dawntrail Job Tier List
0:24 Tier list Disclaimer
1:48 Healers on the tier list
3:25 Physical Ranged DPS
4:58 Magical Ranged DPS
7:34 Melee DPS

Hey guys! Let’s talk about the savage raiding meta because that conversation has been raging on given the world first clears and a significant amount of controversy sparked by P8S’s first phase DPS check being extremely demanding.

Now people want a spicy point, if you want to know what I’d be looking at if you aren’t meeting DPS checks? Get your caster DPS on black mage, get your ranged physical DPS on dancer– the numbers indicate that’s more relevant than the quit warrior reroll gunbreaker memes.

But before people say I’m a servant to the meta hang on…

I’ll be direct, unless you are going for a week first clear of the entire savage tier it’s pretty pointless to fixate on this and that’s unfortunate because I see a lot of even more casual raid groups or independent raiders in PF swear by the current statistical makeup of P8S clears.

But that’s nonsense. By the time the incredible majority of groups get to this door boss they will have weeks of upgrades which I’d agree, one single ring and maybe a helmet from tomestones isn’t going to add up that much personally– but spread across an entire party of 8 people those bonuses will add up massively and

So for most groups, all of this should not be a concern at all.

What will make a difference is are the players in your group playing what they want to play, because if someone is playing something they intrinsically enjoy and love then they will care more and want to improve. Like telling a summoner or red mage enjoyer to just go black mage is, in everything outside of bleeding edge number crunching, absolutely ridiculous.

But let’s take a closer look at two examples that are near and dear to my heart. Sage versus Scholar, which one should you take? Which one am I taking into my own raiding, which has been totally a wild week so I’ve been thrown off my game, I’ll maybe talk about that in another video.

But according to clear data I should absolutely one hundred percent not ever play Sage. It’s got a quarter of the clears to Scholar, it’s clearly awful.

Or another one that’s making rounds is warrior is unplayable trash and you should play gunbreaker or quit. Look at how close the numbers are for warrior and gunbreaker, if this is the difference between clearing or not you have way bigger problems. This is a 100DPS difference and has been way overblown to the point anyone looking at the numbers should raise an eyebrow.

Moving on, I can make a ton of different reasons why each of these are exceptionally strong in their niche, such as continuing sage versus Scholar; Sage is a cognitive decision I’ve made weighing pros and cons and what I personally prefer– worth it’s own discussion I’ll do tomorrow.

But take the utility of having haima as it’s own separate tank cooldown that soaks up the bleed tankbusters we’re seeing this tier, that’s separate from the powerful area of effect cooldown panhaima. Scholar cannot split it’s Seraph fairy into two skills.

More examples from there.

But Scholar’s expedient is undeniable, among other benefits like a bard and warrior can supercharge it’s shield to be absolutely gigantic and delete mechanics. So Scholar isn’t without pros too.

Moving on, the point is too many people are looking at the raw hard data of extremely early clears and extrapolating it to infinity and beyond.

Now if you want the jobs I think that are in the toughest spot right now I’d put my money on machinist and paladin. But both of those jobs also do have and handful of clears already so even that’s dumb for me to say.

Machinist’s problem remains exactly the same as before, no utility, no mobility and it’s damage is not good when compared to the others that do bring utility and mobility.


14 thoughts on “FFXIV Dawntrail Job Tier List – ALL JOBS AT 100!”

  1. TO BE CLEAR: This is a personal tier list and this isn't a numerical analysis video. I'm not doing one of those meme "effectiveness" videos. Where frankly I'd say play what you want and enjoy and who cares cause FFXIV really is super balanced. Sure warrior has an advantage in dungeons over dark knight but come on don't say a dark knight that uses cooldowns can't do dungeons lol. Play what you want!

  2. Damn guys I'm still so defeated going to that furry convention and just… not fitting in. Like NGL I fit in no where and shit feels so bad. I just wanted friends I wanted a reason to stick around in this world. Damn, I'm running out of gas. I'm so demoralized. Everything is on fire since I lost my fiance. I don't have any reason to even stick around. I'm so broken

  3. As much as I hate the black mage changes, I still find the job most fun.
    Overall not impressed with how they focus on flipping 2-min buff buttons into new buttons, especially if it's an ogcd, feels cheap and hollow to me.

  4. Paladin is actually my favorite tank and I agree with you on the fact that gun breaker is my least favorite. I'm actually curious your reasoning for not being as big of a fan as paladin. I really do like Warrior and Dark Knight, though. Just not as much as paladin, I'd have warrior and dark knight in A tier

  5. Bro I've levelled/geared every tank to 100 and DK is by far my favourite. Had zero issues in the expert dungeons with it as well, plays so nicely. Simple, but weighty and functional. Not sure what people are complaining about.

  6. I too miss ShB SMN for the very little I did play it. I don't think you can deny the popularity of SMN because
    a. it's really flashy and for people who care about looking cool on screen it fits the fantasy
    b. if doing hard content in this game is like walking and chewing gum then playing smn allows you do only have to do one of those things.

  7. I'm so happy with the Dragoon rework for DT. Making Geirskogul throw you into life of the dragon and not relying on mirage dives to open the dragon eye is so satisfying.
    Now Dragoon has closer potency and damage in the opener to the other melee DPS.

  8. I mean… Blackmage is just a really hard sell. If you look at the first Extreme (3 weeks worth of numbers, so got a decent amount of people by now) it's doing less dmg than RDM unless you're parsing orange or better. On the 2nd extreme it's slightly ahead of RDM. So let's say BLM does roughly same dmg as RDM overall depending on fight etc. Again if you're parsing 95+ or better you can make it work but that's not a lot of people and if you're in the lower 50% (which is still 50% of the raiding population, duh!!) you're probably doing less dmg than a RDM of similar skill.
    As much as I love the job there's just no reason for me to even consider it right now with how much of a grief it is to bring a BLM as of now. Why would i bring a job that has no utility, is significantly harder to play and has way more risk of imploding and doing no dmg when I could just do RDM, be super mobile, super reliable because easy to play and be able to contribute with extra mitigation & 5+ rezes per fight
    … and then BLM is just complete ass to play on top of that

  9. Picked bard back up after being gone for a year and damn i forgot how clunky it feels. And you are right, adding the extra buttons this expansion felt unnecessary. Making it feel busier during burst tbh. Still trying to find a flow with it.

    Viper absolutely became my favorite this expansion and im prioritizing it above all else. Then focusing on Paladin. Paladin is fine, but it doesnt feel as rewarding for some reason. I may level up my warrior to 100 since a lot of people are saying its really fun this expansion

  10. "Oh you picked the easy job"
    Vipers not easy, I even watched how to set up the hot bar
    I still have no idea how to play it, I've watched your guide and other guides, I still have no idea how to play it
    My boyfriend explained it to me

  11. I'd say that vpr is more "simple" than "easy," which is not quite the same thing. The speed alone makes it plenty difficult for average players–and we've already had people want vpr to made easier by removing positionals!


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