FFXIV Community is Upset at Asmongold's Return Streams

Asmongold has returned to playing Final Fantasy XIV and some have expressed that they are upset with his MSQ Streams, let’s talk about why this is happening. Source Video on: @Asmongold TV
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30 thoughts on “FFXIV Community is Upset at Asmongold's Return Streams”

  1. The man can and should play anything he wants, it’s his stream.

    By his own admission he’s “anxious and irritable” but takes the time to doomscroll and read all the negative posts about him. It’s not healthy. 😐

  2. Here’s the drama boiled down ok
    He said he was gonna play it
    McConnell gets on insults the community and game STALLS HIM
    Then says sorry guys 5 hours if your time wasted
    That’s it

  3. I never understood his allure. He isn’t particularly funny either, everyone can do what they want on their stream but we also can opine how we want. Asmon sucks and uses bait tactics to up his views. His mother’s death was avoidable but apparently it makes for great content.
    That aside, I think you analyzed this situation well and definitely expressed it much more eloquently than I could. Thanks again for a great vid Brian enjoy your view!

  4. The only contradiction I see with people who side with Asmon in this case is that they say, why would he cater to the lower percent of his viewers, meaning FF fans. If its lower percent of his viewers how did they even get visible in the flood that is his usual chat? Something does not add up. To me, he knew this would make drama and he just picked out 1 person's comment and now is just milking it. Just like how he knows when he clickbaits people. As he does this with literal everything on his youtube videos. No surprise at all. Just chill and dont watch him if you dont want to.

  5. Asmon mismanaged the expectations on his streams. There are definitely knuckleheads in his audience that are acting out, but he is far from blameless because of how he is managing expectations.

    To illustrate, he makes a youtube video that announces that he's going to play FF14. He mentions it in his streams daily that he's going to play. The second day "back" he labels his stream "BIG DAY–FF14 MSQ CONTINUES"….and he spent all day being react andy into allcraft. I get his argument that if he doesn't want to do something he's not going to, but he had just finished building hype for a week and then set expectations for that stream.

    It's fine if he wants to play, and it's fine if he doesn't want to play. I'm also going to mention here that if you don't like someone's content then go somewhere else, or watch the vod later to skip the parts you don't want to see. But having said all that he built the hype, he set the expectations, and he's upset when his viewers were frustrated when he didn't come close to meeting the expectations he set.

  6. I stated this in response to his clip video complaining about members of the FFXIV community and I will say this here:

    It’s not rocket science why he’s getting shit on right now. He advertises that he’s going to do something, and then he doesn’t do it. It’s really that simple, and I genuinely don’t understand why so many of his fans feel the need to infantilize the guy.

    It is absolutely his stream, he absolutely has the right to do what he wants on it but Zach is a grown man. He owns his own company. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that he clearly communicate how he’s going to spend his time streaming. If that means only playing for two hours, then say as much, and stick to a schedule.

    If any other streamer did what he’s done, their respective audiences would torch them and they would have earned it.

    If/when he does play the game, I genuinely he enjoys himself but in the meantime I’ve decided to spend my time and energy elsewhere. I’m not interested in wasting my time watching someone shit on his audience because he doesn’t care about how they spend their time. It’s why I stopped watching Pyro, and it’s why I’ve stopped watching him.

  7. If there are 40,000 people watching his stream and therr are 100 people in chat shrieking "FFXIV WHEN!" That's only 0.25% of his current viewers being chodes. Maybe he should start looking at it that way. When the bad actors make up only 1/4th of a single percentage point of your audience, is it really worth listening to them?
    I know he says that he didn't have this issue with other games but he certainly does. He just doesn't notice as often because they aren't spamming posts on his reddit and keep their cringe to the fast moving twitch chat wall.

  8. And then there are boomers like me that still don't see the appeal of watching gaming/reaction streams. I gave it a honest try last year. Did not stick.
    I'll watch some clips here and there, but no more.

  9. I’ve watched 8 streamers finish their FFXIV MSQ journeys from start to finish ARR to EW. Some were bumpy roads but let’s be honest here. People are WAY TOO INVESTED in this stuff. If a streamer is gonna stream it or not that’s on them, but people blowing shit even more out of proportions by acting like children and complaining about it. Like y’all need to look in a mirror and grow up. Even if he’s blatantly lying or whatever, y’all need to be mature enough to hold yourself and your emotions in check over your investment on these peoples real lives that just play video games all day. Parasocial andies making this game worse to watch every day, legitimately. Stay in your own lane and either enjoy the content or don’t. Ain’t no one forcing you to stay in the chat room and feed a paragraph on why the streamer is wrong.

  10. Honestly I don’t know how Amonsgold, or any other content creator, be it on YouTube or Twitch, with 50k to 100k people in a chat, can handle seeing text fly by the side of their screen and actually maintain something akin to a conversation. Just trying to keep up makes me nauseous! As for the actual content. He’s Asmongold. I’m not a fan myself, but I know enough to think he’s more then gained the right to do his work as he wishes. The time to cater to his ‘fans’ has passed. Unless he does something, horrific, or shocking to the communities, his subscribers aren’t going anywhere. I could be wrong of course. Either way, it’s not a subject that will actually hold my attention. Interesting video Brian. Thank you. 👍

  11. Yep 14 saga lasted too long. I'm drinking Pepsi and raging at Street Fighter 2 A.I so I dropped by to watch Youtube. FF14 community is silly, too much of a strong opinion and trying to impose it on others. It's the case at times as well even among out community, unfortunately.

    But at the end of day, FF14 is something personal to Asmon to play. Doing story isn't his forte and he said it multiple times. He likes to jump into action and just have fun, which is something most of the other games allow. MSQ is easy content for a Streamer, so there's point to rush it. Because let's be honest, most big FF14 streamers from what I seen, does a lot of video react and pep talk because reality is just playing FF14 on stream does get boring and not very entertaining for viewers.

    I get the enthusiasm of some players, most of FF14 nowdays are ex wow players I assume, the amount of time I saw sprouts saying they from wow in the 4-3 years as been crazy, so I can see why they want their "boy asmon" to play with them the same game and sharing same passion. But reality is Asmon just does what he likes, and if FF14 isn't fun for him because of the MSQ, yeah stream going to be delayed. I think people should just respect it, having an army of followers in the game constantly surely must be annoying as well, all the back seating. So yeah I think people should just let Asmon have fun and mind their own business a bit more.

    This current issue he deals with, is pretty much the same in-game anyways, the FF14 (While not everyone, but majority) needs to chill down, in my honest opinion. Because for fact I can say it's not veteran players who act like or make such loud talk. It's the newcomers we've had. Anyways, it's okay to enjoy playing other games, don't have to play FF14 everyday, there's nothing to do every days anyways unless you go do that ERP constantly or really worried you won't be able to finish your beast tribe rep in 30 days….lol. Yeah I'm with Asmon on that one.

  12. I am ok with him doing what he want. But he should state it clearly at least in the title. People waited for hours and there is no content or not enough that was advertised at all, that is his fault, and he is trying to make as if he has nothing to do with it.
    Of course there are trolls in the chat, and probably real fans who are somehow toxic(i do believe fans like this is the minority in ffxiv community). Imagine my time 11pm he starts streaming, and i waited till 4am and he is reacting content (which i am not interested in, my region is too different from his, different culture etc, and i cant share his opinion alot).
    Think this another way. Asmongold is a streamer, stream is his merchandise. No one wants to queue for hours and did not get the same thing from the advertisement. Almost everyone will be unhappy with the situation. This is common sense.
    As for toxicity in his chat, isnt that a normal thing no matter what he is doing? Isnt it because FFxiv is the enemy of "most" of his community, therefore get lashed out even though the same situation happens in other games he advertised and failed to deliver too?

  13. I'm sorry, but NO, not everyone is sitting around crying to see the next A$$mon video! OMG, can't he just Go Away! I'm so tired of hearing about him and his Name! Every time it's mentioned my feed is just crammed with his videos as suggestions even though I keep telling YT I don't want them and have him blocked… 😮‍💨 And that's really what you think Brian, he is single handedly responsible for making XIV as big as it is? That's really nice to know you think so little of XIV that it couldn't have gotten there on it's own… Wow, no wonder his ego is so over inflated when he's even got YT creators that originated as XIV creators kissing his A$$mon like it's made of gold, trying to get even more subscribers just by bringing up his name to get their videos associated with his… I always check my subscriptions on YT as soon as I get up everyday to see what my favorite XIV content creator has posted and today, knowing that I'm only going to get one video, I can honestly say I'm thoroughly disappointed…

  14. Long post incoming:

    To be frank, I think the last week was an exercise in how NOT to handle a big content draw, in almost every way, where no one came out of it looking good.

    Asmon hyped up a big return to something he was well aware that people were excited for a LONG time for, then proceeded to barely touch it the entire week, even outright not playing it last Thursday despite putting it in the title of his stream, and blamed everyone but himself for their frustration.

    The FF community, in typical FF community fashion, let their excitement turn into overbearance, letting what may have been good reason to be frustrated turn into a complete shitstorm because they hadn't realized that Asmon no longer streams the same way he did when he first started FF.

    And a bunch of trolls from 4chan and general Twitch chat smelled blood in the water and did everything in their power to piss Asmon off, after Asmon gave them a play-by-play instruction book on how to get him to stop playing something, because they thought they could get him to quit a game they viewed as the enemy.

    All of this has resulted in a situation where Asmon has become disillusioned with a game and its community, while that community feels singled out and alienated by Asmon himself. Frankly, the only people that came out of this on top… were the trolls and spergs, who got exactly what they wanted.

    I think there's a lot of people in the FF community trying to shirk off some of the blame (while I completely believe there were a LOT of trolls pretending to be FF fans to piss Asmon off, I also believe a lot of genuine FF fans let their excitement get the better of them), and I also think there's a lot of Asmon being disingenuous with his own role in all of this spiralling out of control. He could have changed the title. He could have just ignored it. He didn't. He chose to address it, and he chose to single out the FF community for things that his fanbase had been doing WELL before FF14 returned. I don't blame those members of the community for feeling singled out and scapegoated, and I don't blame them for feeling like they're not welcome in Asmon's streams.

    As for the FF community, sure, you can be frustrated about investing hours in a stream and not getting what was advertised, and it's okay to vocalize those complaints, but streaming is a two-way street. Asmon doesn't owe you anything, and he has no reason to cater to your wants. He is not your friend, just like no Twitch streamer is your friend. By the same token, you don't owe Asmon anything either. Don't like his content? Unfollow him, or unsub, or just watch someone who IS providing the content you want. Move on and be happy.

    Now he did apologize for letting himself get personally invested in this whole situation which undoubtedly made things worse. I still don't think he fully grasps his own responsibility in the situation, but nonetheless, it was appreciated. But all in all, there are only a few ways this could have gone worse, which sucks for what was undoubtedly one of his most anticipated games to return to.

    TLDR: People shot themselves in the foot so many times that they ran out of feet to shoot and moved on to the hands.

  15. Note, this is an Asmongold community problem, not a FF14 community problem. He inflicted this problem on himself by being misleading and hyping everyone up. I.E. don't say you are going to play a game on the title of the stream and don't (or spend 3/4 of the stream doing react content).

    BTW, he used to not do 6 hour 'intros' to his stream. It used to be much shorter and has grown to be that length after the Johnny Depp trial.

  16. As it comes to MMO’s I enjoy ffxiv it’s the one that I log into most. And played wow, swtor, Tera, lost ark, new world and Star Trek online. I find different things I enjoy about all of them and honestly content creators should be able to stream the way they want

  17. The community really doesn't care about Asmongold returning or not, this whole drama is entirely made by his own community. Please don't lump us with those trolls.

  18. I really dunno why this is being overcomplicated so much I dunno whether it's just Asmon being extremely immature and out of touch with normal people ( as well as lots of Streamers defending him, not like they'll risk criticizing him or want to deal with that hate that would come their way tho ).
    The fact that he's just refusing to edit his title or even just say '' sorry guys, there won't be any FFXIV today Allcraft is starting in an hour '' as like some weird act of spite is just ridiculous.
    He's legit acting like a child who just refuses to do something very reasonable asked of them just because he doesn't want to do what someone says.
    It really shouldn't be that hard to understand that wasting 6 hours of someones time based on a false promise when you clearly knew it wasn't going to happen is bad and not okay.
    It's easy for the Streamer to shrug it off especially when they Stream for a living because they literally get paid for it.
    But to the viewers actually sitting there for 6 hours is a pretty huge deal, that's a very large time-investement based on a lie or just because of the laziness or some weird childish mentality of the Streamer.

    This is how it works in literally every other aspect of life, if you promise something and then never tell someone that it won't happen even when given a billion chances to do so people will get upset with you.
    It's completely reasonable and a normal reaction to be disappointed and upset.
    Not to say some can't overreact but there's so much gaslighting going on here where anyone who got upset about it are treated like some lunatic and people are only viewing it from the pov of Streamers.
    Peoples free time is very valuable, not everyone can be fortunate enought to Stream video games or react content for a living.
    When people are investing their free time to tune in the least Streamers can do is be a tad honest and respect their time enough to inform them, especially when they rely entirely on the viewers to even make a living to begin with.

  19. All of this drama about what Asmon does or doesn't do on his stream is why I prefer his YT uploads, but even then you still have people complaining on his Reddit and in his Twitch chat about those titles being clickbait….even though he's said numerous times the titles are all on his editors.

    I understand he "baited" stream chat and overhyped his return to the game, but people's reaction to him not "holding up his end of the bargain" has literally been like watching thousands of toddlers having a fit because the streamer isn't doing what THEY want RIGHT NOW. Which in turn is just turning into more stupid drama for him to spend hours commenting about to on stream and therefore, not actually playing <insert game here>. And if he doesn't end up streaming a game at all…then they complain that his editors only upload reacts instead of gameplay.

    He shouldn't bait people, and in turn his community shouldn't be whipping themselves into a frenzy because of bad actors (be it legit FF people throwing fits or trolls) just pouring gasoline on the fire. It goes both ways.

  20. He needs to play FF14 the way he wants to. Or do w/e he wants to talk about or play other video games. If people don't like it then watch someone else. I watch him a few times here and there and I have rolled my eyes 🙄 towards what he says lol however he can criticize the game or the community, I always criticize it to so they can stay mad or just play the game they'll get over it.

  21. I’m from Australia so when I do tune into Asmon I usually end up falling asleep before he starts playing but it’s whatever I don’t really talk in twitch chat though
    I’ll eventually watch the YouTube clips I personally skipped the story so I enjoy his playthough specifically


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