My opinion on the ffxiv community and Lost Ark debates.
Check out these links below if you wanna catch me!
I am losing subs for this. “¯_(ツ)_/¯“
You're a weirdo for liking string cheese with ketchup.
Rai is gonna like this comment cuz he loves me and none of u weird freaks
Extremely funny how a part of the xiv community rags on people stuck in wow because they refuse to try a different game also refuse to try a different game
"great community btw"
This is precisely why i don't interact with the communuty much, since its all a circle jerk of fake faces. I enjoy my time in FF14 with my close peeps and FC. I also play other games when i got time so its tragic some people think that you only can play FF14 to be a "true fan". Really pains me to hear your experience and I wish i dont ever get hit with that in the near future…
As long as you give a not evil or toxic opinion, its ok. But that Ban is not ok
wow, people are idiots. I also watched an FFXIV twitch streamer bad-mouth lost ark… it's like dude get a life… how did FFXIV win the best community again?
I've always generally disliked the community of FFXIV. Love the game a lot but the community annoying as hell. Any MMO community really. It's why I need friends to motivate me to play them more
I feel like people evangelize this game way too much and act like it’s the perfect game without any flaws whatsoever. This game is definitely not perfect and has plenty of problems
FF14 community is gotten more toxic now that it won "best community" award on the VGA last year
absolutely bay zed video
In all seriousness, thank you for making this video and putting these issues to light. This problem within the community is apparent but hardly talked about. Not a lot of content creators (or players in general) are brave enough to talk about these underlying issues for the ffxiv community because of possible backlash. The fake toxic positivity and echo chamber elitist mentality are spot on. As well as, entitled elitists telling others how this game should be played, plus the guilt tripping and passive aggression that ensues if it's not how they want it to be.
It's so wild on paper but unfortunately all of this is true for certain individuals and clique groups in this portion of the community. It sounds ridiculous but any long time player of xiv, I can almost guarantee must've at least have one experience of something like this happening. Having to deal with these fake positivity and other things mentioned honestly makes me less inclined to play final fantasy. I'm hoping the toxic side of the community changes for the better in the future, or at the very least, lesser people adopt this kind of behaviour.
Is this an NA issue? I've either been lucky or haven't seen much in EU.
Not that I disagree, I've seen lots of players online constantly comparing FF to other games, and pointlessly. But never seen them in game.
After watching the first 2:30 I would like to actuslly say, go watch the FFXIV Social Hierarchy video from Misshapen Chair and thays not some sort of "your opinion is invalid" thing. Nah man I heard the rant about the whole toxic players shitting on other mmos and the people who always say "yoshi p says we can stay unsubbed", watch the video it mentions both those player groups trust me
Misshapen says its a shitpost but honestly I think it's pretty damn fuckin accurate in some cases
Separate rant in another comment
…and then there are ppl like me who just want to enjoy different games with their friends. I'm a WoW refugee who plays FFXIV but plays other MMORPGs, too. Will test Lost Ark, too, when Europe Queues calmed down.
I'm not gonna talk sh*t about WoW, Lost Ark, PSO etc. or put FFXIV on an altar praying at it.
I just want to enjoy games after end of work and let others play what they want😅 There are toxic ppl in every game. I saw certain people who spammed a certain discord server with tons of FFXIV players in it about how dog sh*t (and worse) FFXIV is. After playing one hour Lost Ark.
And I didn't see anyone who said Lost Ark is bad in FFXIV – maybe it's just on NA servers😅
My FC/"my" communities play LA, too and it's okay for me. FF is not the only game in the world xD
And the YoshiP comment about pausing the subscription wasn't to tell you that you're allowed to leave and come back later.
He just said that the game is designed that you don't miss anything when you're back.
As someone who's played Lost ark and put 57 hours into it within the span of 4-6 days, I absolutely fucking love the game. Rapport system is a dating sim and nothing can convince me otherwise, and honestly I don't mind the grind in Lost Ark because I play several other games on the side that are also Korean grind games (mobile games all three of them). I literally live in Frontlines, it's where I grind out most of my levels and generally it's just mindless murder (if you see a person in full metallic purple on Crystal Frontlines it's probably me).
I don't understand why some FFXIV people shit on other MMOs in general (WoW is a 50/50 subject for me since I actually played it for a small time period). ARR was a hell of a grind, Stormblood was my life because Xaela lore but thats me, and I've sat in diadem for 3 days straight back when it was new because fuck it why not right?
Personally I've stopped with Lost Ark because I don't really understand the systems and trying to balance learning the whole of endgame Lost Ark as well as keeping up with my static in FFXIV. 57 hours and I hit level 50 in Lost Ark, then made a bunch of alts because character creator is nice asf and just went back to FFXIV. As a general MMO lover I think both games are good and bad in equal measure. A lot of my FFXIV friends play lost ark mostly now and I wish them all the best. I love watching your lost ark videos because it lets me see the things that I have personally chosen not to make time for. I wholly admit that if I stopped trying to max every class I had maxed in Shadowbringers and played Lost Ark I could probably be in at least T2 content by the first week of April. Do I want to? Not particularly, I'm fine with where I ended. Will I mayhaps come back with an alt of sorts that may end up being my main? It's highly likely, and in fact that's probably what I'll do. It'll take me time and effort, but that's what makes it fun. I don't play MMOs to log on for 30 minutes, get my shit done, and leave, I'm here to spend my time on the game.
Y'alls opinion matters, it's valid and you should hold your heads high. And istfg if I see another toxic fuck I'm gonna slap them with my SMN book so hard they'll be teleported to the resting place of every sewer rat that's ever lived (no offense Hippokampos, we love you)
Personally, I think this is based. However, good luck when the hardcores show up. It's a crying shame some people can't be a fan of something without making it their personality and taking everything so damn personally. Fandoms ruin everything and make shitting on everything a valid take because liking something makes you part of the toxicity. FFS, how did we get here? I just wanna like stuff.
Finally, someone else calls out this kind of stuff outside of niche Discords and circlejerk subreddits.
As someone who has experience with P2W games, trust me, they'll all die off over time. The South Korean MMO P2W model is doomed to failure. Comparatively speaking, there is a huge difference between FFXIV cash shop model and Lost Ark. To treat them as equal, is a mistake.
Also, someone standing in town talking about another game, trash or otherwise… doesn't mean they aren't playing the game at other times. I think it is a bit arrogant to assume you know everything they are doing all of the time 😛
For me the worst place is ff xiv subreddit. Impossible to have the slightest discussion, the slightest debate, they thoroughly downvote any subject that criticizes the game. Any post need to be nice, kind and stuff. As my friends from wow have always told me, ff xiv has a very care bears community, all rainbows and lollipops…
However, I played this game years and never had any problems what so ever ingame with the community. But ff xiv forum & ff xiv reddit are for sure toxic.
No other way to word it, there's a lot of mentally challenged people in this game.
People should just be allowed to enjoy whatever they want to play. For myself, I am not interested in Lost Ark in the slightest, which already starts with the isometric camera, but I have fun playing FF every day, despite the content drought, because for me it doesn't even feel like one because there is so much stuff in the game that I haven't even tried yet. I started in SHB, for reference. None of my friends log in regularly anymore, and while I will admit that it is kind of depressing, it's not that big of a deal overall. None of them play Lost Ark either, but even if they did it wouldn't make a difference to me, and shouldn't make one to anyone else. My friends will probably, maybe come back in the future, for 6.1 for example, but even if they don't that's fine.
This community is full of insecure people who believe that the game they play defines them: FF has a rep for having a great community (because no one ever seems to bring up the prevalent toxic positivity that you encounter everywhere in the game), so maybe they think that they will, by association, be seen as great people. Then again, other communities have similar pockets, it's just that in FF it's definitely the most prevalent mindset.
TLDR play what you want, and don't bother other people with your shit opinions about how great or bad other games are. No one cares.
I feel like ff14 playerbase has a lot of ppl who stopped enjoying video games but can't admit it
To be fair though, if the tank is not comfortable with you wall to wall pulling then just don't do it, especially after he's told you so. Him saying it triggers his anxiety is kinda dumb, true, but still. Other than that, I personally didn't have any of those experiences myself after two years of playing, but I see the problem of elitism within the community.
I'm a pretty big fan of the game, but to say that the game is flawless is a massive exaggeration. Just for example, two years later and I still get mad over getting potentially killed by an AoE that I've walked out of almost a second ago because of tick rates. Why are they so bad in a game that is practically based on positioning? I don't know.
I think the main reason for elitism is because people get extremely attached to the game, be it through story, music or otherwise and as such they have a need to defend it at all costs. I've already said that I'm a fan of the game, it's even my favourite. But even your favourite thing of anything can and will not be flawless, and that's completely okay.
On a final note, why do people even compare FF14 and LA in the first place? Last time I've logged on LA it wasn't tab-target…
You can play other games and mmo's. I've been playing gw2 lately cause the new expansion is out. And there is going to be about a month till we get more content.
i’ve only had one or two experiences like this and i definitely have seen it around in other places… ffxiv is my favorite game ever and it sucks to see shit like this. it seems like all this popularity lately got to a lot of people’s heads. it’s not hard to keep an open mind and just let people play what they want. it’s a vocal minority for sure but one that’s hard to ignore
I rather play Elden ring and that's not even a MMORPG, FFXLV stopped being fun long time ago for me and the community has some weird psychos trying to dox content creators because they share a different opinion about the game.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had issues with this "positive" community of ff14, I told my fc I was gonna take a break and play NGS and they completely cut contact with me and kicked me from the group, it was an eye opener and I never really realized the toxicity in the community was as bad as this. But thanks for taking a risk here and outing the shitty side of this community
As a FT player of FF, I don't really see a point to immersing myself into the community as much as others, nor will I find myself playing WoW or Lost Ark any time soon, my take is that comparing games by portraying FFXIV as the ideal makes every other game become a failure. If it's not exactly like FFXIV, it's another game – that's the point. Other companies can produce their games as they see fit.
Communities for any MMO is made up of people, and wherever there's enough people, no matter how pleasant it looks on the surface, there will be some kind of abhorrent behaviour underneath. In FFXIV's case, the elitism, tribalism and general hivemind antics are the faults that lie beneath
I'm glad there's more creators who speak up about this community. Ff14 positivity is based around nannying and carrying players who can't take care of themselves. They are the type to crucify everyone else before taking accountability. They no life somehow with no content, and murder anyone in a non PvP environment for a sense of superiority. One of my worst times was joining an "exp o12s" pfinder and 4 of the players who joined openly said "sorry first time" after first wipe. I even took the time to link a video guide which they didn't care to watch, called them out on wanting to be carried and was attacked by the party host saying I was the reason players can't enjoy content. Subsequently left and made my own pfinder with the clear tick checked and got it done. Another time I joined a daily 50/60/70 and the tank didn't have stance on and forcibly got me killed twice, I told him both times to stance on and then both he AND the healer snapped back at me saying "don't stand in the aoe idiot", "stop running next to him". The alt DPS stayed quiet and I took the penalty on leaving the group. Honestly can't stand the FF community in many ways. Lost ark has a stronger "don't be shit" mentality, and it's refreshing. Even with the pay2progress systems, if you're bad you'll be the clear culprit of the failure and people WILL notice you failing.
7 minute rant of a boy finding society. It’s not any particular community, it’s the human condition as a whole. While some cultures deal with it differently all suffer. You acknowledging it gives it credence.
As for the mmos themselves they’re night and day, one is a freemium Korean mmo and the other is a buy/sub Japanese mmo influenced by western mmos. While Korea makes some good products I’d say their mmo market as a whole is more inclined towards char building and micro transactions. The latter being generally required and needs significant investment, far outside the realms of your typical gamer.
It’s really simple. The people that claim to want all this diversity and inclusion are some of the most intolerant and unaccepting people you will ever meet.
Maybe a bit unrelated, but I always look up guides and have panic before a dungeon or trial in ffxiv. In general the community feels quite non toxic but when you screw up you instantly feel judged or get silence treatment by the group haha so makes me always so nervous before i enter a dungeon etc.
Elitist are gross, and just simply pushes people away from the product.
If you enjoy a single game, more power to you. But being toxic towards others because they play different games is on another level.
People these days are just simply losing their minds.
There is something disturbing in the FF community as I've already gotten banned on a telegram group without notification. I spent over 3 years trying join a group of FF enjoyers, but there is some part of the community who will willingly try to sabotage others because they would rather only have people saying exactly what they want. Ever since then I've stopped enjoying the game as much and I don't know what to do with this group.
I enjoy listening your opinion i really do believe honestly others should stop focusing on what other people are playing.
Honestly, hearing about the community again being like this, yeah there's good things but man do people get annoying when they are toxic like this tbh. It makes me glad I play on my It's just always something it seems though. As for that racial slurs clip…this is exactly why I don't talk to people I DO NOT KNOW, it's sad but it's just how I play at this point. I've run into a fair share of people that are exactly like that clip and it's disappointing.
Idk man, making blanket statements like “ffxiv has the most toxic players” is flat out untrue. Every single person is toxic? Really? Yes, there’s a group of players who are toxic. But it’s smaller than you’d think. I’m sorry your few interactions have been bad, but that doesn’t encompass the entire experience.
I have no interest in the Lost ark, but yeah the Final fantasy community can be problematic. I honestly get annoyed at people policing others for what race they play or the glamour they use.
So much for winning best community
I kinda want to check out Lost Ark out but after watching asmongold's criticisms feel kinda put off in regards to the brutal failure rate of trying to reach 1370 with little to nothing to do during the 1330 free to play transition once dailies dry up. There are also mysterious alleged banning occurring which have me paranoid to invest even the shortest amount of time trying to play the game.
It feels like I am better off firing up the old Maplestory as that might be the closest comparison in terms of seeing failure to progress the stats bar, automated moderation systems, and iffy customer support.
Should I give it a try or wait till Asmongold makes a video that states everything is fixed?
Im thankful I've been able to find friends in FFXIV who actually have a balanced view of the game and don't pedestalize it over other MMOs. From my experience, I feel like veterans who joined during ARR/HW are more willing to criticize the game because they stuck with it longer and can see all the cracks, while also having experienced disappointment from newer gameplay changes. A lot of the evangelist-types seem to still feel the high and excitement from all the content they found "good compared to their previous MMO" but aren't used to it being the status quo. It's why I get really jaded about former WoW content creators hyping up stuff in the game I felt could still be improved. I'm glad WoW refugees are having fun, but their viewpoint is incredibly skewered because they're gauging how good FFXIV in proximity to how bad WoW is and not on its own merit.
I'm personally not interested in Lost Ark because I'm not a fan of the isometric viewpoint or most MMOs in general. However I do like to play GW2 and a bunch of single player games during content droughts. I rlly hate when people try to "objectively" compare 2 different games and act like one existing completely invalidates the other, everyone has different preferences and its possible to enjoy both for completely different reasons. Even if you sincerely hate one game that doesn't mean others shouldn't enjoy it, let ppl have fun. Overall, brand loyalty is just stupid, while the FFXIV devs are respectful to the playerbase as a whole, the game is never gonna return the love of every individual player personally. You already give to them by paying your sub and playing the game, theres no need to grovel at the devs feet and needlessly defend every decision they make or act like theres nothing else worth playing. And to those who seriously can't find anything else to play and are still AFKing in Limsa; idk maybe use that time to invest in a side hobby or finish whatever chores or project you were putting off.
Longtime Ff14 fan, since HW days. It's my first mmo since I liked the FF franchise (but never played FFXI, rip), and I thought it was the shit back then. Did different things from Diadem to Alex Savage, multiple classes leveled.
Years later, this still feels like home to me, but I'm open to trying others like GW2 (awesome world and exploration), Lost Ark, maybe WoW when it washes off its stain someday. Riots upcoming MMO. Maybe Witcher mmo if it'll be a thing?
I'm glad the devs designed the game so you can no-life it or take breaks, helps when I still want to grind relics/glam/mounts, etc but get burnt out sometimes. The longer patch cycles surely helps them take breathers too. Everyone wins?
Yea, unfortunate about mmo tribalism, 1 game andys… it's like stanning for your fav company or corporation goddamn
Hot take here, because I don't have time to argue with people on the internet but I'll throw my 2 cents since I like you guys.
1. People have WAY too much time on their hands. If you have enough time to host Twitter tribe battles over what different games is better than the other, you have too much time – channel that into doing something productive – or dare I say, doing something actually positive in their said "communities" – online and IRL alike. Make a positive impact, not a negative one. Plus… Just play whatever game you want / like. If you don't like it, just say you didn't like it / don't think it's your type of game and love on without having to take a dump on it – instead take a dump IRL with all that constipation you got going on…
2. People forgot compassion. What that means. Love is discrimination, as true love is loving and bringing on anyone despite who they are. You would be surprised how a person changes when they're overwhelmed with love, how they morph into looking more like a real human being – instead of both sides recycling toxicity and hate. I get it's the internet and it's easy forget the human presence behind the screen. I get you want to escape and be different online. But imagine if we are compassionate with each other online so we can make that "escape" more of a true positive escape. Be compassionate.
3. The "positive vibes only" communities have,unaware, turned into the most manipulative toxic communities. It's simply hive mind. If you don't match their mutated DNA, you're treated like filthy scum animal aliens. It ain't right, it needs compassion. And the reason why I don't try to reason or do anything is because I get enough of that manipulative narcissism from my parents – bitch please. I only have so much energy to go around not to be tainted from negative people. But alas, it's a change only set forthright by members of the community who are consistent to the change and upholding of compassion and positive impact in their respective communities.
Let's all roleplay in general chat in peace. If you are one of these people who are a negative impact/influence, I , with compassion, ask you to reflect and become what the community deserves most – good people having a good time.
English Speaking FFXIV is extremely toxic and real life issues from NA are reflected in the community. Everyone is a mentor and the best parser in the world. Also r@cists are rampant… I suspect a lot of the toxicity migrated trom WoW. Yet I can agree Lost Ark is not my thing.
ive been fighting the fanboys since those stupid videos saying wow copied ff14…. im not sure what happened to ff14 fanbase since late stormblood, but seems the toxicity has gotten out of hand. i remember a day back when you could join any party and literally everyone was super friendly and helpful, but i think the success of ff14 these past years drew in hella toxic people.
Thankfully those moments were far and few but I do feel that toxic positivity.