After the 50th wipe #ffxiv #shorts

It’s me. I’m the dps. I’m scared to do savage again. 🥲. Sorry for the bad quality. Most of these shorts are close to a year old. Some were even recorded by my phone like this one. (Original audio source???)


My #ffxiv #shorts can be found in other platforms:

Twitter: @SavageHyuRa
Tiktok: @savagehyura
Instagram: savagehyura
Facebook: Aether Wallace

$Tips$: Venmo: @ Aether-Wallace
(no pressure).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2021 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


23 thoughts on “After the 50th wipe #ffxiv #shorts”

  1. As a dps and tank main for the majority of my 17 year mmo rpg career, I feel really embarrassed when I see dps fuck up the simplest plans, like c'mon dudes it's not that hard to follow a simple plan, yeah I know it's difficult to adjust with a juggly rotation while maintaining optimum dps upkeep but it really does not hurt to stop dps'ing for 10 seconds to adjust for mechanics you as a dps are suppose to do else the raid wipes, keeping the group alive is the best dps upkeep not just your rotations. "But muh dps" is not a valid excuse either for being greedy and selfish. Greed and selfishness does not help the group and it most certainly does not help clear the fight.

  2. One of my dnd part members posted this in our discord with the message 'literally us' cus no matter how much we plan one of the chaotic members does something to fuck up plan a

  3. I think one of my most embarrassing mistake,even though it didn't end with a wipe, was going into gpose instead of hitting healer LB3. Luckily I got out in time and did it but it was so so embarrassing and funny

  4. My most recent sprout mistake: Ninja LB on Haukke Manor (Hard) boss instead of the add, and somehow the healer and tank lived through it's party wipe attack so we cheesed the boss it but i felt like the biggest fuck up ever, specially when the others had explained to me what to do and counted on me.

    The group was cool about it, but maaaaaaaaannn…..


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