FFXIV: Controller Targeting from Zero to Hero | Welcome Xbox Players!! 🎮

Final Fantasy 14 controller targeting can feel daunting at first, but with a knowledge boost and some practice, it will feel natural in no time. This guide will walk you through learning the basics and up to advanced techniques. This applies to the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X|S.

00:00 Intro
00:21 Camera Zoom & Confirm Targeting
00:58 “Tab” Targeting
01:57 Party Targeting
02:08 Hard vs Soft Targeting
03:02 Enmity/Aggro List Targeting
03:22 Alliance Targeting
03:46 Filter Targeting
05:11 Focus Targeting
06:09 Auto-Targeting
06:47 Ground Targeting
07:17 Thanks for Watching!


4 thoughts on “FFXIV: Controller Targeting from Zero to Hero | Welcome Xbox Players!! 🎮”

  1. The most important thing. Don't expect to learn all those in a hour. Need patience and time. Then you see how expert tou become. I play with controller almost 18k hours and i can play any content in the game. From easiest to Harden. So if someone tell tou can't play hard content with controller, is a lie.

  2. One more tip I often dont see people mention: You can actually assign macros to your l3 and r3 buttons in the settings! I have my l3 set to focus target and r3 as target of my target which are handy to cycle between mts and bosses.


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